Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 26

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WILMETTE LIFE Augu,st 10, 192M August Events AttraCt North Shore Women Golfers Indian Hill Women ~Palmists, Mosquitoes Are No~th Shore Israel Will Be Hostesses Engaged Plentiful at Garden Fete Sisterhood to Give to western Golfets. ·---------------~ were The fortune tellers and palm rea.ders Musicale in Garden out in full force Thursday mght, I . Easily the most exciting event that has happened in north shore women's golf for a long time is the twenty-sixth annual Women's Western championship tournament. The event will start next Monday at Indian Hm club with the qualifying round and will be ended Friday with the championship round. A number of north shore women who are golf fans will be following in the gaJJeries to give a little p.;ychological support to their favorites. Among the women who will entertain for the out-of-town guests and contestants is M·rs. Pettit Watson of 900 Sunset road, Winnetka, who will give a tea on Tuesday afternoon. At Skokie Country club, the Western Open day for women will be on August 24. A large number of guest3 are expected to be entered in that event which will be more of a local interest. Women from other club.; will be following their favorite "just above par" player on that day. Skokie women members will have their own little . contest for the club championship which wilJ be played the first week of September. The oualifying round · will be played on Friday, Photo by Tolot'f August 31. A pleasant event played hv most of the clubs i,; the mixed fourMr. and Mrs. A. N. McCallum, 888 some. One was held at Skokie Qn Sheridan road. Glencve, announce the Thursday and the second one for the month is planned for Thursday, Au- engagement of their daughter, Jean. gust 23. Sometimes the husbands ancl to Wallace vV. ).fcllwain, son of )..I r. wives ag-ree to disagree on the playin~ and Mrs. \Villiam ~fcllwain of H~gh 4 of their shots, but the mixed four- land Park. Miss ~IcCallum is a memsomes are usually good fun for everyher of Alpha Xi Delta sorority at one. !\orthwestern univer.:;ity and ~Ir. ~1 c The new Dundee cluh is of particuIlwain, a graduate of the Cniversity lar interest to the women since it is a club for the women alone, no men of Illinois in the class of 1925, is a admitted, thank you. The president. member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Mrs. Charles A. Klotz has he en called to California, so Mrs. Pettit Watson, The wedding will take place in the vice-oresident and chairman of the fall. membenhip committee, is aLl y filling her place for the time being. Ground for the clubhouse out near Barrington Janet Reed, Fred eric R. witt be broken the last of this month, Vandercook Are Married and a picnic for the members is bei'l~ Miss Janet Reed, daughter of ~1r . planned for the first of August. Th_ e charter membership of the club ha:; and ~f rs. 0. A. Reed of 109 Fourth been fitted with women from all over street, became the bride of Frederic this country as well as with many R. Vandercook at 4:30 o'clock Saturnol'th shore women. The board, in iB day afternoon at the home of her meeting held regularly every ten da y. ;;, parents. ~fr. Vanrlercook is the son of Mr. and ~Jrs. R. 0. Vandercook of con.;iders additional memberships. Evanston . Sunset Ridge members are playin~ Miss Dorothy \\'.r ight of Rogers everv Tuesday, their day for the women, for the Dave Tosh trophy. The Park wali the maid of honor and Harbest three out of four Tuesday score old X · );, of Evanston was the best wilt be submitted in the competition. man. The Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin Last Thursday the annual play for the of \Vinnetka performed the ceremonv Sunset Ridge trophy brought out the in a bower of green palms, fern, and husbands and wives in mixed twn- all the colorful garden flowers. The bride's dress was of champaign somes. The next ll'Uest day for the chiffon, she wore a horse-hair hat to club will be August 21. The \Vilmette Golf club women match, and carried a Colonial bouquet. played last Tuesday to qualify for the Miss Wright wore peach colored chif-· August trophv. The first round will fon, a hat to match, and carried an be played August 22, the semi.,finJls arm bouquet of butterfly roses. At the on August 23, and the finals on Au- reception after the wedding, an unusual gust 24. This will be followed on bridal cake combined the festivities of August 24 by a luncheon, bridge, and Mr. Vandercook's birthday and the partner day, which. ope may suppo.;e wedding day by adding tiers of white will combine condolences and congrat- candles to the bridal decorations of the cake. ulations with exnlanations of how she Th'"e couple have gone on a motor did it. The J;tues.t day for August will trip west and will be gone a month fall on Tuesday, August 28. before returning to Evanston. Thev plan to visit Yellowstone park Sa;1 To Entertain Sorority Francisco, and many places the Miss Dorothy Campbell, daughter of west coast. They will be at home at Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stuart Campbell 2314 Sherman avenue, Evanston, after of 1209 Greenwood avenue, will enter- the first week in September. tain more than twenty members of Among the out-of-town guests were Kappa Kappa .Gamma sorority at Mr. and Mrs. U. P. Wings and Mr. and luncheon and bridge this afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Davenport of Gary, Ind., Miss Campbell is a member of the Lawrence Murphy and Miss Grace Northwesttrn chapter. Neff of Howell, Mich. August · 2, at t'he garden fete at the hop1e oi Mrs. Minna Schmidt, 2715 Sheridan road, Evanston. The party was a benefit given by the Korth End branch of the Friends of the Chicago Junior school. The fortune tellers, had they been Jess sympathetic, might have . told almost anyone that she was of nervous temperament and restless, but the fortune tellers too were stung by the swarms of mosquitoes that