September ·14, 1928 I WILMBTTB LlFE Dream Approaches Realit;y ; ·.~. t' .... ··. f .. Saturday Special Royal Favorite· a layer of deli· cious fruit filled spiced cake topped with a new tender butter-yellow layer and covered with rich cara· mel butter cream. .{ \ <?, ..ot f·-~~tf{:t"' -t ]~ ·~ j ' 1 . l :jf " This special cake ~ill be a "royal favorite" with your family. i :l ..;_t., -.nJ .~r,;: ; l~' ·Moderately priced at 4Sc and 60c ~··.r.::tnt-!".1 .·1 , lJJ' ~. The Wilson Bakery 1162 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wil. 414 . Two doors south of New First National Bank ~ "j~ Granger and Bollenbacher, the architects, 'have made this attractive rendering of the new Wilmette Parish church edifice, constr~ction of whkh will begin Monday of next week. Ground breaking ceremonies are to be held this Sunday morning at 10:35 o'clock, with Dr. Horace G. Smith, the pastor officiating. (story in another column) Mr. and Mrs. :Paul L. Roche of 810 persink, Wis. They have been there . Central avenue have returned from most of the summer since their return ~ their summer home, "Hill Top" at Nip- from abroad. · Reliable Service Moving Day need hold no terrors for the householder who engages the serv· ices of Rensch Fireproof Warehouse. Swift, sure, capable work done by care· ful movers makes the changing of resi· dence a simple matter. Arrange now. Tables and Chairs for Rent MOVING - - PACKING - - SHIPPING LONG DISTANCE HAULING PAUL A. RENSCH, Preaident ................................................... ~prtial <ttlrauiug ~rruitr Hats cleaned, reblocked, sized and remodeled, in feltt silk, velvet, velour, soleil, etc. Work done in our own workroom by skilled workman. . · 1luts itubt tn ®rbtr in large and small head sizes, molded to fit the head, or your choice from our display. Open Saturday E veninga lU4r iaub inx ALMAS. COEL R~~E~F~~u~ STORAGE 521 MAIN STREET LADIES' WEARING APPAREL Millinetg-Ftocka--Hoaiery WILMETTE, ILL. UnicJenity 7317 2004 Central Street, Evanston. Telephone Univ. 2058 Wilmette 32