November . ·2, 1928 ) WILMETTE LIFE . · Colder Days Ahead, but "WE of. the Younger Set Know Just What to ·wear ......... " "We !ake Our Cue /rom Rosenberg's fouths' Secticnu ......" "Br-r-r-r! Cold winds send us scurrying for warmer clothes . . · . and straightway we go to Rosenberg's Youths' Shops on the second and third floors. "Here we find an ~bundance of those fine Germania Chin~hilla co~ts, and clever jersey ~resses, and corduroy or leather . and we are right Jackets hke the motorcycle pohcemen wearat home in our own special sections for here is everything we want. · ,, "It's fun trying on the different things and finally deciding on the red one- or the blue one." · Yours for the Right Clothes, THE YOUNGER SET From IM Shop for Girls, Chinchilla Coats -pictvred abo'l", left and unt,,. 1Jo11a' Shop--Third Floor Leather Jackets, $20 pictur' right Black horsehide jackets, sheepskin lined, with deep beaverized collar and 4 roomy pockets. Sizes 8 to 18. WOOL KNICKERS in plus four style, herringbone weave, sizes 10 to 19 at $3.50. Lined Leather Helmets, $1.50. Sizes 2 to 6 6 to 14 Sizes $l8.SO Germania Chinchilla coats, warmly lined with suede ; double breasted. Tots' Dresses, $5.95 pictured above, le/1 Corduroy Jackets, $10 picture right, c'nttr A tan jersey waist with red flannel trimmings and pleated skirt. Other models equally charming, sizes 2 to 6. Sheepskin lined blue corduroy jackets with beaverized· collar, that are built for action and to withstand the roughest wear and still keep that just right swagger touch. Sizes 6 to 18. CORDUROY KNICKERS to match, in sizes 6 to 16 at $3.00. "Collegiate" Wool Caps, $2.00 Girls' Dresses, $5.95 pictvred above, right A beige wool crepe frock has insets of red in blouse and red pipings at the sleeves and collar. One of the clever styles, sizes 6 to 14, at $5.95. 'Sheridan' 4-piece Suits for Boys, $15 pictured above, extreme right Bo11s' Pla11 Suits-Third Floor Play Suits -pictured right "That's the one I want," said Bob as his eye fell on a fine herringbone "Sheridan" suit. And that is only one of the smart ones with 2 knickers and doublebreasted vests that the Younger Set is buying every day. Sizes 8 to 16. $4·95 Mannish little suits for wee men ; jersey trunks and washable tops with tie. Sizes 4 to 8. (Third Floor) J'MfZ. turlB' llaop· Becoftd.Room, Floor -and then, of course, there are fine imported wool hose, and sturdy shoes, . and warm flannelette nightwear and ev~ryth1n~ else that the Younger Set wear$~ all tn read1ness for cold weather. , Tots' Suede Zip-on Suits Leggings and Jacket with knit jacquard ·WB:ist band and wristlets; in blue, tan, poppy ~nd green. Stzes .3 to 6 Leggings, $5.50; Jacket, $6.50; stzes 7 and 8 Leggtngs, $6.50. Pictured above, center. ROSENBERG'S Davia Street-Downtown Evapaton 4-pc. Brushed Wool Sets, $7.50 Soft, fleecy brushed wool .sets in plain colors with C9Dtrasting band trimming. Sizes 1, 2 and 3. p,ictt,tred· ;above right. · ·