Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1928, p. 79

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December '/, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE FOB BENT-HOUSES COLORED MAN WISHES POSITION 9 ROOM STONE HOUSE, 2 BATHS $100. In prlv. family as chauffeur and hse730 Cent~r St. Tel. Winn. 1530. ' man. 1st class walter, handy around 69LTN11-ltc the house in every way. N. s. ref. Ph Glencoe 73. 61LTN11-ltp 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE· 2 BATHS· $100. 730 Center St. Tel ' Winn 1530 ' YOUNG SINGLE MAN, EXPERIENCED I . . 69LTN4-tfc . gardener and houseman, wants position. Can drive and care for car. Refs. 11 FOR BENT-STORES & OFFICES Tel. Winn. 3229. · 61LTN11-ltp FRANKLIN BUILDING Large second fl. office suitable for doctor ALL AROl!ND ~OUSEMAN, PUT UP or dentist. One small private oftlce, $15 storm wmdows, wash cars, waxing per mo. Best location in town. Ph. floors. Ph. Uni-v. 3204-M. 61LT11-ltp Winr.etka 382; 73LTN9-tfc ·· . SIT. WTD-MALE ·· 10 WTD. TO BENT-FJJBN. HOUSES IH FOB SA.LE-JliSCBLLA.DOU8 HIGH · SCHOOL BOY WANTS WORK OFFICE FOR RENT-LARGE SPACE after school and Sat. Ph. Winnetka on main floor, desirable location. 22%xl7~. Tenant can sublet space. 879. 61LTN11-ltc Ph. Wtnnetka 201. 71LTN4-tfc HOUSEWORK, PAINTING, WINDOW washing and also light hauling. Wll- _rz_rz_ _ _ _F_O_R_s_A_L_E __H_o_u_s_E_s _ __ BUY DIRECT FROM COLLECTOR 61LN11-ltp . mette 3039. rare pieces, English sofa, curley maple table, English card table, walnut ann chairs, other Items all perfect cond. CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN AND ALL 1514 N. Sheridan Rd., Waukegan. Ph. around man. Fairfax 4133. 61L11-ltp Waukegan 2122. 99LTN11-ltp VERY ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM BUNGAWilmette Public school music pupils· low, exceptionally flne condition, canBOOKKEEPING WANTED AT HOME. Ph. Wilmette 4034. 61Lll-ltp vased and painted walls, large sun ANTIQUES FOR XMAS, FROM THE will present their first piano recital of east and Europe. Moderate prices. th h 1 h' · g· room, hot water heat with both gas Glanyr-Afon Farm House, Crescent Rd. e sc oo year t IS evemng at and coal burning boilers. 2 car gar8! SI'I': WTD-MALE .t FElUALE East. Glen Ellyn, Ill. Phone 188. o'clock in the Howard school gymnaage: wooded lot in best Northeast sec99LTN9-3tp sium. The Melody Way piano pupils, tion. Owner leaving wants offer at EXPERIENCED WHITE CHAUFFEUR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iunder the leadership of Mrs. Fred W. $21,000. married, living quarters pfd. Wife wni 100 FOR SALE-HSEHOLD. GOODS Vivian, have arranged the program. do housework. Highest Winn. refa. Write Talk A-217. 62LTN11-ltp FOR SALE _ AUTOMATIC MOTOR The following pupils will appear In the di reclW: r ven Player Plano. A sample piano Laurel school-Mary Hewitt, . James 7 FOR BENT-ROOMS direct from factory to me. Make of340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 68 fer, am moving to California. w. E. Parry, Bobby Jackson, Jeannette Lechler, 77Lll-1tc FOR RENT-cLEAN, WARM ROOM, W'lli Wit Yvonne Woerner, Doris Youngberg, Betty 1 ams, 711 Li n d en A ve. mette. Erickson, Betty Clair Ellis, Elizabeth nicely furn. for single person or wlll lOOLll-ltp Hoesli, Elizabeth B. Lamb, Rosamond accommodate a couple. 2 closets, lav. and plenty of hot water. 