Ncmmber 30, 1928 WILME T .TE LIFE ....... HoW Children Enjoy · "Selected" Milk! They love the ttSweet Natural Taste" of this special milk for .F drinking .F Mothers · . · are your children drinking all the milk you feel they should? You kn~w four glasses a day is the minimum. They actually need that for normal health and body develop· ment. Many delighted mothers have told us that Selected Milk settled the milk drinking problem in their homes. Its "Sweet Natural Taste" adds keen enjoyment to milk drinking. Milk drinkers, young and old, smack their lips over this better drinking milk. And its goodness never . varies. It's better because of the extra care taken in its production on the 105 selected dairy farms near Lake Geneva, and our careful methods of handling. It's easy to change to "Selected." Speak to your Borden milkman, mark the Borden milk card, or phone your Borden branch. BORDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS CO.ofiLLINOIS . . Phone Wilmette 1545