November 16, 1928 NORTH SHORE · MOTOR NEW$ Nash in 4th PlQce in Registration of Sweden's Car$ STATES URGE INCREAsE OF U. S. APPROPRIATION '----H-in_ts_f_o_r...;....th_e_W._in_ , te_r_D_r_lv_e_rs_ __. Nearly Three-Fourths of Country Negligence on the part of car owners crank sh_af~. I .. that Nash has established itself for~ Increased annual appropriations for should be securely fastened. Bear in midably in foreign fields, according to Federal aid necessary if- highway con- mind that there are numerous profesIt isn't- hard on the eyes ordinarily 0. E. Springer of the Nash Suburban struction is to keep abreast of auto- sional car crooks who always are stroll.i mobile registrations, in the opinion of ing around in the hope of finding a to look at a pretty girl, but you may Sales of Winnetka. get an eye full of shattered glass if "While Nash has become the leader 35 of the 48 states, according to an car that isn't safeguardeq. you don't keep your attention concen- in sales registrations for six cyli~der analysis of questionnaires sent to Thousands of machines are stolen trated on driving when you're behind ·cars in many states in this country, State Highway Commissioners by the every year and the owners never see the wheel. Remember, the one-arm Legislative Department of the Ameri- them again. Stolen motor vehicles driver continues to figure prominently figures have just been rele~sed showcan Motorists' Association in coopera- often are involved in accidents. People in auto accidents. Don't try to hold a ing that the "400" series is s~epping tion with The Automobile Club of Ill- with cars for which they haven't paid child in your arms while driving. Con- rapidly · to the front in many Europeu. countries," he says. "Perhaps of wost inois. often aren't careful and, in their haste trol your temper and keep out of dis- interest are the statistics which show An affirmative answer was received to escape possible detection, will think putes with "back seat" drivers. that Nash is now in fourth place in to the foltowing question from 35 of nothing of endangering other people's all Swedish automobile registrations. the states: "Do you favor an increase lives and property. TWENTY TIMES AROUND WORLD "Charles W. Nash who recently in the present amount of Federal-aid visited the automobile shows in Europe Twenty times around the world ! appropriation, the annual appropriation · The modern automobile motor, in brought back this information and all Such. at any rate, is the distance at the present time being $75,000,000?" ·good condition, should start readily, reports in Denmark and Finland, Nash American motorists could travel on Replies from 13 states indicated that and in summer, without the use of the is finding ready sale. the state highway officials of those choke. Pronounced difficulty in start- their 500,000 miles of surfaced roads. states do not favor increase Federal- ing is usually a sign of trouble-weak batte_ry, ignition trouble or faulty carat'd . Need For Bil' Increase buretion. In the opinion of those favoring adIn cold weather, however, congealed ditional Federal-aid, the consensus was lubricating oil and a cold r_notor often that $100,000,000 annually should be make starting difficult. It ts then that appropriated for this purpose. Replie s care should be taken in the operation from · five state s. however, placed the of the starter. The clutch should be reminimum of $150.000,000 annually or leased when using the starting motor. 1929. 1930 and 1931 of $75,000,000 an- When the choke is used it should be nually. returned to its normal position as soon But seven states were of the opinion as the motor warms up. to prevent that the Federal Government should leakage of raw g~soline into th e crankcontribute fund s towards improvement case. h . the states, although practically all of Remember in cold weather t e 01 1 of the secondary highways systems of in the moto; is sometimes in ~ chilled the Western States voiced their favor or semi-chilled state a~d wearmg s~r of the Oddie-Colton Bitt which prm·ides faces are particul~rly unpr~tected .ur · tl1e first dozen or so revolutions of the special funds for ce_rtain st~tes h avmg large tracts of pubhc domam. A total of $733,200,000 has been appropriated to date by the Feder!ll Government, under the Federal-atd program inaugurated in 1916. . . Support of increased appropnatlO.ns for Federal-aid was voted by the .le~ts~ Many people us~ thei_r ca;s at~ winlative committee of the Assoctatton ter. but many sttlt dnve m dtscomat its November meeting. fort in cold weather because they beTo Ask Congress For Aid lieve there is no successful car heater "Despite the fact that we now have on the market, according to J. C. under construction 10,915 miles of more approved. this i~ insu~cient to Sloan of Motors Service, Wil_mette, keep abreast of the mcreasmg a~to who says that the Wahl Umversal mobile.s registration." ~i .. Mayor, Vtc~ Heater has solved the problem of comPresident of the Assoctatton and Prest- fortable Winter driving in any tempdent of The Automobile ~tub of 11!- erature. "This new heater uses clean, ~resh inois declared, in announcmg that 1ns Association next month would urge air drawn in through the radtator, upon Congress an increa~e _in the ln- and heated around the car's exhaust pipe," he says. "It. develops up to nual Federal-aid approprtatton. 300 degrees F. but ts perfectly controlled to just the heat ~estred. M?reover, there is an exceptional ve.nttl~t ing system which keeps the atr ct~ culating through the car and renews tt every three to four minutes. . "Having no actual contact ~tth the An interesting sidelight o~ th«: daily gases in the exhaust, there 1s ab~o increase of Ford production IS re- lutely no danger of. carbon monoxtde vealed in a report received by D. G. or other fumes entermg the car. Head-:Leonard of the Skokie Motor company ache dizziness · lassitude are unknown of Main street Wilmette. The report whe;e the W~hl Uniyersal heats the HYDRO. ELECTRIC BRAKE SERVICE concerns steel' production and . shows car. the dealer insist~. AU Types BTakes Serviced . that itt the Youngstown, 0., !lull secBesides being perfectly safe and tion all records were broken m Octo- clean, the Wahl i~ noiseless. All cars Authori~ed Senlice ber in cutting inroads into the unfilled can be fitted." tonnages of the pro<tucers. . "Stepping up Ford production to M eclo,;cal Brall·s H J4ralic Bra·· meet the demands of purchasers to ing for many ~onths !lnd this condition probably w1ll contmue. . LORRAINE LIGHTS i>ring about a reduction in the huge "That the Ford contract w1th the · unfilled order list of the company has 2212 W. Railroad Ave.- Comer Noyes St. been responsible in a big measur.e,. for mills is a huge one is evidenced by the EVANSTON that the information I have received the record breaking month in the 1ron of .one output of nine open hearths Greenleaf 2122 and steel mills," said Mr., Leon~rd. "The Ford Motor company s reqUire- district sheet pro.flucer ~~e requ,red ments 'for rolled steel have b~en press- 'for sheets taken by Ford. This year, which is to wind up the is responsible for many automobile tempt to race the motor when cold. In biggest in the history of Nash M~ Fa·or Asking for Boost to Keep thefts. Too many drivers fail to lock fact the motor should never be raced tors, with all production and sales Up Highway Building their machines, which thus are easy when ·n ot under load-such practice is records, is interesting for the reason for thieves to drive away. Spare tires extremely harmful. Do not, therefore, :tt- llf otor Car Heating No Longer Problem This Dealer Says cAre Tour 9Jrakes R·IGHT. Demand for Fords Forces New Record in Steel lndustr_v I'ERD. PLATE of Beadlx Loelcbeed