July 27·, 1928 WILMETTE LifE Stop that Itch Caused by Moth or Ivy Poisoning and Sunburn Do You Sing in Y~ur Bath? .<Jnit.l: a-tuh-do ,,·as made lJ\' lT this practice by a lady \\TJter 111 une uf the \\ 'otncn's .:\ fagazines and it \\'clS a ll very exciting and important and \ '1·:1\Y thri lli ng! . Very! . ~he. \\'l:nt 1 111 tu state that ~l i E did quite a bit of singlllg wl11k l1athing in ~P I TE of the fact that she had onh· a medium S·Jrt ui ,.(,ice and she \\·as \ 'ER Y decided ahot;t ht~\\' her singing in . ()n ·'s tuh showed a big, 11ne nature, all l lr, ,k · ·1 t1t in kindliness. thoughtfu lness and chari ty. -\11d thi . , all 111ay he so. I hope it is. , \.\'Y sing ing- that fn,m a -.:,nd lmr:-ting \\·ith happ iness ~OL.XDS ,L:'tHH]. en·n ii the.: -.,inger sin.~· ~ uff key. l \\'aS (~ lXC to -.:ay a ic\\' ",,rd..; tth()ut the imp<,rtanre of g-ood Bath ~a l t. J)u:--ting· l',,,,.(kr and ~()a!>" f~~r . rcalh· C()()l) sinuinu hut . · h h ' I rh, ,kl.:d ·1\lt that idt:a i1 ,r it ~l>lllHled 1:1ercenan· and J,u"illl ·, . . likv. ,, I'll not llll'lllitlll that 1ioint at all.., ( ~Clle Keep Cool During the Summer Months Gypsy Cream Will Give You Quick Relief rtlllll.: " AFTER with BATHING a rub An antiseptic lotion which has had extensive use and give n the most satisfactory res ults-ea.si ly applied. Try it as a relief for Heat Rash. Sunburn, Windburn. and Ivy or Oak poisoning. Puretest Rubbing Alcohol will sti-mulate the whole body .1 nd you will feel that splendid glow of health and energy. Leadin g athletes use and rec om mend it. Ph o~es .z~- :zo 50c Only One Store- Central and Wilmette Aves. 59c Pint Bottle MOTORS SERVICE Incorporqted EVErtVTHING AUTOMOBILE ../Grotht GOOD BUSINESS Circumstances may bring you to us the first time, but it takes courtesy, fair dealing and honest \'alue for your money to keep you coming back . . I . . et us worry about your troubles NEVER. CLOSED oyd 1232-36 Central Ave. ho 1ster In C. ~ The Largest Motor Repair Shop ID Wilmette NEVE·R CLOSED MAIN STREET Wilmette ,~1 1hone w.weib~got WILMETTE