WILMBTTB LIPS· If . August 31, 19~ FOB 8ALF-ROUSE8 ·· WAN.TED TO 'BUY-HOUSES WANTED. TO BUY 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO "L" in north Evanston or Wilmette. Write WELL ARRANGED LARGE 8 ROOM 96L49-ltp Wilmette Life A-101. Englleh brick Colonial.; 5 bedrooms, 3 bathl!l, sun parlor, breakfast room and noME oN NORTH SHORE, 7 RooMs · hot· water heat oil burner. Lot having 2 baths. not over 5 yrs. old. I. H. 75 foot frontage with 2 car garage. Pierce. Phone Brlargate 1223, or add. This property has been taken In In 1440 Thorne Ave. 96LTN49-ltp trade and present owner will sacrifice for a quick sale. Must be inspected to 99 ANTIQUES be appreciated. For further details call - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ODniNE WORK DONE TO BANISH MOSQUITO Sanitary District Oflicials E~plain Methods Pursued in Skoka·e Rega·on ~ishing an outlet for the water impounded behind the barrier. According to report fr.om the field workers, mosquito infestation this year reached high proportions. One reason for this is seen in' the fact that the average flight of the insect, ordi-. narily about · two blocks, was extended to four or five blocks by the assistance of strong winds. Complaints were received from numerous localities not affected last year, and investigation revealed no evidence of mosquito breeding, indicating that the aerial intruders had lengthened their flights to reach regions not previously afflicted. In outlining plans for the remainder of the season, Mr. Crowe said the policy would be continued of sending investigators to an affected towns and villages and co-operating to the fullest extent with municipal authorities in efforts to combat the mosquito pest. The present program of the district is also in co-operation with the Gorgas Memorial Institute. . TWO WEEKS SALE OF ANTIQUES! Large shipments have crowded my 1108 Davis St. Evanston Univ. 8080 home-never before have I had so rare 77L49-ltc and varied an assortment. Solid walnut chests, beautifully refinished at $35. Special low prices on chairs. Come t;arly while selections are complete. EAST WINNETKA 808 Washington St. (1 Block· South of Main St.) Evanston. 99LTN49-ltc 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT 100 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS !or owner, plans compel him to sell. 5 bdrms.. 3 baths, slpg. pch., solarium., AUCTION SALE bkfst. rm., oil ht., 2 car gar., large grounds, close to lake, schools and TO SATISFY' STORAGE CHARGEStrans. $60,000. will sell on Sat. Sept. 8th . at 10 A.M. at the Rench fire proof warehouse CROSBY & McKENDRY formally the ·warble Storage Co., 521 Main St., Wil., Ill. Large assortment 566 Center St. Ph. Wlnn. 2032 of furniture consisting of: dressers, 77LTN49-ltc chiffoniers, living and dining room suites, gas ranges, china and kitchen cabinets, roll top desks, rockers, chairs, beds, springs, matresses, rugs and household goodl'l of all kinds. The above goods will positively be sold regardless AND WILMETTE, KENILWORTH of price. Winnetka at Indian Bill. Tile roofs, RALPH, AUCTIONEER. extra lavatories. 6 to 9 rooms each, 3 2727-29 J. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. to 5 bedrooms, 1 to 3 tiled wall baths; 100LT25-2tc garage:; ; landscaped lots. $18,000 to U7,500. Terms to suit. JE JE §tCUlllltC~ ~<e&ll~y 'C@o EXTRA SPECIAL An Unusual Opportunity 1177 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 273 77L49-ltc WINNETKA 2 ADS, AUG. 4 & 11 SOLD OUR "JUNior Estate" listing. We have since listed another "Junior Estate" close to all conveniences at only $26,500. Has 100 !t. frontage, beautiful trees and delightful home. An unusual opportunity. lS AFFORDED NORTH SHORE RESIdents to secure especially selected Baldwin Grand Pian(tS at a most attractive reduction. These pianos have been USf!d only during the Ravinia Opera season by Florence Eaton, li'"lorence Macbeth, Edward Johnson and other artists. Phone or write for details--Artists' Dept.- The Baldwin Piano Company-323 South Wabash Avenue-Phone Wabash 4880. 100LTN49-ltc FOR SALE - HOUSEHOLD FURNJl ure, icebox, double day bed, washing 566 Center St. Ph. Winn. 2032 machine, bedroom set, porch furniture, 77LTN49-ltc electric victrola, rugs, child's bed, wagon, etc. Cheap. Ph. Wilmette 3557. . 