November 23, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE Shore Theaters ,_,_ -·-~-~-~--------- ' Clive Brook Stars I I News The Joy Clowo of Spcopatioa . in Mystery Picture Coming to Granada "The Perfect Crime," a mystery story told in pictures, will be the prin cipal item on the Granada theater's program for next week. In one respect the picture is unusual. Instead of fer reting out the crime. the detective in this ca·se perpetrates it. After solving many mysteries he is seized with a desire to commit a "perfect crime," one in which no clue is left and the criminal does not betray himself in any way. The crime is committed. The police, on the trail of the criminal, get the wrong man. They try him and convict him, and the great detective, who has retired from hh profession, watches their blunders. Then comes his problem: Shall he confess, or let an innocent man die in his place? The audience is left in suspense for 30me time concerning the outcome of the trick plot. The picture is from a ·.;tory by Israel Zangwill. Clive Bro~k plays the detective, and Irene Rich is the woman in the case. Benny Meroff and hi·.; orche stra will be on the Granada stage next week in a show entitled "Roses and Poses." SHOW TRAMP PICTURE Buster Keaton Acts Well in Movie at Varsity Now Richard Arlen and Louise Brooks Star Buster Keaton comes acro3s with in "Beggars of Life" at Norahore some great acting in "The CameraNext Week. man," now showing at the Varsity Richard Arlen and Louise Brooks theater in Evanston. He plays a replay the leading roles in "Beggars of formed tintype photographer this time trying to break into the newsreel serv~ Life," a picture quite out of the ordin- ice aJl because hi-3 heart aches for the ary, which will be shown for one week office stenographer. He takes his at the Norshore beginning this Satur- famous p~ker face through fire, water day. It is a tale of tramp life and as and jail for the type-writing lady, and picturized it forms a grim,' sordid gets all tied up in hard knots trying background for an appealing romance. to scoop a Tong War. If you care for . I,n the pict~re Arlen is Jim, who good laughs, "The Cc;lmeraman" is ~sn t a. professiOnal tramp, but is b~at highly recommended . mg hts way to an uncle's home in Louise Brook,; and Richard Arlen Canada, and Mis·.; Brooks is Nancy a play a trouble:-beset pair and win your girl who kills a man to escape fr~m sympathy in "Beggarc; of Life," comhim and then run s away to escape the ing to the Varsity next Monday. The law. The love of Jim and Nancy for picture is a tale of tramp life and each other blossom s in these tragic that probably will linger long in the circumstances. memories of those who see it. Arlen Dre·.;sed as a hoy, Nancy accom- plays the part of Jim, a non-profes· panies Jim as his "kid brother." The .;ional tramp trying to beat his way to chivalrous Jim treats l1er with brother- Canada. Miss Brooks is Nancy, who ly care and affection, but trouble begins kills a man to get away from him and when the two join a band of tramps, then attempts to skip the country by who easily guess the sex of the "kid," accompanying Jim as his "kid brother." and then learn her identity as one The third of the principals in the cast i'.; Wallace Beery in the role of Okla"wanted" by the police. homa Red, a real vagabond. Appearing "Beggars of . Life" ~tands out disat first as the villain of the picture he tinctively as to plot and manner of ends its hero. presentation. A cast of good players support the principals, and many of MACKAILL, MULHALL STAR the le'.;s important roles are excellently The well-known starring combinaportrayed. Another stage show with a New tion of Jack Mulhall and Dorothy York setting is billed for the Norshore Mackaill will be seen again in a film next week, when AI Kvale and the Jazz entitled "Children of the Ritz." The Collegians will present "Bits of scene will be laid in New York. Broadway." --·-~-~-~-·.c.---------··· ALKVALE a~~d the JAZZ COLLEGIANS ia "BITS OF BROADWAY" "BEGGARS OF LIFE" WALLACE BEERY-LOUISE BROOKS-RICHARD . ARLEN -Extra- FOX MOVIETONE NEWS ORCHESTRAL FEATURE Nonhore Theater SymphODJ' Orchestra EVEBT FBIDAT lfi&BT II NOBTBWESTBU :O&BT Come at t P. X. Schubert's "Blossom Time" to Be Shown at Studebaker Theater goers who have never seen "Blossom Time," one of the outstanding musical triumphs of the age, and those who annually wait for its appearance, will have cause for delight in the announcement from Chicago that an all new and superior "Blo'isom Time" will commence a limited engagement there at the Studebaker theater, Sunday night. November 25. While other operettas and big mu sical productions are steadily being produced and almost as quickly fade from the horizon "Blossom Time" continues merrily on its way increasing ~n popularity every year. This season the famous operetta celebrates it seventh year on tour in this country while it now is in its fourteenth consecutive year in Europe, where it is being looked upon as one of the modern musical classics of the theater. The tour of "Blossom Time" this year is being made in conjunction with the Franz Schubert centenary. In case there are some playgoers who may not know it, this popular success is based upon the life, romance and music of Franz Schubert, the great composer. In view of this the Messrs. Schubert, under whose direction this year's tour is being made, h~ve built a super production this year with all new . scenery and costumes and have supplied it with a cast which is said to be the best that ever has played in "Blossom Time." . Genevieve Naegele, Herbert Lyle, John Charles Gilbert, Robert Lee Allen, Ivan Servais, Nancy Sheridan, Elsa Lang, Erba Robeson and Denova are among the outstanding personalities in this year's super "Blossom Time." Miss· Naegele, Allen and Gil- ANOTHER THRILLER Pat O'Malley will play the leading male role in another underworld thriller. "Nightstick," which Roland West will produce and direct as a talking picture for United Artists. Mae Busch will have one of the supporting roles, and Eleanor Griffith. New York stage star, will be leading iady. NEW ROLE FOR BETTY Betty Compson, whose acting in "The Docks of New York" has been praised highly. will play heroine to Richar'd Barthelmess in "Weary River," just started in Hollywood. A southern prison furnishes the locale for this .picture. Ian Keith will be Laura LaPlante's leading man in "The Haunted Lady," from the novel by Adela Rogers St: Johns. Belle Bennett is to be starred in a production entitled "Reputation." Alice White's next is "Hot Stuff," a college story. bert have been in it for the last three years.J while Miss Robeson and Servais were in the original New York company seven · years ago. Lyle was the outstanding hit of the record-breaking mid-western company of "My Maryland" last year. NSTON S HO~f Of SOUND . VITAI·HOIEeMfNIElUI Tburaday-Friclay-Saturda)' BUSTER KEATON in 1/fe NE\\Y I·£RPEt~T£1) "The Cameraman" Buster as a "green" newsreel eameraman In New York-He lovu Uke John Gllber\-does thrills IJke Douglal!i lqdrbunb and gets laughs as onJ7 Buster eau! SumuiHNU Star Vodvil Acts In Sound SCHUMAN HEINK CHIC SALES Fox Mo·ietoae New· At4e~ Attraetloa "THE HEART OF GEN. ROBE.R.T E. LEE" Comiaa Moacla.r WALLACE BEERY a~~d LOUISE BROOKS ! i I P···················································' VITAPHOMB .tUID MOVIBTOMB will be at &be COKING SOON 1 I ALCYOMTBEATBE HlgblaDd Park ! ! I I 1 ·· "Beggars ·of Life" Doora 0,.. I s31 .., M. , ·· ·~ rr ~--···-··············-·····················---------~ WATCH FOB DATES