WILMETTE LIFE _ _ .. , .August 10, 1928 Big Increase Registered in Automobile Production Plastering ·contractor Plain and Ornamental Plastering - Exterior Stucco Work a Specialty Chas. E. Welter 115 Fifteenth St. June production of automobiles in the United States totaled 396,714 units, 1 an increas e of 74,747 passenger cars and trucks over the June production of , 1927, which totaled 321,967 units; according to the monthly statistics of the American Motorists' association. Compari~g the six months' production of this year with the same period last year, the association's figures show a total gain in 1928 of 42,906 units, th~ production of the first six months of this year being 2,201,880 units of which 1,965,727 were passenger cars and 236,153 were trucks. Illinois ranks first among the states in development of playgrounds during 1927, nearly $8,500,000 having been spent for thi s improvement and community recreation facilities. Overhead Roads Speed Up Traffic, . Cut Motor Costs Automobiles are taking to the air at highway intersections, at least in effect. Elevated crossings, wherein one street is bridged over the intersecting highway, are now actualities. There are ' probably two dozen street or rural highway grade separations in the United States and more are being · planned or built. \Vayne County, Michigan, is at present building the most elaborate raised intersection in the world. This structure, costing in the neighborhood of one million dollars, will pay for itself in a comparatively short time, it is estimated, through the saving of tim~ · and the elimination of accidents it will bring about. The structure consists of two bridges, each 168 feet long and each carrying a 40-foot roadway and 10-foot walk. Carefully arranged driveways and approaches will p·ermit traffic to pass from one highway to the other without interruption. In estimating the value of separated highway intersections, highway authorities have determined that a delay of one minute costs the passenger car owner at least three cents. This is considering the year around overhead of the automobile and the operator's time. Since this sum does not include the cost of the time of passengers and such items as gasoline and oil, the 1 three-cent-a-minute valuation is conservative. So two intersecting streets, with a daily traffic volume of 24,000 cars in all four directions, cost motorists $1,080 a day or nearly $400,000 yearly. This is estimating that half of the cars using the intersection will be delayed three minutes. Phone Wil. 2151 Press the ·Pedal and oil your car cars of high price, s11ch ·s th· Rolls Royc., prize Bijur centralized chassis lubrication as an invaluable feature. Mot~r are automatically oiled, including all spring shackles. Bother and expense of service station lubrication are eliminated. Wear at rital chassis points is avoided. Annoying squeaks and groans are stopped before they start. Accidents to Children Often Due to Car Doors Sev~ral serious accidents have been reported during the first six months of the year involving case'!: where children have fallen out of machines due to extreme carelessness on the part of the motorist, according to President Mayer of The Automobile Club of Illinois. A child should not be allowed to sit next to the door of an automobile, nor extended such privileges as closing or opening the doors for passengers. In this wise many doors, which would otherwise seem securely fastened have merely been closed without the doublesnap lock taking hold. Nash, at moderate price, has it u atandud equipment on all "40011 Adftoced Six Models. Bijur operadon is simplicity itselfand it is inftriably efficient regardless of changes in temperature. There's a lever conveniendy placed for your left toe at the floor board. Simply depress it once and 21 points The world has a new andfiner motor car, with features of excellence hitherto found only on very cosdy cars. Bi jur Centralb.ed Chassis Lubri· cation is one of them. Pierce Arrow Reduction Is Opening New Market A record summer volume of business is reported by the Pierce Arrow company. July sales exceeded those of a year ago ·and likewise were substantially in (!dvance of June, normally a hetter sellin~ month, accordiDg to the Evanston Pierce Arrow comn~ny. Rcduction3 of as much as $600 on some hody types are responsible for the increase, as the offering of a lower priced car has opened a new market. NASHi:J-00~ OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES- NO OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL Twin-Ignition motor Houdaille andlovej oy shock absorbers { ucl~nitJ· Nash "'o11nting) 7·bearing crank~haft (hollow cranjpins) World's easiest steering Exterior metalware chrome plated over nickel Short turning radius One-piece Salon fenders Clear vision front pillar posts Nash- Special Design bumpers and bumperettes BUILD MORE MOTORCYCLES An increase of 16 percent over the preceding year is revealed in the world'. s censU3 of registration of motorcvcles, as of January 1. 1928. according- to the Department of Commerce's fig-ures announced bv the American Motorist"' association. On January 1, last there were 1.944,303 motorcvcles in oneration throughout the world. as comnar"d \\'ith 1 674 720 on January 1: 1927: Great Brit~in ~nd Germany. with apDroximately 500.000 motorcycles each, have the large 3t re~ristration. In the United States, hut 124.559 motorcycles were registereel. The drop in registry in this country is attributed to low-priced . automobiles. New double drop frame Salon Bodies Torsional vibration damper Bohnalite aluminum piatont {l"fJ'" StrMts) Phone Winnetka 2707 SUBURBAN NASH SALES 547 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA