WILMETTE LIFE September 14, 1928 I ·Jload Tips . EVER.VTHING .&-~Ae MITOMOIIL~ BRAKES We 'inspect your brakes NEVER. CLOSED FREE Does your ~ar brake even? ·· Uneven brakes are costly and dangerous. Good brakes are goo~ insurance. The Largeat Motor Repair Shop ia Wilmette 'J~1 MAIN STREET Wilmette A.B.VanDeusen BATTBRIBS. Havt your batttrin att~ndtd to ~for~ tbt cold ·eatb~r in. The cool nights will make your car harder to atart, let as prepare your battrry for this added strain by making a carrful insprction and giving it wbatrver care it aeeds. ~ts When you nHd help call Wilmette 50 Flat Ratn on All Work Day and Night Service Authocizttl Will.t~l &ttery Srrvice Station MILLER & MILLER 732 Twelfth St. Phone Wil. 50 Leo Miller "Motorists whose business or vacation trips take them into strange cities w.e~ · d h · h for longer than the briefest of interIllinois-46 - Mannhelm roa w tc vats should make it a point to register was closed for the paving of 31st their vehicles with the local authoristreet is no'W open between O_gden ave- ties and acquire ~ copy of the muninue and 22nd street. cipal traffic regulations," ~ays Charles Thirty-first street is close~ for ~on- M. Hay~s of Winnetka, president. of struction between Des · Plames Rtver the Chicago Motqr Club, who pomts road and Mannheim roa_!I. All paved out that this practice establishes the detour via Des Plaines road, Qgden visitor as one who wishes to conform avenue and Mannheim road. Thirty- with the requirements of ·.safe driving first street is open to all traffic be- wherever he may be. tween Mannheim road ~nd the west "For the casual visit of a day or so county line. or mere sightseeing purposes this is Cumberland avenue - This road unnecessary, and adoption of such a which is a continuation of Thatcher policy by the individual traveler would avenue is now open north to Lawrence be burdensome to himself and muniavenue but is clos~d for paving be- cipal officials," says Mr. Hayes. "The tween Lawrence and Higgins road. plan is an excellent ?ne, though, for North avenue in Chicago and Cook the visitor whose cal11s to be stretched county is ope1_1 only as far west as out to a week or more. Thatche·r road. Gr~<ling west .of t~at "It establishes his good faith and point is finished, but ,p~ving !s bemg ·.stamps him as one who is desirous of held up while the state acqmres the knowing and abiding by the traffic regulations of the c.ity or to~n that necessary right of way. Belnfont avenue between Harlem · is playing host to h1m and his party. avenue and Des Plaines River road is In cas.e of a possible accident. the a new 40-foot concrete pavement circumstantial evidence that would atopen tg traffi<:. East of Harlem ave- tach guilt to the outsider, on the nue (which at this point is the West groun~. of unfamil~ariy \\~t~ loc~l reChicalYo city limits), for some distance, gulati~ns and traff.lc conditions, ts .not Belmont avenue is a dirt highway and pre.5ent. It is an assu~ance c;>f . a JUs.t should be entirely avoided. weighing of all the ev1dence tn a case Harlem avenue-This road is open before a verdict is given." and paved from Illinois-21 .(Milwaukee avenue) south to Wellington avenue, Chicago. Most of this is new concrete pavement some of which is 4'1() feet wide. Between Wellington and North avenue, Harlem avenue is a gravel road and is a little rough. \Vhile the new Hupmobile Century Addison avenue is paved and open is the headliner of the Hups, Gould only as far we5t as Cumberland ave- C. Davis of Winnetka, north. shore nue, but has an .excellent connection Hupmobile dealer, has so~eth~ng. ·o to the River road at Belmont a venue, 3ay about another car whtch tsn t a via Forest Preserve road. and makes Century. a very good route between Sheridan "A man came into the showrooms a road in Linco1n park and Des Plaines couple of days ago and casually reRiver road. marked that he had run his 1926 Hup- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mobiie 62,000 without having t~e value ground," remarked Mr. pavts. That's something to talk about!_ . The car which he referred to 1s still Hu~e in daily service, accordin_g to. the dealer. It is one of the .5tX cylmder August shipments by Dodge Broth- type which the Hupmobile company ers from the plants in the United was turni,ng out a few year~ ago and States and Canada, in botlt'the pass- the performance noted here 1s remarkenger car and the truck and motor able. Later when eight cylinder car.s coch divisions, showed in increase of became the vogue, the o:wner of the approximately 4 percent over July, ac- '26 car also acquired an eight and now . . cording to C. M. McDonald of Evans- is operating two Hups. owner of the cars mentwned 1s ton, Evanston and Wilmette distribu- L. The G. Hutchings who reside.5 in Glentor. The August shipments were exceeded in only one month in 1928-in view. March. They were greater tha.n any 30-day period during the first eight Salesman Goes 7,000 Miles months of 1927. m Ford Since Late in May Shinments of both passenger cars Thi:.s would seem to be pretty close and trucks are running heavy. The to the mileage record for one of the · company entered September with large new Model A. Fords, at least it probbanks of carrv-over orders in all di- ably is for a north shor~ driver. ~· visions and the flow of orders from R. Alrich, salesman for the Sk<?k1e dealers shows no let-up. Motor company of Wilmette, has JUst August was also a great export returned from a trip to the northern month. Shipment$ for the thirty-day woods and his speedometer shows oeriod were the heaviest this year. 7,000 miles. As he didn't start driving Truck export shipments were the the car until late in May he's covered greatest · in the entire history of the a lot of territory in a shor~ space of corporation. August exports showed time. better than 57 percent increase over Accompanying him on the trip to the same month last year while export northern Minnesota,-the jaunt being bu~iness for the first eight months of for fishing purposes-was Mrs. Al1928 shows a gain of approximately 33 drich. who Mr. Aldrich says didn't at percent over the same period last all miod the long rides, (they covered vear. 2.500 miles on the trip) and wasn't a --"Business is showing up exception- bit weary on their return to Wilmette. allv well and indications are that the Mr. Aldrich, who knows his Ford, sa~s last half of this vear will be one of that the increased number of leaves m 't he best last half periods in our his- the springs provides the comfort now . tory," said McDonald.. enjoyed by Ford tourists. · ' Illinois-42-A-Detour at Glenview; follow marked detour route ~est to Shermer road, then north op th1s roa_d into Northbrook, then easterly tC? lll1nois-42:A (Waukegan roa~). Th1s detour will be removed durtl_!g the next --------~--------~ I "REGISTER CAR IN OTHER . CITIES." HAYFJ' ADVICE Motor Club President Saya Plan Ia Excellent, and Helpful in ' Cue of Accidents k. I .62,000 Miles by "Hup, Before Valves Are Ground, a New Feat Dodge Shipments Show a Gain, McDonald Reports .- .... I 1; I