November 2, 1928 WILMETTE . LIPE SCOUT NEWS Arthur Prescott Lothrop Has Variety of Interests Arthur Prescott Lothrop, Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 21, which meets every Wednesday evening at the Glencoe Union church, Is a senior at New Trier Township High school, an Eagle Scout and a five year veteran. He became active In Glencoe Scoutln~ in 1922. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow, a honorary camp brotherhood "Prexy" spent three summers at Camp McDonald, one of the Owassippe Scout camps and attended a Boy Scout camp in Massachusetts one season. Last summer he attended the Veteran camp at Owassippe and as he had done years before. he earned the rank of Honor Camper. This Year at Veteran camp he was elected the best all-round Scout in camp. Prescott Is president of the Youn~ People's society of his church, vice-president of the New Trier High School camera club and has been a member of the Leaders' corps in the high school gym work for the last four years. Roughneck-Mite Opens Troop 31 Welcomes New New Season for Troop 6 · Memben at Gathering Wednesday evening, October 10. a Roughneck-Nlte for Troop 6, Wilmette was the main event to start a good year of Scoutln.r. This night was an event to which all the boys of the troop looked forward to. The boys started to arrive at 7:15, dressed as though they were going to be real hobos the rest of their llves. They dressed in overalls, football suits, two pairs of old pants, th.e extra pair because they knew that they were going to play Hot Hand. The meetin~ started as usual except that no uniforms were present, so Inspection of the fellows started. . The ones who looked as though they were urepared to fight a cafe-full of wildcats were given the highest awards of the meeting. There were many games amon~ them tu~-of-war, hot hand, question basebaJl and Gofindit. While listenin~ to a series of jokes and r·iddles a sudden shout was heard, and a curtain was drawn which to our surprised gang showed some unexpected eats. After we had eaten our meal of cocoa and dou~hnuts, we were told to tall-In and after all had calmed down. the colors were brought forth and we all united ln sayin~ the Scout Oath. Taps were sounded and the meetin~ adjourned. We all hope after this meetin~. we will be able to start a ~ood Scoutin~ year.Kermit Simons. Beaver Patrol Leader ·T roop 6, Wilmette. At our meeting last week we had a good attendance of over twenty SCOuta and a ftne program handled by Senior Patrol Leader Grant Herman. Our scribe Is Neal Rumbaugh, our patrol lea~.~~ are Warner Turrlff. Edward Norcro· and Randolph Herman. Robert Anapach Is our Scoutmaster, Rtchard 4e Beard. our ·satstant Scoutmaster, an4 Brainerd Chapman our junior 8.88lstant Scoutmaster. We had a htke laat week an4 three patrol meeting& New · feUoWB who have joined our troop are ·aeorae Ralph and Hiram Kennlcott. . Located in the Heart of Eftllltoa OHrloolcinw Northwestern Univenity Campa. and Lake Michipa U,ht-Ai17--Ciau I'OOma. ThoroqhlJ plwa...d ~ calam. Facalt, of oal, proleuioaal artiata. U..._ 1M clirectioa of Carl Schell·. DRAWING PAINTING DESIGN ILLUSTRATION ADVERTISING . CRAFTS INTERIOR STAGE ART Send for llluatrattd CataiOfl Scout Troop 35 Enjoys Meeting With New Boss ~· We had a fine meeting last week under the leadership of our new Scoutmaster Mr. Jerrems, and our Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. Oscar Goepner. Both Mr. Canmann and Mr. Ewell of our troop committee were present. Peter White BECOME A MAN and John Kraft are patrol leaders and "The ground is covered with snow son." David Canmann is scribe. We opened "But, mother, God made the snow." our program with the Scout Oath, gave is piled in the nook round the cabin some patrol stunts and had a very inter- "It hi~h esting O'Grady Drill.