· WILMETTE LIFB -lleceaa~ 7L 1928 = o¥ the North·Shore aubs Opens Legislative I .At the Neighbors Conference to All .__ _ _;___ _ _ _ __ Ttnth District Co-o~ratts With Club in Prtsenring Informative Ltgislative Talks Southern Woman's Mother Club Meets Club Lists Events With Its Juniors in Christmas Month The Neighbors met for the regular 'l'he Southern Woman's .club of Chi- Catholic Club and Junior Mem cago, husy with its Christmas month club program on Tuesday afternoon of bership Provide Evening of plans, announces three events of outlast \\·eek. The members of the sixth, Lecture~ Music and Drama seventh, and eighth grades of the standin~ interest. Joseph Sears school, and the student..; 'l'hc regular mectin!{ of the cl~b ocAn cvtning that brought great pl eaThe legislative conference at the of the history classes at New Trit.·r curs Thursday, Dccellibcr }3, Jll the sure and interest to about three-hun \\'oman' club of \\ilmette Wednes- High school, were invited to attend East room o{ the Hotel l.~Salle, com- drtd persons, was the joint meeting of dav D~cember 12. wiU occasion Open b~cause of the nature of the program. meucing with a !Jpard meetmg ~t 10 =30 the Woman's Catholic club of Wil da;.' at the club. The Tenth district Mr s. Thomas Perry spoke on "The o'clock, a reception from 12 until 12 :JO, mette and the Junior membershi p of the Illinois Federation of Women's Historic Spots of Illinois," with stcri - when luncheon will be served, and a Tuesday, November ?:1. The program of the evening com clubs is co-operating \\;th the club in opticon pictures. An unfortunate be - progrant at 2. Mrs. George Hanly Nippert is chair- prised a talk by Dr. William A. Evan ~ presenting this conference which will ginning was spared by the kind. assistance of Elmer Nygaard, supermtcnd- 111 a 11 of the program which has been of the Chicago Tribune, music, and a offer speakers of merit discussing ent of the Kenilworth school, who took arranged by Judge and Mrs . .Joseph. L. play. topics of timely interest. the place of the belated man who had McCarthy. 1-)opular vaudev1.lle artists Mrs. Arthur W. Boylston, president Mrs. Everett L. Easton will preside expected to manipulate the picture ma- aud theatrical stars from Ch1cago th ;- of the club opened the meeting with over the morning session which opens chine and slides. (It was discovered atcr.s will provide the afternoon's en- a few words of greeting, followin g at 10 :30 o'clock. The speaker at this later this man had be~n arrested on hi:;; tcrtainmcnt. which brief and interesting reports Mrs. Danid R Scheck, correspond- were given by the following committee time will be Mrs . May \\"ood Simons, ,,,;ay to Kenilworth.) . Beiore the opening of the regular ing sccr~ary oi the club, is in charge chairmen: Mrs. John Budinger, phil who ha s chosen as her subject, " How ot luncheon reservations. anthropy; Mrs. John Boylston, parish Laws Are Made," and "\\hat Form of program a number of officers and comactivity; Mrs. William Leary, school mittee chairmen gave . reports. Among Acting as -hostesses for the day will building fund; Mrs. Russell Flood, the Ballot Do You \Vant." these was Mrs. E. D. Snydacker, who, be Mrs. James W. Guest, Mrs. David chairman of community service; and The luncheon hour ·wiJI be the time as representative of the League of when three state representatives, Mrs. \\·omen Voters and a member of the ). Carter, Mrs. P. M. Bridges, Mrs. Mrs. John Coo!