100LTN49-ltc SOUTH EAST WINNETKA 7 RM. STUCCO, 4 BEDRMS. EX. LAV. BEAUTIFUL SOLID WALNUT DINING on 2nd floor; sun porch ; · oil heat, set, 54 in. table, 6 chairs, large buffet ; metal weatherl:ltrips. Beautifully landalso oYer stuffed living room chair, scaped corner. Price reduced $3000 for 100LTN49-ltc mirror. Ph. Wil. 2586. immediate sale. Tel. owner Winnetka 427. 77LTN49-ltp BEAU'riFUL ENGLISH BABY CAB like new, oriental rugs, lamps, furniture and china, clothes size 16, new shoes WILL SACRIFICE $18,000 6 ROOM HSE. size 5%A. Ph. Kenilworth 249. 1 car gar. 1011 Ash st. Winn. 100LTN49-ltc 77LTN49-ltp FOR SALE-VA CANT FOR SALE - BIRDS-EYE MAPLE dresser, metal bed, wardrobe, secretary. Ph. Wilmette 1886. 1OOLTN 49-ltc CROSBY & McKENDRY Household Furniture STOVE, GOOD CONDITION; LAST),. LOT FOR SALE · ON THIS GAS green wicker sun parlor set, 7 piece beautiful, almost private street; highest oak dining set, brass bed and mattress. point in Winnetka ; 85 feet superb Ph. Winnetka 1592. 100LT49-ltc frontage adjoining wonderful homes; $18,000. $25 WILL BUY A GOOD DINING ROOM set, four chairs, a round table, and a side-board. Must be sold at once. Ph. Wilmette 2584. 100LT49-ltp Exclusive Agents 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winn. 254 FOR SALE - ICE BOX, KITCHEN 78LTN49-1tc cabinet, gas stove, bral'IR bed and ~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~ springs, misc. rugs. Ph. Wilmette 4274. 100L49-1tp 81 W A~ TED TO RENT-HOUSES FOR SALE PAINTED BEDRM. suite, twin beds, box springs, matRENT YOUR HOME tresses. Very reasonable. Tf>l. Winn. 744. BY LISTING IT WITH THIS OFFICE. 1163 Asb4ry ave. Winn. J 1)0LTN49-ltc We have many requests for houses of good character and location. BABY BUGGY, BEDS, HIGH CHAIR, household effects. 1011 Ash St. Winn. 100LTN49-1tp PROSPECT AVE. LOT IHI~nliD~<erm ~<e~llfcy C©o 101 W'J'D. TO BUY-BSELD. GDS. FOUNDED 1855 Mqrtgages, Investments, WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND Property Managers, Renting furniture and other househould goods. 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 Highest prices for same. Crost Furni, 89LTN49-ltc ture stor_eJ 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc tt · WNTD. TO RENT-FURN. HOUSES Real Estat~ ---------------------------------· 10! FOR SALE-MISC BETWEEN WILMETTE AND GLEN- WANT TO SELL 12 SHARES OF Warble warehouse stock at reduced coe-Furnished house - would like 6 price. Paul Schroeder. Phone 698. bedrooms with 3 baths, and large 102L49-ltc grounds. Early possession, with year's lease. Highest references furnished. Wrt·" giving full information to Box NEW REED BABY CARRIAG,E, never used, reasonable. Ph. Wil. 2230. 111.. Hubbard Woods, Ill. 90LTN49-ltp 102L49-1tc 7 OR 8 RM. HOUSE, NOT OVER $12,000 near Wilmette business district. Give FOR SALE-EVINRUDE MOTOR, ALSO price and terms. Write Wilmette Life man's suit. Ph. Wllmette 1406. A-120. 96L49-1tp 102L49-1tc Wanted to rent \Vith virtually its entire area of 439 square miles brought within the scope of intensive anti-mosquito warfare, the Sanitary District of Chicago's campaign against the winged pest this season has succeeded in bringing the situation well under control, accord-· ing to officials of the district. . Gratifying result's of the drive, which got under full stride July 1, were announced this week by President T. ] . Crowe after an analysis of the first official reports submitted by those in active charge of the field operations. Mr. Crowe, Trustee James M. Whalen, chairman of the committee on engiS El neering and Trustee Henry A. Berger, List uccess ements chairman of the committee on federal of a Good Scout Troop relations, constitute a special commit\\' hen more than 800 Scout cxecutee named by the drainage board to tives from all over the United States mpervise the abatement campaign. gather next month at Cornell univerDespite eight inches of rainfall in sity, they will discuss among other seventeen days during the early part of things program building for Scout Tuly, that impaired the effectiveness of troops. Executive McPeek will ~ttend preliminary measures, the field forces the sessions. Jn a bulletin issued