- Scribe David CanThere is fire and wood. The house is mann, Troop 35. dry"And Mother, I want to go." "There is fo~ in the valley, and rain, BUSY SCOUT MEETING son." . At our last meeting, all Scouts did special work like signaling, fire-by-fric- "But, Mother, rain makes thln~s grow." Up from the lake the storm clouds scud tion, etc. At 7 :30 the regular troop meeting started. We had John Reilly of Dull, through tl).e dunes re-echos it's Troop 16 as our visitor. Later we went thud. They're callin~ a S,cotit with red in his into the gym and had drillin~ and racing. blood-David Allen,. Scribe "And mother. I want to go." of Trooo 16, Winnetka. TROOP SS BEGINS SOON Troop 36 will start meetings after the bazaar at St. James church. There are a lot of new Scouts in the troop this year. The meetin~s will be on Friday evenin~s. -Arthur Driscoll. HIKE TO CABIN Troou 32, Highland Park, went on a hike Wednesday, October 17, to the Cabin-In-the-Woods. We had supper out there. Mr. Rubens, our Scoutmaster, did the cooklng.-John Stern. ·EVANSTON ILL. PHONE.GREENLEAF 1674 OF FINE ARTS 636 CHURCH STREET THE EVANSTON ACADEMY Barry's NOVEMBER SALE Thia aale ia for the betaefit of the late ahopper, who failed to b8J duriag our October aale, alao for the wise bu,_., who would prefer · to buJ CHRISTMAS preseata while the atock is complete. AaJ aelectioa made aow for Chriatm- caa be held for later deliY..,.. A AA ·-e In beautiful oriental colors and designs. exceptional in quality. An unusual bargain if taken at this price. siz$ -m1Dit811 B···· New Merchandise Arriving Daily! Seaaale· CbllleM Bq· · -- · - $:&SO 4 AMATOLIAMS and SPARTAS $110 $2.:&0 Contributions from tbe finut maku in tbe entire Orient. Rare colorings and blending efect1 in rose, blue and mahogany. Extra quality-high pile. Size, 9x 12. ·· Better Pictures Better Values Beautiful patterns in Rose, Tan. and Bl· ~. Deep pile. A special group that stand~ for big values . This is an unusual offering. Ask to sec tbcm. Sizt h12 Size 6x9 -........_ . __ ./ MOSULS These rugs are rare and will go quickly at this low price. A few left. Beautiful and in enchanting colors. Average size 3.6 by 6. BAMmAMS Handsome' small place for them Yo..'ll admit the amined. Average Rugs, alway· a in your bome. value, when exsize, ' 2.6 by 4. sss.oo $19.50 CABPETIM~ Wilton Velvet MAftiMG lildia Cocott Suitable for chnrchu. bal11, and porches. Saves carpets and kecp1 carptts dun. 3 ft., 4.6 and 6 ft. widths. All children 1mile for Bernie Suitable for solid halls and stairs. Good weight. floor covuing, 2 7 in. wide. $1.95 yd. LIMOLEUM 500 sq. yd. MATS Pr~tty Cbintu An assortment set aside for tbi1 ule. Beautiful patterns aad colors. Sizes 1.6x2.6 and 2x4. Come in or telephone us at once about our new Special Offer, good· until Nov. 1 5· You will be delighted with what we have for you. · lnlt~id For this special November 1alc, we ban reduced the price from $1.75, the regular price. $1.10 sq. yd . La:rln~, .$&.00 Elftlmllltln.r, C·ttla.r, Sewln.r Stair Pads and LlniDR'8 · szo.oo Cleaala.r aad Bepalrla.r B·.r· aad Carpets The Lugeat Excluliue Ctuptt1 Rug 111Jd Linoleum &tore North ol tbt uLoop 11 David G. Established in 1 9ZO Barr~ 806-811 GROVE STREET · · · Ample Parldaa Space Phones: Unher·Jt:r 5711 Greealeaf liM - BERNIE STUDIO 1623 Shennan Ave. Tel. Univ. 8998