4 blks. from FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL WALNUT 4 McMillan, Francis Bickham. Marie "L" Sta. Ph. Wilmette 3587. pc. bedrm. set, will separate, also flre Hardin, George Teryakes, and Amy PatBEAUTIFUL COLONIAL-6 ROOMS, 66Lll-ltc sun porch and sleeping porch. H. ·w. side chairs, baby buggy, vases and pic- ricia Lake. gas lieat ; garage. Deep richly landtures. Ph. Wilmette 686. lOOLTNll-ltc Logan school-Bernard Flood, Dorothy Davis, Jerrine Fromm, Jane Walstrum, FOR RENT - ROOM IN PRIVATE scaped lot. House in perfect comlitlon home, east side, young man, near all and ready for occupancy. Owner le!lv- FQR SALE IN .GLENCOE:-HAND- John Welter, Gerald Spinner, CharieR transportation. Ph. Wilmette 2098. ing village. For appointment call some mah. din. room set, 10 pieces, Spinner, Janet Smith, Gertrude Barbar, 66L11-ltc little used, cost $1,700, sell for $500. Lorraine Beecher. Martha Hartman, Al& Ph. Juniper 9382. 100LTN11-ttu fred Nelson, Frederic Strauck, Geraldine Watts, and Robert Hanna. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS WINNETKA 1544 Logan school-Robert Marsh, John employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and 77LTN11-ltc A. B. CHASE PIANO AND ALSO cold running water. Garage ·space if - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - large size mahogany Victrola with rec- Nichols, Junior Matson, Robert Hull, Pearl Anderson, Kate McConnaughy, desired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp ords. Reasonable. Wilmette 1374. \Vant lOOLll-ltc B~tty Waugh, Betty May Dodds, Helen Lindstrom, Kenneth Harrrnan, Lorraine FUR~ISHED ROOMS, SINGLE AND I-Iigh Grade Residence? OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT, 2 Richards, Janice Van Inwagen; and Jean double, reasonable, near transportation. 629 Park Ave. Phone Wilmette TRADE ON CASH BASIS MY RAVENSchairs to match. Cheap. Tel. Winn. Gordon. Central school-Dorothy Holway, Kath2346. 66L11-ltc 2464. 100LTN11-ltc wood Gardens Bungalow. 40 foot lot ; lyn Holway, Betty Jackson, Betty McColoil ht. : genuine tile roof. 1 blk to FOR RENT-BEAUTIFUL ROOM CONRockwell "L" station. I need 7 or 8 UPRIGHT MAHOGANY PIANO AS lum, David Wienstock, Katherine Wolf, good as new. Price $50. J. Orph, 522 Mary Alice Potter, Nancy Durgin, Ellen venient to transportation. Garage If rms. Will add cash difference. Give Laurel Ave., Wil. 100LTN11-ltc Torrey. John Adams, Jean Valeria desired. 1436 Forest Aye. Wil. 686. full particulars. Address Wilmette Adams, Muriel Jacoby, Frank Seubold, 66LTN11-ltc Life A-216. 77Lll-ltp FOR SALE-ENTIRE FURNISHINGS Gertrude Wienstock, Leonard Larson, of 10 · room house. 888 Sheridan Rd., Patricia Larson, Mary K. Burlingame, FURNISHED ROOM. NEAR TRANSP. NEW ENGLISH BRICK HOME ON 50 Glencoe. Ph. Glencoe 206. 100LTN11-ltc Madeline Clark, Nancy Rob, Jean Francis ft. lot, 3 blks. from Northwestern and $5 a week. 1225 Central Ave., WUmette. Miller, Ruth Wetzel. Lucy Lake, Ann N. S. trains. Brkfst. room, 3 bedrooms, 66Lll-ltp 2 tile baths, attic, 2-car solid brick ga.: VICTOR VICTROLA, MAHOG. CON- Louise McClain, David Weinstock, James sole type. Perfect condition. Tel. Winn. rage. Worth your investigation at price O'Neil, ~arl Holly, Rudd Lippincott, HarNICE FRONT ROOM - CLOSE TO 1894, 860 Spruce St. 100LTN11-ltc old Olson, Chuck Soule, Marjory Loper, of $23,500. tral'lsp. Suitable for 1 or 2. 418 Park Nancy Bercaw, Betty Jean Arcus, Calvin Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2269. 66L11-ltc & UPRIGHT PIANO. MAHOG. VERY Hill, Jacquelin Balhatchet, Laura Elizareas. ·Tel. 'Vinnetka 3047. lOOLTNll-ltc beth King. Daphne Craig, Norman Crnlg, FOR RENT-ROOM WITH PRIVATE 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 bath, good east location. Ph. Wil77L11-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!Buddie Collins, James Payne, Paul Payne, Bob Lawrence, Nancy Pearson, 101 WTD: TO BUY-HSEHOLD. GDS. mettt> 2611 or 1682. 66Lll-ltc Mary Virginia Penick, Mat-llyn Shane, FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SMALLER house-11 rm. brick house. Tel. Winn. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND ~linton Carpenter, Doris Lechler, Albert FOR RENT-WARM, BRIGHT AND 1288. 