<, who gave her month vrcw head, Mrs. Walter Smith, and ly list o-f new members. Lott}e Holman 0'1\eill, Mrs. Harold legi31ature com~ittee of the Tent.h di?Ickes, and Mrs. Rena Elrod, will give Mrs. Susanne Jewell. Dr. Evans gave a talk on the "Red talks. . trict, I. F. W. C. read a resolutiOn m This afternoon the Children's ChristSeal Campaign," and the remainder oi favor of the Multi-Lateral treaty The aft~rnoon session is to begin (which means the 1enouncement of mas party committee, whpse chairman the evening ~as given over to the pro 1s Mrs. Uec Ellen Uady, is giving a gram which was in charge of ~f r s. at 1 :30 o'clock, with the speaker, War) and in favor of its ratification. Dridge tt!a at 1 :JO o'clock, at the res.i- . Frank Oelerich, chairman. Harold B. Kessinger, state senator. Senator Kessing~r, a splendid and It was moved and seconded that the uence ot .Mrs. Joseph ~. McCarthy 111 The club chorus, a group composed forceful speaker, will give an address ~eighbors should go on record in favor Chicago. of .Mrs. Walter Bermingham, Mrs . of this treaty. The motion was caron "Shall Voting Groups or Thinking The East roo .. of the Hotel LaSalle Charles Norman, Mrs. Harry Bettingried. Citiz~ns Rule· America?" will !Je the locale oi the Christmas haus, Mrs. Charles Broad, .Mrs. Frank Mrs. Joseph Joyce gave an account The day is open to all interested. D Rothing, and Mrs. Robert Fontham, for children Thursday, ecem- with Mrs. M. B. Morris, accompani st, The civics committee sponsoring the of conditions of and plans for the men party L>er 27 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. f 1 legislative luncheon \Vedne~day c~n at Great Lakes and made a plea for '1'11is d~y was selected so that all chit- sang charmingly, "The Song 0 t 1e sists of Mrs. E. V. Youngberg, chair- clothing suits and overcoats, for them. Volga Boatman," and "Songs ~1y man, and Mrs. ]. B. Hoelz, Mrs. ]. L. She ask~d for volunteers to give Christ- dren attending school could be present. Mother Taught Me," by Dvorak. Huebn~r. Mrs. G. F. Iliff, Mrs. C. E. mas boxes to the families of these men. An attractive program, replete with The audience expressed its appreciaDrayer, Mrs. H. J. Newton, Mrs. Contributions may be sent to Mrs. surprises is being arranged for the tion of the work of a cast of junior GeorR"e Martin, Mrs. C. C. Henderson, Joseph Joyce, Mrs. James Prentiss or cntertamment of the little guests. members, who acted well when they .Mrs. C. T. Kremer, Mrs. A. M. Peard, Mrs. Frank Nason, or articles will he presented the play, "Jazz and Minuet." Mrs. ). C. Baker, Mrs. S. I. Kaufman, collected if the donor calls any of these The · girls in the little production were ~{ rs. Percy Arden, Mrs. Harry Hillthree members of the committee. the Misses Dorothy Rohal, Helen man. O'Donnell, Marion Busting, Marjorie Mrs. Charles Erwin, chairman of the Assi ting are Mrs. David Moreton, The Sisterhood o·f the North Shore Koenig; Rosalie Adams, who were diprogram committee, announced Con~frs. W. M. Burns, Mrs. Frank Congregational Israel \\ill hold a home- rected by .Miss Marian Ortseifen of Church, Mrs. William Crawford, Mrs. stance Vasek Sefl, mezzo-soprano~ who made food sale for the benefit of the Kenilworth. folk 11raille work on Wednesday, December A. C. Youngberg, Mrs. Ernest Free· gave a half hour of Slovaki Mr. and Airs. Harry Lombard, well fluite 19, from 10 in the morning until 5 in man, llrs. Joseph Dingle, Mrs. Davies, songs. She sang with ease ~{rs. R. W. Armstrong, Mrs. ]. C. a touch of dramatic ability aad her the afternoon, in the temple at Vernon known radio artists, gave several operatic s e 1 e c t i on s and musical Anderson, and Mrs. }. C. Stackhouse. naive introduction to her singi111 was and Lincoln avenues, Glencoe. sketches delightfuJly. Rese"ations may be made with especially attractive. She wore the The Sisterhood, through its secretary, Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. ~rs. John Clark Baker, Wilmette 4262, peasant costume of southern Czecho· Mrs. L. A. Goldstein, sends th!s plea: Mary E. Farmer, Mrs. Margaret until Mon4ay noon. Slovakia. "The Braille workers are supplying Regan, Mrs. Roy Hachett, Mrs. jose9h Mrs. Thomas Perry then gave an in- a great need in making their books for Lechner, and Mrs. John Hahn. Pubfir u..:.;._ formal tatk about the hi3toric spots of the blind, and we trust our friends and ·NHIJ 51t..