WIJ.;METTE LIFE September 14, 1928 Completely Satisfying -the union of Parisian chic and foot-free comfort achieved in the new Arch Preserver Shoes. Ask to see the late arrivals. Several members of the ] oseph Sears school faculty who have returned to Kenilworth spent their vacations at colleges and universities in the middle west and far west, where they took summer courses. These returning teachers and the schools which they attended are: Nell Littler and Caroline Littler, Colorado State Teachers' college, Boulder, Colo.; Etta E. Kn1c~dson, Iowa State Teachers' college extension course, Clinton, Ia. ; Bessie Stark, University of Chicago; Mollie K. Foreman, south branch of the University of California, Los Angeles; Edith M. Stryker, Northwestern university; Louise Robinson, Lake Forest college ; Edna R. Mayer, National Kindergarten college, Evan.;ton ; Emma W. Billington, University of Minnesota; and Florence Tatro, University of Wisconsin. Several Teachers Take EtlrtHird'l. M elt~er Colle·e Summer Coones Music School Will . Open in Wilmette Wilmette will have a new school of music when the Meltzer School of Music opens September 15. Edward J. Meltzer is · well known in musical circles alone the north shore, having taug~t wind instruments and band music at Northwestern university, North · Shot::e Country Day school, and the Skokie school .in Winnetka besides having had his own classes in branches located in Wilmette, Wiqnetka, Evanston, and Chicago. He will continue his teaching this season and in addition will open schools in Wilmette and Evanston with a complete faculty for the teaching of piano, organ, violin, viola, 'cello, bas~, as well as the wind and fretted instruments which he has heretofore taught. The Wilmette branch will be located at 1167 Wilmette avenue and the Evanston branch · at 1614 Sherman avenue. · The piano faculty will include Irene TaylQr, who holds the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Nebraska Wesleyan university and has heretofore taught in that institution; Laurance Skewes, for several year-3 a pupil of the celebrated Matthey in London and an authorized exponent of his method; Edith Moody, who received her Bachelor of. Music from Northwestern university; and Melford Arntzen, pupil of John Charles Haake, and others. The · Visuola. a "ew device which, it is said, makes piano study a deligh~ to every pupil, has been installed and will be used in the piano in.;truction. Porte·~ Warrington Heaps has been secured to head the organ department. He has studied with Marcel Dupre and Eric DeLamarter. Mr. Heaps has held th~ po_sitions of organist and choirmas~er in ~any prominent Chicago and north shore churches and .is now ·serving in those capacities at the First Methodist church of Evanston. In the violin department will be found Lucile Turner and Lorena Manley. They both studied the violin with Prof. H. E. Knapp of Northwestern university and hold Bachelor of Music degrees from that institution. Mi.;s Turner won the J uillard scholarship in 1926 which entitled her to continue her studies witb- Albert Spalding, Georges Enesco, and Hans Letz in New York. Miss Manley, besides being an excellent violinist, is also an expert performer on the viola and has been a memb~r of the Evanston Symphony orchestra for several seasons. The 'cello and bass will be taught by equally CORJ.petent teachers. In the wind instrument department, instr~ction will be given on the flute, clarinet, saxophone, cornet, horn, trombQne and other bra·5ses by Mr. Meltzer and several personally trained assistants. During the past summer, he taqght in the Columbia School of ~usic's normal course in Chicago and teachers came from as f;tr as Penn5ylvania and Connec;ticut to study his methods of teaching. His duties as director of the school will necessarily limit his teaching time and he has secured Alfred Quartullo, graduate of the Con.;ervatory df Naples and master teacher of the mandolin, guitar, and banjo to head the department of frett.ed instruments. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hillman, 507 Washington avenue, returned this week from a summer abroad. Miss Avis and Miss Jane Hillman, their nieces, from Evanston, accompanied them. -o-Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Angelbeck of 1630 Walnut street have returned from a five weeks' m~tor trip through qorthern Michigan. ·. ·.; -o-Mr. ancl Mrs. C. A. Keller and family of 82o GreenwQOd avenue spent last week-end at Lake G~neva, Wis. WHEARY TRUNK Get that for School DOWNTOWN EVANSTON 630 Church Stmt In The Cadson Building ~WHEARY "Vanity" Speeial Oller! We are selling a stunning, new Black and White Pearl Fountain Pen made by the Wahl Co., makers of Eversharp · pencils. Special In 3 sizes at · T o introduce t h i s beautiful pen we will allow you $1.00 on your · ·- old fountain pen - regardless of its colldition. I'IAMDABD LUGGAGE CO. ~'40 y..,. in the~- u.i···· us 131 DAVIS STREET 61 a DAVIS STREET GIUmNLEAP l22 Wi··· m £ UY ..AMaarCA·s Plli.IT" · -