WILMETTE LIFE August 10, 19Z8 have been received as to whether he had b_ e en invited .to attend ou~ a~nual American Indtan Day exercts~s. This invitation was extended 10 a letter of <;ongratulations _of the 9rand Council Fire, through . tts prestden~, Scott H. Peters, of Wtlmette, who IS a full-blooded Chippewa. . In. · rep!Y Senator Curtis regretted hts. mabthy to accept, while express.ing hts pleas~ ure "that those of Indtan bloo<;f are taking an interest- in the campat~n." · Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Kaufman of 515 Washington avenue have just returned from a two weeks' motor trip in Cat~ada. They stopped at Owakonze camp to see their sons, Jack and Hor- I Kenilworth News Mi5s Betty Nelegar of Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, and Mi ss Jacque--oline Hawxhurst of Essex road, KenilM iss Jane Darling, 256 Kenilworth worth, have just returned from a trip avenue, Kenilworth, has gone up to to M uskoka Lakes, Canada. Manitowish, Wis. to be the guest of -oMiss Jean Keith of Kenilworth, who Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder and is spending the summer at the Keith daughter, Marguerite, arrived in Wilhome there. Miss Jane Sowers and mette this week for an extended visit. Miss Marv Fowler are also at Mani- They have been in Miami, Florida towish with Miss Darling. since they left Wilmette. Mrs. Joseph Joyce of 5'31 Essex road· has just receiv~d a response from Philadelphia to the appeal made for the disabled $Oidiers. Funds are needed to transport the men from the Great Lakes hospital to the ball games to which passes. had been given them. The amount of twenty dollars is needed for each bus trip so the appeal is mage for the neces,;ary funds in the hope that persons nearer than Philadelphia will aid the veterans. Further information about the work may be obtained from Mrs. Joyce- at Kenilworth 2134 or checks may be mailed to Mrs. Finnegan in care of the American Red C.ro~s at Great Lakes. -oF. E. M. Cole of 315 Essex road, Kenilworth has just returned from Battle Creek, Mich. where he and a number of Evanston and North Shore men were the- guest.; of the Kellogg Corn Flakes corporation for a day of golf. This affair is given each year for a number of advertising men. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Farley of 300 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, have returned from a two weeks' fish!ng trip at Isle Royale, Lake Supenor, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Farley were there last .year. Mr. an~ Mrs. Richard C. Johnston and Miss Harriet and Miss Ruth J oh~ston, of 321 Melrose avenue, joined the Farleys at R~ck Harbor iodge and returned home wtth them. -oThe Kenilworth Home and Gardea club members p~rticipated actively in the Barrington Flower show Tuesday and took two ribbon5 with their entries. Mrs. W. W. Wheelock of 132 Oxford road displayed an arrangement of snap-dragons in an amber bowl. Mrs. Benjamin Bisbee showed a spray of mulberry in a Rookwood vase. I -oRoy H. Jarrett of 534 E,;sex road, Kenilworth returned last week after a business trip to Quincy, Springfield, Ill. and St. Louis, Mo. He was gone about a week. -o- · · · American Indian Day attains a new significance this year by rea~on of the nomination to the vice-prestdency by the Republican party of . Senator Charles Curtis, a man of Indtan blood, according to Marion E. Gri~ley, .seen~tary <;>f the Grand Counctl Ftre of American Indians, and aho because the Republican party has . not. ov~riooked the American Indtan 10 tts platform. . "There has been a notably increased interest in Indian ~ffairs since ·the nomination of Senator Curtis," said ton. -othe secretary, "and numerous inquirie s Irma and Howard Walton-Ball, 1609 Central avenue, returned a week ago Mrs. J. H. Stiller and small son, Tuesday after spend~ng a t~ree w~eks' Junior, who was born July 14 . at vacation in Wiscons10 Raptds, Wts. at Grant hospital, Chicago, are leavmg the home of their grandparents. August 20 for Honolulu, where they -owill meet Lieut. Stiller who is staMr. and Mrs. A. G. Melville and tioned there. Mrs. Stiller was