i·. November ~.. 1928 WILMETTE LIFE JUNI9R .LIFE 7A Soccer Team Adela to Soccer Victories Virginia McConneD Wins Flag in Essay.Contest 'lA Howard, Mrs. Groves' room. beat Stolp 7C soccer team last Monday 2 to 1. .Mark Simonds made the first point for Howard and Frank May, the other. It was Dick Preston's room we played and we did not think of winning. 'lA made the first point in the first half, then 7C made a »>int · in the ~cond half. It HOWARD SOCCERITES looked like a tie and near the end of the Wednesday, November . 21, SA Howarcf game 7A got the other point that we soccer team defeated SA Stolp on Howbeat them with. 7A has won every game ard's ground. The field was muddy and so far.-Frank May, 7A Howard. full of water. Howard went out on the field determiped to win. Howard got SQCCER TEAM UIPROVES two and . the only points scored in the The Howard SA soccer team has im- first five minutes. When we asked Mr. proved quite a bit. We have played three Gathercoal whetp~r it was good luck or games. The first was with Howard 8B. good playing, he said " t hat .U was good We lost 6 to 1 but we only had five fel- playing. Stolp had many chances to score Sanding and Scraping by lows present. Our second game we tied but th.~e was no one down there to kick Stolp 8C 1 to 1. Then we had eight fel- the ball in for a goal. The game ended Madline or Hand lows present. Our third game we won 2-0 Howard's favor. Stolp said that we . 2 to 0 against Stolp SA ; then we had knew how to swim better than they did. everybody there. It just shows that good No Dust -Dick Steen, SA Howard. sportmanship may win a game. We have two more games to play _!!.nd we all hope Howard 7A boys have hopes ot a perEstimates Furnthat we will wln them both.-Frederick fect season in soccer ball. They played Leason, SA Howard. 7D Stolp and won · by forfeit. Our secished Free ond game we played 7B Howard. We ~l~o won that game 2-1. Our third game FIRST SNOWBALL FIGJIT There were quite a number of snow was. played on a muddy field. We won balls flying last Wednesday· when we aga nt by a score of 2-1. We are hoping had our first real snow of the season. to see the soccer shield in 7A Howard There were fights between the boys and room.-Reginald Green, Howard 7A. in one place the girls were challenging _ _ _ <Continued on Page 53}~--~-~~~~~-~ -~ -~ -~ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the boys. A number of snowballs hit the windows and the people inside must have thought that the windows would break. We all-that is the boys and girls -hope for more snow.-Carl Anderson, SA Howard. Vlrglnla :McConnell won the flag for Howard school by writing an essay on "What the Flag Means to Me." In asasembly Tuesday, November 27. Virginia will give a llttle speech as the flag Is presented to her. Virginia wUl receive an "E" in Composition on her report card this month. Also every one who tried wlll get a high mark. SA Howard is very proud of Virginla.-Kathlyn Welter, SA Howard. TELEPHONE UNIVERSITY 3055 PETERSEN FLOOR SURFACING COMPANY NEW I'LOOBI MADE PERFECT OLD I'LOORS LIKE NEW 519 Asbury Ave. Evanston, Ill. BEGIN VOLLEY BALL SEASON The eighth grade girls of Howard have started their volley ball season. We have finished our kickball season by winning every game. Now we'll do our best at volleyball. We will have three practice games before the regular games start. SA Howard will have their first game on December 4. SB Howard will have their first game on December G.-Elsa Carlen, SA Howard. VISIT ART INSTITUTE ll'riday, November 16, the SA of the Howard school visited the· Art Institute. Going down and back, they had a private car. 1 t is the first trip down there this season. When they were shown at the Art Institute, Miss Upton took them to a room where the Dutch and Flemish paintings were and talked to them about the pictures. Everybody 1 i k e d her talk. -Muriel Meyer, SA Howard. OUT FOR ALL SPORTS Our team, which is 7A, has been out for every game in every sport this year. The girls on the team are as follows : Virginia Jones, EmilY Symonds, Alice Skelton, Sylvia Jogl, Elizabeth Koerper, Janet Wright, Elaine Angelbeck, Geraldine Sprague, Virginia Brady, and Ellen Jordan.-Emily Symonds, 7A Howard. WIN TWO GAMES On Thursday, No ·ember 1S, the 7A Howard girls' team played two games of kickball. One game was with 7B Howard and the other game was with St. Joseph. We won both. The scores were 35-14 and 14-6 respectively.-Geraldine Sprague, 7A Howard. ?A WIN AT SOCCER Wednesday, November 13, 7B Howard had a soccer game with 7A Howard. First 7B kic-ked off and made a goal. Then 7A kicked .Qff and made a goal, then 7B kicked off and made a goal. The final score was 3-1 in 7A's favor. Elmer Erickson, 7B Howard. · PENALTY FOR TARDINESS 7A Howard probably won't have any more tardy marks this year. Our president has put a notice o~ the board that every child who comes in late has to put ten cents in -the treasury.-Elaine Angelbeck, 7A Howard. VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE Thursday, November 22, 7B Howard had their first volleyball practice. We played with 7A just for practice. Th~re were ten girls o~t Thursday to practice. Myrtle Koll, 7B Howard. MAKE NEW MAP BOOKS Howard 7A has started new ap books In Social Science. We -have already finished the first map in it. Mrs. (}roves is our teacher.- Donald Rahn, 7A Howard. MAKE CHRISTMAS DESIGNS The 7B class has started to make designs for Christmas cards. Mrs. Jones is our art teacher. She has given us many ideas for them.-Ruth Sanderson. 7B Stolp