.W I L M E T T E LIFE September. 21, 1928 Start a Savings Account at This Bank-Now! you enjoy the certainty of permanent financial security? There is only one way: SAVE a part of all you earn. It's never too early or too late to begin saving. Even the smallest Hnest egg~' account. if added to regularly and faithfully, will soon bring you the assurance of being ."comfortably fixed" at a ·time not so very far off-the assurance of having additional funds when the time comes .when you will need.it most. OULD W But the important thing is to begin now. You owe it to your family to have a carefully tended Savings Account. You owe it to yourself. No income is so small that some part of it cannot be banked. It's small savings that oftenest grow to respectable sums-often the key to financial independence. The sound reputation of The Wilmette State Bank and its record of courteous helpfulness suggest that you carry a growing account here. . THE WILME'I·rE . STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street "Your Home Bank"