formerfamily are leaving next Sunday for ly Hazel Frazer, 645 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. Lieut. Stiller left August Colorado where th ey will spend a month on a ranch in the Rocky 1 for his new post in Honolulu. Mountains. I Indians Assume l ~ l I I ~tve Y nteres in G 0 p cause -0- -o- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Lous:ks, who are occupying Mrs. V. K. Spicer's home on Essex road, Kenilworth, are building a new home on the corner of Leicester road and Kenilworth avenue. They are preparing the lot for exc!lvation and the home will be started soon. -oMrs. E. M. Stafford of 936 Sheridan road bad as her guests last week-end, Mr. a~d Mrs·. Harold Chamberlain. -oM iss Ann Bagby of the Linden Crest apartment~ entertained at bridge last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder and their daughter, Dorothy, of 909 Chestnut avenue, have just returned from a two weeks' visit at Sister Bay, Wis . Harvey Klunder, their son, i$ remaining longer and will return sometime next week. Miss Ruth Johnston of 321 Melrose avenue, I<enilwort\1 has gone to Camp Newakwa at South Haven, Mich. to spend two week5. Camp Newakw!l is the Camp Fire camp whicl) many of the north shore girls are attending thi.s summer. -o- -oMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jackson and Mi5s Alice Mae Jackson of 1017 Elmwood avenue have returned from a trip to Denver and the Colorado Rockies. They will soon motor to their summer home on Portage lake, in Michigan. OOR Robinson Crusoe had only a few tools to help hew his way to comfort on an un. . friendly isle that he couldn't leave. But blessed indeed would be the woman of today "marooned" in Uptown Chicago. There's no reason for wanting to leave! You could· explore shops and places of amusement here for days and never repeat your pleasures. Everything for yourself, your family or your home is for sale in Uptown Chicago. Every type of resi. . dence, apartment and hotel is here for those who wish to be smartly at the center of things. Get acquainted with convenient Uptown Chicago! Live here, shop here, or come up of an evening for good times! P -aWillard T. Carter, director of Religious Education at the Union church, gave a reading Wedne,;day night of negro sermons in verse, "God's Trombones." Last Wednesday Mr. Carter read a religious play, "El Cristo." -o- M iss Dorothy Darling of 256 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, is visiting her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Laughlin, at Oregon, Ill. Miss Laughlin is to be married September 1 and Miss Darling is to be mai<t of honor. -aThe Rev. and Mrs. Leland Hobert Danforth of 333 Warwick road, Kenilworth are leaving Friday for Phelps, Wis. They are motoring with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Danforth to stay at Hazen's resort for a week. -oM iss Dorothy Wheeler of Huron, Ohio, who has been visiting Miss Margaret Koraday, 307 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth is returning to her home Friday, August 10. -oMis.s Harriet JohRston, 321 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, has as her guest Miss Louise Webster of Madison, N. · C. Miss Webster will spend two weeks with Miss Johnston. -oGro:ver Hermann, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover M. Hermann of 82 Essex road, has returned home after " month's visit in New York. UPTOWN CHICAGO One o( a eeries o( advertieements for Uptown Chicago spon· aored by the Central Up~own Chicago Association and paid (or cooperatively by Uptown Chicago's busine11 men. Buaineu Men-Uptown Chi· cago welcome. new bluineues, and u doing more than any othe?- Chicago community to cusure the .ucceu of e.Jery entertn'ile within the V Ptown Chica40 area. We urge you to int1eaugate the IH!··ibilities here for au&.tantial .uccesa. AR.CYLE oJ. rl .... u ... MONTR051! t ... l: "' ~ .,. "' When you plan to trCJttel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Of/ice-ba.:y yoar ticlcet, reseRie your Pullman and check your baggaRe at the Uptown Sta. tion. Phone: Longbeach 7454. Shopping Center of a Million People