-· Illinois and places of interest which members will lend their aid by attend- Club Sewing Today Will have been marked by monuments and ing our sale." The Kenilworth League of Women tablets. A great many of the monu· Benefit Children's Home Voters announces through its columns ments to historic spots and in recogPhil!lnthropy sewing at the Woman's the meeting offered by the Forum of nition of heroic acts and historic events club of Wilmette today is for the benthe League of Women Voters on Sat· are right at our doors, in the parks of The Wilmette Garden club will hold efit of the Children's Receiving home. arday, Decemb~r 8, in the F1orentine Chicago. Among the Indian Trail an evening meeting at 8 o'clock tonight room of the Congress hotel, at 2 markers are the trees in Evanston and at the home of Mrs. Hope Thompson, Mrs. Edwin B. Knudtson is ~hairman for the month, with a committee made o·ctock. The me~ting is to be held to in Glencoe. She took up the history 1219 Ashland avenue. }ens Jensen will up of Mrs. Scott Smith, Mrs.!' A. M. ascertain the real facts about "Muscle the early development of this state be the speaker and Miss Luella Wilson Anderson, Mrs. John Brashears, and Shoals," "Boulder Dam," "Electric and gave picture.; of some of the early of Chicago will sing. Mrs. David Mrs. Fred Rice. Power," "The Government in BusiWork commences at 10 in the mornCooke of Evanston, a charter member ness," and Canada's municipality settlers. ing and school children are welcome to of the organization, will show colored owned hydro.project. Tea followed the program. partake of the luncheon served at slides of the garden. , of the various Among the speakers are Donald The next program, on December 11, 12:30 o'clock. The sewing meeting is Richberg, general counsel, Sational as the one meeting in December and members. open to women of the village. Conference on Valuation of Railroads, in keeping with the Christmas idea, who will speak on, "The Importance will be a talk by Mrs. Henry Austin of EXHIBITS PAINTINGS A h l" Club Harry L. Timmins, an artist known t at 0 tC of Public Utility Regulation to the Oak Park. a Yery charming woman and Citizen," W.' S. Vivian, Director l·f able speaker, on "Some Experiences in along the north shore, is among the . Thirty tables of bridge were in play Public Relations, Midwest Utilities Palestine." exhibitors at the All-Illinois Society Tuesday afternoon at the. Wom.an s company, Chicago, "The Public's UtilOf Fine Arts' exhibition of paintings dub house at a benefit brtdge g1ven Mrs. Eloise Erwin Crout~se will give by members, which opened Sunday in hy the ways and means committee of ity's Stake in Electric Power," and Alvin Reis, membtr of Wiscon-;in's In- musical number . the Stevens hotel. the Woman's Catholic club. A plea terim Commission on \Vare Water The exhibition continues until De· has ~lso been made for contribut~~ns Power, who will discuss, "The People's to the Christmas baskets for fam1hes Mr . . \Villis H. Hutson, 1112 Elm- cember 5. Stake in El~ctric Power." wood avenue entertained the North Mrs. Lyman Drake will entertain her of men at Great Lakes. Mrs. R. 1· An informal reception will precede End circle of the Congregational reading circle Monday afternoon at M<:Gurke or any of the members. of th~ meeting from I :30 to 2:00 o'clock. church Monday last. her committee will greatly apprec1ate her home, 933 Lake avenue. receiving any donations. · Sisterhood Food Sale Is to Benefit Braille Work R---'fllion to Be DilcUiaed at Forum Jens Jensen to Speak of c