. Septem~r 21, -1~ WI"L-ME ·TTE LJF,E Good Ole Dollar! KLENZO Magnesia Dental Powder With no ·desire to prun ourselves, stick out our chest or puf throatily in the face of trouble for a sister republic we SHOULD feel a certain amount of pride in the past record and P.resent performance of our good ole Dollar! Think ~f the trouble of France these days when their ·FRANC is bobbing about at about 2 for a nickle! Wouldn't we be in a mess if our good ole dollar was listed at around 17d Haven't we got a lot to be thankful for even if it IS two months to Thanksgiving DAY? And did you read what ~ir Robert Kindersley, a British Banker, offered as a cure? A bot idea all right. He s.tys: Here ia a Scieati&c Preparation to be eajoyed . I "If I were to shift my headquarters to America I should 'become a high priest of extravilgance and PREACH the ADVANTAGES of SPENDING! For it is only by ECONOMY in Europe and EXTRA V· AGANCE in America that a proper adjustment can be made!" 25c So if all of you folks are agreeable and LIKE Sir Robert's prescription for world prosperity please remember this store when you feel a rush of extravagance coming on. It's a great world-including the weather. Da~'ly Mouth Wash Aa a Gene. Pleasantly flavored. Nothing cleans and polishes the teeth better than a good tooth powder. The "Klik-: Tite" cap on Klenzo Magnesia Dental Powder cans is a great convenience. KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC is also one of the best aids to prevent the Flu. 25c Small Size Keep the mouth. throat and nose clean and healthy. Phones 28-29 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS . Only One Store-Central and Wllmette Avea. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 1st NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette The Cornerstone of Prosperity --is a Savings Account. No matter what your income, you are never · financially secure unless you devote a portion to Savings. The legend of the Hare and the Tortoise applies, not only to speed of foot, but to speed in saving as well; it is not the swiftest but the most persevering who wins out. Open an account with us. .... · OFFICERS E. B. Knudtson, ~ Preaident C. D. Masters, Vice-Preaident · Dan G. Stiles, Vice-Pre1., N. A. Schwall, (;~~r Aut. Caahier I DIRECTORS E. B. Knudtson C. D. Masters Dan G. Stiles Axel Lonnquist David Nelson Charles F. Reinboth Robert Stoddard A. C. Wolf Frank W. Ketcham FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wilmette, Illinois )