II BRIDGE"&UNCHEON OPENS CWB The Kenilworth club will usher in this season's activities with a bridge luncheon Friday, October 19 at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Paul R. Bradle~ and Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor will be hostesses for the affair. Friday evenings are designated as club nights. MARRIED WILMETT.E LIFE ENTER COLLEGE October 12, 1928 Mrs. Julius Wunder, mother of Mrs. Stanley Knight, 51 Kenilworth avenue, was married October 5, to Gustav F. Fischer at the home of Mrs. Wunder's son, 1745 Jarvis avenue, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer will be at White Sulphur springs, W. Va. until November 1, when they will be at home in the Mr. E. John Hicks, 241 Melrose ave- house Mr. Fischer built last spring on nue, Kenilworth, left for Atlanta, Ga. the grounds of the Knollwood Country last Sunday to spend a few days. club at Lake Forest. · Members of the Kenilwo~th Union chqrch who have entered colleges a~d_ universities this fall are: Jean Adatr, Wellesley college; Katharine Dudl~y, Georgiana Fowler, Ogontz; Bermce Cole, Lake Forest college; Charlotte Erwin, Vassar college ; Barbara Ho~ den, Carl Carlson, Northwestern umversity; Jean Marx, the Bennett school; Marjorie Oleson, Ward Belmont; Mark Cresap, Jr., Williams college ; Dean ] . Vail, Jr., Harvard university. llliss Marian Sp· ach Become.~ ·the Bride of Paul DeLargy The wedding of Miss Marian Spach, daugh,t-er of Dr. and Mrs. Amuel B. Spach, to Dr. Paul Lee DeLargy was celebrated last Friday night at the home of the bride·s parent~, 228 Leicester road, Kenilworth. Dr. DeLargy· is a member of the department of philosophy at the University of Illinois. Smilax trimmed the stairway and the arched doorways of the living room. The ceremony was performed before the fireplace banked with oak leaves and ferns, and flanked by tall candelabra which gave a soft light. Baskets of chrysanthemums and snowberri es carried out the color scheme. The service "\vas read by Dr. Edward Ames of the University of Chicago Church of the Disciples of Christ, an old friend and instructor of Dr; DeLargy. Mme. Oumiroff played "Dreams" from "Tristan and Isolde" and the Wedding ~farch from "Lohengrin." The bride was gowned in her mother's wedding dress of ivory satin made with a full skirt and tight bodice with a lace bertha. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and valley lilies and was preceded by Barbara vVakely, her flower girl. After the· ceremony. Prof. Boza Oumiroff sang seve ral love songs. The wedding supper was served to ninety guests. Mrs. DeLargy is a graduate of the University of Chicago and during the past year was director of the Winnetka ~ursery school. Dr. DeLargy is a graduate of Oberlin college and received his degree of doctor of philosophy at the University of Chi·cago. Dr. and Mrs. DeLargy will be at home at their apartment, 1114 \Vest Nevada street, Urbana. Mr. Essex home about and Mrs. Welton Stallsmith, 523 road, Kenilworth have sold their and are moving to California in two weeks. -oM iss Bernice Cole of 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, was chosen to be · a contralto in the Lake Forest College choir and chorus. Realistic Permanent Marcel $10 SHO~~IME All lines of beauty service by experts only. HAIR SCULPTURING Mr. Jones. formerly of Jim's. Hollywood, Cal., and Mr. de Graff, formerly of the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angel~s, Cal. VISIT IN KENILWORTH Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling of 256 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, have had as their guests for the past two weeks Mr. Darling's mother and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. ]. M. Cornue. Mr. and Mrs. Cornue lived for several years 011 Warwick road. They are now Jiving at Del Mar, near San Diego, Cal. -0- The DeGraff Hair Shops GEORGIAN HOTEL-GREENLEAF 4 1 oo 1609 SHERMAN AVE. GREENLEAF 1 7 3 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ~rr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole and Mr. and Mrs. John Sugden of Oak Park motored to Detroit this week. They ·were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ]. E. Mulford at their summer home on the St, Clair flats. -oUrs. Merritt Starr, formerly of Me lrose avenue, Kenilworth, opened her house last Monday for a political talk by Mrs. Jacob Bauer. -o~Ir. and ~Irs. David DeCamp, 615 Ahbottsford road, Kenilworth, have gone to St. Louis for a few days. AFTERNOON TEA AT THE VERA MEGOWEN "'The Finishing 'Touch of a Qlorious CJJay" Winifred Townsend · Violinist announces that, in addition to her private lessons, she will . ttach Ensemble.-Those interested in having their children play duets, trios, quartettes, efc. please phone on Thursdays or Wilmette 2417 Wednesday P.M. Winnetka 846 wHETHER d.o~ntown sho.pping, or tired and hungry washang somethtng refreshing from our fountain; or, you may wish to meet and entertain a party· of friends. No matter what the occasion, it is not a difficult task to find in The Vera Megowen menu suggestions suited to the immediate requirement. There's a new enjoyment in store for you if you have yet to cake your first Luncheon at The Vera Megowen- for there ts about The Vera Megowen a quality and service of most unusual excell~nce. EXCELLENT FOUNTAIN SERVICE SANDWICHES- CAKES- CHOCOLATE SODAS SUNDAES OF ALL KINDS 11 A Telegram From California Before leaving for California, a prominent Evanston woman tasted nuts from the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen. "':he. extraordinary deliciousness of Billy's was convancangly expressed by a telegram from this woman ordering ·nuts from the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen for a wedding in California. Naturally Billy Boy was pleased. Have you visited the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen? Billy Boy invites you--come in-see and taste nuts that are For The Best There Is In Food" Fresh Every Hour at the BILLY Boy NUT KITCHEN TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 458 5 North Shore Hotel Building 519 Davis St. Phone Greenleaf 300 6 EVANSTON Open Evenings Till 10 - Sundays 1 to 9