I WILMETTE. LIFE I The grand champion Holstein bull of Mother of Rev. Ma.W the Nation~t Dairy show, ~ecently held Dies in Pennsylvania at Memphas, Tennessee, ts owned b! Mrs. Ellen S. Magill, widow of the the Elmwood farm of Deerfield, ·Ilh- late Dr. John F. Magill and mother of nois. Dr. George P. Magill, until recently pastor of the Wilmette Presbyterian church, passed away last Saturday morning. Her death occurred at the home of CBA.IB8 aad TA.BLB8 for UlfT her son, Frank S. Magill, head master Ualnnlt7 tiH of the Penn Hall school for girls, at Chambersburg, Pa. She was 87 years · of age. Burial services were at Fair~ field, Ia. Mrs. Magill had a large number of friends in Wilmette having visited here frequently at the home of her son. Her husband for 17 years was pastor at Fairfield, Iowa, where he closed a ministry in the Presbyterian church of 40 years. There are eight children surviving, four sons and four daughters. l November 9. 1928 Sings at Georgian !.--------------' 'INSTAU·NEI PASTOR AT SERVICES SUNDAY (Continued from page 1) IRBDALB STORAGE Repairing Jewelry repairing and Diamond resetting Swiss and American watches repaired and ad· · justed Grandfather chime clocks clraned and onrhauled, ·· S2s.oo Silverwart repaired and replated like new Beads Restrung Selling Out all FALL DRESSES at a big reduction Jeanette K. Marks IS! Washln~ton Photo by Tolo:ff Ave., Wilmette Phone Wll. 1884. A. Hardin Van Duersen, baritone, and Dorothy Bell, harpist, will present the Sunday evening musical at the Georgian hotel Nov. 11, beginning at 8. The program has been arranged as follows: E. A. Thompson, pastor of the La Grange Congregational church, the Rev. Cal S. Patton, acting president of Chicago Theological seminary, and others will take part in the service. Special music has been arranged for this service by the choir and quartet under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. Popular With Young People Mr. Loper has had pastorates in Great Barrington, Mass., Great Falls, Montana, and Minneapolis since graduating from Yale Divinity school. He has had extensive experience in directing young people's work and as a preacher is lauded highly by those who hear him. Since coming to Wilmette he has won many friends for himself. As an evidence of the high regard in which he is held by his ministerial friends and associates it has been stated quite generally that at no occasion of this nature has a minister had a greater number of the oustanding men of the Congregational church to assist in the installation ceremonies. Prep,arations are being made to take care of a large crowd at the evening meeting. Among. other invited guests are Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd of Pontiac, Mich., and Dr. Roy A. Bowers of Lakewood, Ohio. both of whom were former ministers of the church. Guardian Council of Wilmette Bethel Has Evening Party J. SHORTRIDGE Mason Contractor Porches General Repair Cement, Stone Walks and Reaaonable Pricea D. PAGUARULO rr66 Wilmette Ave. I Phone Kenilworth 2735 Phone Wil. 1 o61 16 Years in tht Samt Location The Guardian council of Wilmette Bethel, U. D., Order of Job's Daughters ;ave a party Friday evening, No· vember 2, at the Wilmette Masonic temple, to the Daughters of the Wilmette Bethel. They invited as gue.:;ts for the evening the Daughters of Bethel 4, Chicago, and the Builders of Winnetka chapter and also of Gen. George Washington chapter, Chicago. There was a very good attendance regardless of the weather. A short program was prepared under lhe management of F.vangie Lee Morgan and Myrtle M. Hopkins. The numbers were: nancP-"Buck and Wing" ERther Morgan Trio-Violin ............... June AhlRtrand 'Cello . . .. ... . . ......... Fern Ahlstrand Piano ........ . ........ . Eldora Hopkins A Barefoot Dance- "Moonlight" . ....... ..... . . ......... Esther Morgan Accompanied by Eldora HopkinR, piano; H elen Shepherd, voire ; Helen Hutchens, voice; .Tane Willard, voice. A BurleRoue NumberHelen Shepherd Helen Hutchens Eldora Hopkins Jane Willard at piano Dance ........... . . ... .. .... Frances Riley Accompanied by Jane Willard 421 Richmond HIC:7H &RAVE TOILET ARTtc.'LE5 A.T RIDGE~VE. PHONES JI,AMD 3390 PHARMI'CY Reaulta are evidence of succeaa! F olka like to shop here! You can't help liking tbia place-it~a ao cheerful and serviceable. Get the .happy healthhabit of coming in I The program was fo11owed by dane· ing which continued until midnight. The dancing was in charge of Edwin Weckler, who, with his mother and father, is conducting ball room dancing at the Wilmette Woman's club on Thursday nights. Refreshments were served later in the ev"ning. The Guardian council of the Wil· mette Bethel consists of: Minnie Kuel· zow, guardian; Elmer Lundin. asso· ciate guar~ian; Gladys Shellman, guardian secretary; Luetla Newton, g~ardian treasurer; Myrtle M. Hopkins, musical director. Mr. and Mrs. Sturevant Hinman (Elizabeth Webster) have returned from their honeymoon and are staving, tempor!lrily, at ·the Orrington hotel in Evanston until their home in NorthbrQok is completed. What is believed to be the tallest corn stalk grown in the United States was produced on the Bridgefonl farm at Joy. Illinois. It stands 17 feet six inches high. RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY C. C.. Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph School Phone Wilmette 316