threatened to ruin the party. Even the handfuls of punk burning about the garden could not chase this horde away. The party was a success, however, for by 9 o'clock almost everyone had patronized the cigaret girls, bought balloons, taken a ride on the little railway operated by Bruce Carns, or purchased tickets for the many other attractions about the place. After dinner time, bridge was played on the lovely screened verandah of the house and the orchestra, perched on top of the boat house, played for the dancers on the beach walk. The committee for' the fete was headed by Mrs. Emma F. Stross who was general committee chairman. Her sub-chairmen included Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of Winnetka, Mrs. J. R. \\'olfenden, Mrs. Russell Gross, Mrs. George Karnes, Mrs. \V. L. Harrison, Mrs. Arthur Schwarz, Mrs. M. W. Xabel, and Mrs. Maud Carleton. The Chicago Junior school was established in 1913 to supply the need of a home and school at a very moderate cost for normal boys who, through the loss of one or both parents, are deprived of home influence and training. They have a farm and home near Elgin for these boys. Completes Arrangements for September Wedding ~!iss Margaret Wilson, who is th~ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson of 611 Laurel avenue, has COtllpleted the plans for her marriage to Ernest Smith Humphrys of LaGrange, which is to take place Thursday evening, September 6. D'·· Huhert Carlton will read the service at 8:30 o'clock in St. Augustine's Episcopal church and the receptio!1 will be held immediately afterwards in the Woman's club. Mi3s Wilson has chosen Miss Vir~inia Bixby of Wilmette to be her maid of honor and as matron of honor. Mrs. John Newton Garver, Jr. of Buffalo. Mrs. Judson Clark Munger of LaGrange, Miss Eliabeth Date 2nd Miss Janet Seely of Evanston, and Miss Florence Branson of Wilmetk will be bridesmaids. Francis Humphry3 will act as hest man for his brother and the usher~ will be Harry B. Wilson, . Eugene Hotchkiss and Charles Hoag of LaGrange, the Rev. Harold Hoag . of Racine, and Kenneth Fry of Chicago. Amqng the affairs for Miss \Vilson was the luncheon and bridge given by Mrs. S. H. Moore at the Chicago Yacht cl~b. Belmont Harbor, July 17. 1 The Sisterhood of the North Shore Congregation Israel will give a garden party and musicale at 3 o'clock next Wednesday afterqoon, .August 15, at the home of Mrs. Moses Born; 955 Sheridan ··road, Glencoe. Three prominent artists have been engaged for the afternoon program. Miss Anne Kanter, soprano, will sing a group of songs by her teacher, George H. Shapiro, operatic coach and compo~er of songs, and she wiH be accompamed at the piano by Mr. ShapirQ. Miss Kanter is said tc be especially fitted to sing these modern oriental compositions of Jewish origin. Helen Burnett Koch, pianist, has included modern compositions in th~ group she will give. She is well known for her interpretation of Gershwin's famcus "Rhapsody in Blue," and will play her own piano version of it. She has appeared with the St. Louis Symphony orchestra and in concert in New Yor:k City, where she has been enthusiastically received. Her technique is brilliant, and she has great power for so young a pianist. M-rs. Koch is also a ccrnposer of note, one of her songs, "Forever More," being well known to music students. Frances Allis, an American danseuse, will give t~o dances. She has had her training under the guidance of Adolph Bohm, the Russian master. She has studied Russian ballet and character dancing under Madam Shadurskaya of the Imperial Russian ballet, and has appeared in solo work with her ballet and alsc with Bohm's ballet in connection with the Allied Arts. Miss Allis has · distinguis}:ted herself in her work before the American public. The program on \Vednesday will be as follows : "I Am Yours" . ...... George H. Shapiro "T Would Live in Your Love" Shapiro "Braune Augen" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shapiro Aria, "Pace, Pace" from "The Force of Destiny" . . .... .. .. ........ . ... .. Verdi Anne Kanter '"The \Var Dance" (Cheyenne Tribal dance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Skilton "Sc:<\rf Dance" ........ . .. Brahm~-Delibe~ Francis Allie;;, Corinne Frada Pick at the piano Three Preludes .. . .... . . . ..... Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" ..... Gersh\\<in Helen Burnett Koch · The musicale is open to the public. and tickets may be secured at the gate or from ~f rs. Sylvan Hirschberg, of Glencoe. The Sisterhood was organized abO'lt three years ago, with Mrs. H ug9 Hartman of Winnetka as the first president. The officers now are Mrs. Sylvan Hirschberg of Glencoe, president; Mrs. Arthur Oppenheimer of Highland Park, first vice-president; Mrs. Joseph Michaels of Highland Park, second vice-president; Mrs. Milton Simon of Wilmette, third vicepresident; Mrs. Joseph Spiegel of vVilmette, recording secretary; Mrs. Arthur Adler of Winnetka, correspol)ding secretary; Mrs. Meyer Weil of Evan,; ton, financial secretary; Mrs. S. Westerfield of Winnetka, treasurer. Announce ·Engagement 0;1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Melville Bro,.,·n of 99 Robsart road, Kenilworth, an'n ounce the · engagement of their daughter. Announces Marriage Elizabeth, tc: James Oliver Brooks of Mrs. Edward G. Siever of 1118 Lake Wilmette. The announcement was avenue announces the marriage of her made at a tea on Saturday afternoon, daughter, Miss Alice Evelyn Siever, August 4. to Runar G. Rodell. The ceremony took place vVednesday, August 1 at Mrs. J:... C. Ha~~ond of 500 Gregory St. Francis Xavier's church. Aft~r a avenue ts entertammg at luncheon and trip to \Vashington, D. C., Atlantic bridge for thirty at the Illinois Golf City, and other points of interest in club Tuesday of next wee'< for her the east, Mr. and Mrs. Rodell will be sister and house guest, Mrs. E. B. at home at 11 18 Lake avenue. Raub, Jr. of Indianapolis.

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