October 19, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE the Chrysler I. A Startling NEW OFFERING in the Low Price Field · . "\XlrTH each passing year, the public looks for improved products and more attractive values. Chrysler appreciates that this is especially true in the field of low-price cars, in which an obvious need has developed for a finer, smarter motor car. And Chrysler now meets this requirbnent with a superfine car of substantial, impressive appearance, to sell at the lowest possible price -- This is the new Plymouth-a different and better car than its~e class has ever known. It is a pioneer, a leader, free fr9m old limitations. It jc; honest, strong and worthy, with characteristics so suggestive of that hardy band df our Pilgrim forefathers, that the name they gave their first daring settlement has been ·selected as highly appropriate for the new car.. NORTH SUBU_ RBAN SALES V'. C. BARTLETT .INCORPORATED ~;- W. D. REAGAN 1840 RIDGE AVE. EVANSTON WILMETIE 2277 llltfllfllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllltlllll ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,-----;--;--;------,;-;-;-;--~ ---