last week from have recovered the lost ground and the mosquito hosts are rapidly ap- North Shore Scout headquarters, the proaching extermination. The Sani- following essentials for successful tary District crews, however, will be troops were listed: retained on duty until at least Otober, Use the Patrol System, set goals and President Crowe said, to imure success objectives, have · strong troop commitof the work. . ties, use Scout ceremonies and . form~Work in Five Groups tions, have consistent scoutcraft adTo facilitate operations, the field vancement, have overnight camping crews have been divided into five have good .institutional backing, engroups which are directing particular gage in activities as set forth in the attention to localities where mosquito Boy Scout Handbook and literature mfestation is known to concentrate. have good leadership, have well hal These stragetic bases include the anced troop meeting programs. Skokie valley and the Des Plaines Ri\·er vallev. A third unit has been Tale of a Cameraman assigned to- the. ·Riverside district, anWho Encl·rcled Pole other in the vicinity of Palos Park and a fifth to western sections requirIn 1913 a young Australian camera ing relief. man who had seen service all over the The program includes thorough pre- continent, 111 the Balkans during the liminary clean-up measures, under Turko-Balkan War, in Af£ica1 the careful supervision, such as channel West Indies and various tropical coun clearing and underbrush cutting fol- tries, was commissioned by the Gau lowed hy periodical applications of oil mont company to go with Vithjalmur and germicide in spots where condi- Stefansson's Canadian Arctic Expedi tions stimulate mosquito breeding, par- tion to film the expedition and also re ticularly stagnant pools and swamps. port its progress to a news syndicate Spraying with pine oil and muskale Young Wilkins did not know who has been found a greatly effective de- Stefansson was ; but the expedition sounded like good fun. And he had terrent. never been in the Arctic. He went Make Work Permanent along. \Vith a vtew to securing benefits The record of Sir George Hubert which will outlast a single season, all Wilkins' life and flight over the top of the present work wherever possible is of a permanent character, Mr. of the world will be published by Put Crowe said. This includes the use of nam's in July, under the title "Flying explosives to widen, deepen and clear the Arctic." stream channels, assuring an unimpeded flow, a measure which has been More Postoffice Workers applied in the case of Skokie creek. on Annual Vacation Spell Stoney creek south of Oak Lawn and Annual vacations for ] ohn Wiltjer Mill creek near 143rd street. and Ernest Bersch, carriers, and Mrs. Draining of numerous swamps and Marjorie D. Misura, clerk, at the Wit insta11ation of permanent ditching ts mette postoffice, began Tuesday. Mr. another method being used and ex- Wiltjer ·plans a motor trip to Wis pected to have a durable value. Engineers ,,·ere assigned to survey alt consin, while Mr. Bersch will remain in Wilmette. Mrs. Misura expects· to such swamp lands under the abatemel)t program, and as a result ade- visit at the home of her husband's ouate drainage has been provided at parents in Eau Claire, Wis. Three Skokie Marsh on the north, Hodgins Wilmette carriers, Paul Kivland, Peter Schopen, and Emmet Kivland, re ~f arsh near Western Springs, McCook turned to their duties at the postoffice Mash and the Bemis Forest Preserve, while the Union Drainage Ditch at this week. Harvey is being midchanneled. AMELIA EARHART'S BOOK The Des Plaines river valley already The title of Amelia Earhart's book has been cle~ned up from Wheeling has been announced as-20 hrs., 40 to Lyons, and as an additional perma- min. "Our Flight in The Friendship," nent improvement a by-path was con- wilt be the sub title. The tentative structed around the Hoffman dam fur- publication date for this book is Sep tember 7. . lOS WANTED TO BUY_:_MISC. WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS Miss Roberta Gangwer of Hesperia, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. wn- Mich. is visiting Mrs. Maynard Cleven mette. 103LTN48-tfc of 707 Linden avenue. 0 '