WILMETTE LIFE GATHER FOR ROOM TEA-Here are pictured a group of mothers who met at the home of Mrs. W. 0. Morris, 112 Ninth street, to "talk things over" with the teacher of their children in the eighth grade at Stolp school. Those pictured: Seated (left to right) -Mrs. W. A. Hendrick, Miss Margaret Hayes, Principal of Stolp school. Mrs. W. 0. Morris: Standing-Mrs. W. J . Denholm, Mrs. C. M. McDonald, Mrs. J. A. Shank, Miss Herma Wyman, teacher, Miss Dorothy Stevens, teacher, Miss Orrel Davis, teacher, Miss Carrie Chase, teacher, Miss F. Peering, teacher, Mrs. J. D. Wilkins, Mrs. A. R. Wilson. (Lehle photo) FRIDAY, l~OVEMBER 9, 1928