August 31, 1928 :W I ~L . M ETTE . L..IJZ.E 19 Sousa ·to Bring His I · Famous Marches tO Guild Manager Evanston Sept. 22 · - - - - - - - - - ' · The stirring marches of "So~sa's band," which are American institutions, make up a part of the concert programs which the famous. band will play in Evanston the afternoon and evening of Saturday, Sept. 22. Under auspices of the League of Women Voters and the Associate Alumnae of Northwestern university, Sousa and his band will play at Northwestern university gymnasium. Weeks of careful preparation have preceded the concert date. Prices will be as reasonable as possible to enable all lovers of good music to hear the concerts. While Lt. Com. John Philip Sousa is perhaps best known for his marches, particularly his ustars and Stripes Forever," which all America hums, whistles and plays, the .. March King" has been a producer of other musical compositions. In the course of the three score years that he has been in the music ugame," he has written more than 100 marches; but he has also wri-tten 62 songs, 10 light operas, 2 overtures, 6 waltzes, 11 fantasies and 15 miscellaneous pieces. He has written various books of musical instruction-and he has also written several novels, and will have another book appearing soon. Among his marches are "Liberty Bell," "Semper Fidelis," .. The Washington Post," "High School Cadets," "King Cotton," uHands Across the Sea," "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty" and "The Free Lance." His light operas include "The Bride Elect," "Desiree," "The Charlatan," "The Smugglers," "El Capitan," "The Glass Blowers," "Chris and the Wonderful Lamp," "The American Maid" and other works. 1-fr. and :Mrs. Andrew Moeller, 726 Greenwood avenue, recently drove to Indiana to return with their son, Kenneth, who attended the Culver Military academy summer session. Annual Revival Week .I .. · TEATRO detLAGO IN NO MAN'S LAND Sheridan Road, between Wilmette and Kenilworth September 9 to 15 ] ohn Allen Stewart, of Evanston, has served the i':orth Shore Theater guild efficiently as ~anager for several seasons and is continuing in that capacity with the opening of the guild's new season. Plans are under way to make this even more elaborate of plan and interesting of repertoire than have been the past seasons, which have distinguished the guild's players among little theater groups in the middle west. Mr. and Mrs. ]. P. Collier and family of Catonsville, ~fd. are guests of Mrs. Collier's sister, Mrs. ]. Fred Lynn, 873 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe. They are motoring back to Baltimore in time to enter their daughters, Hilda and ~{argaret Anne, at Goucher college. We offer for your approval and seven photoplays which have been standing classics of the screen. In filmdom's . greatest stars reached their fame. entertainment adjudged outeach of them, the peak of This may be your last opportunity to see some of the great pictures you have missed. If you have seen them, it will be worth your while to see them again. SUNDAY 9 MONDAY TUESDAY Ben Hur John Gil bert Ramon Novarro May McAvoy The Big Parade 10 . 11 The Way Emil J a~nings Renee Adoree of All Flesh Ronald Coleman WEDNESDAY 12 BeauGeste The Hunchback of Notre Dame GIFTS from tlu Leather Section Besides the uTravel Necessities" in our Leather Section th~re are so many ij erestin~ "Gifts in Leatlttr" that a visit to 44 Spauldings ' is sure to prove interesting during the uSeason ofWeJdings" THURSDAY 13 FRIDAY Lon Chaney 14 SATURDAY CHANG A~a~~ar The SPAULDING &. CoMPANY Jewelers Midaigan Avenue CHIC A G 0 Orrington Av~nue EVANSTON Rue Je la Paix PARIS 15· 13th HOUR Lionel Barrymore Attend these performances as early as possible.· THERE WILL BE NO ADV,ANCE IN PRICES