377 Provident Ave., Winn. furniture nnd other household goods. Carpenter, Ruth Winberg, Grace Smlt~ comfortable rooms, east sidle. Ph. Wil77LTN11-ltc Hlghe!'!t prlct>fl for same. Furni- Katherine Shane, ::!.nd Herman Blrlauf. mette 1940. 66Lll-ltc Howard school-Betty Jane Palzelt, ----------------ture !'!torE', 1004-6 Emerson St.. EvPLEASANT FRONT RM. FOR 1 OR 2 FOR SALE OR RENT-NORTHBROOK. an~ton, 111. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc Willard Jarchow, Dorothy Roth, Blllie adultR. 731 lOth St., Wil. 66Lll-ltc fi rms. and bath, water heat, lot 50x180. Steen, Betty Stenson, Rogers Shennan, ·rake lot as part payment. 1937 Wil- WANTED-REGULATION SIZE POOL Jacquelin Willis, Bruce Carlson, Winifred }'OR RENT-APARTMENTS mette Avf'. Ph. Wtl. 4424. 77LTN11-1tp table for home use. Tel. Winn. 1660. Hoffman, Howard Jones, Lillian Jones, 87 101L11-ltp Ellen .Jones. Adelaide Koenen, Suzanna FOR SALE-VACANT Lyons. Geor~e Schwall, Albert Crane, Dorothy Rudfeld. Marjory Hill, Dorothy 10! FOR SALE-MISC. Eisler, George Pederson, Robert Reed, Steen, Richard Roth Allan Roth DELICIOUS HOME MADE CANDIES .Timmie 4 AND 6 ROOMS Elizabeth Brown, George R'edding, Con~ and salted nuts. Distinctive Christmas nie Here in Wilmette's most convenient and Husttng. Mary Louise Allen, Virginia cards which have just arrived from Marsh, exclusive location, you will flnd well-ar- VERY DESIRABLE LOT 147x260, NEAR Marcia Smith, Betty Todd, BigNew York, also Christmas paper, etc. low ranged apartments. All apartments Indian Hill Estates. Owner asking $6,Robert . Henderson, Helen At The Little House of Interest, 312 Born. Haley, have outside rooms which provide an e 500 but wants offer. Must be sold, se_ Betty Kay Morgan, Geraldine South Ave., Ph. Glenco~ 732. abundance of light · and air. Ample Ufl now. 102LTN11-1tp Bunch, and Genevieve Birlauf. closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within Immediate ON RECITAL TOUR FOR SALE-THERMOSTAT ELEC. MOaccess. See these apartments today. tor and alarm clock attached. Perfect John Erskine, whose new novel, Agent on premises. cond., cost $87.50, price $30.00. ~teel "Penelope's Man," has just been pub-Wilmette 273 1177 Wilmette Ave. coal chute door, $5. Seal fur coat, three 78L11-1tc f)uarter length, extra large beaver col- lished, has returned from Paris for a 424 Linden Ave. WI I. 460 lar and cutrs, needs slight repairs. $20. few weeks, to keep several musical en87LTN!-tfc 47 FOOT FRONT LOT ON 1728 WASHington Ave., Wilmette 3797. 78L11-1tp Ph. Wilmette 3421. 102L11-1tc gagements. Professor Erskine is an excellent pianist, in addition to being FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE FOR SALE-THOR MANGLE, $75, BUSINESS PROPERTIES apartment, steam beat, janitor service. 80 a most popular novelist. He is to be Universal gas range, $25, Hoover neat transportation. Call Wllmette - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sweeper, $25, 100 lb. cap. ice box, $15, soloist with the Baltimore Symphony 1800· 67LTN 33-ttc EL~I I Lovekin H. W. heater, $75. Ph. Wil- for a performance and later he will ,mett~ 3&00. 102~11-tfc play in a recital in New York. 5 ROOMS AND BATH, HEATED; ALSO READY FOR DEVELOPMENT. CALL He closed-in porch, 2nd floor, $65. 491 Hill & Stone, Winnetka 1544. Madison Ave., Glencoe 1258. 80LTN11·1tc FOR SALE CHEAP-MAN'S MUSKRAT wili return to Paris later in December · · 67LTN11-ltp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·lined coat; size 40-42. ·Good cond., also to continue work on his American tO WTD TO RENT F'UBN HOUSES sealskin cap. Ph. Wilmette 2573. novel. FOR :ftENT-5 RM. FJJAT, 1ST FLOOR, · · 102L11-ltc furnace heat on Glenview Rd., east of wANTED TO RENT BY DEC. 1ST TO LUCKNER AT GEORGIAN Crawford Ave., Wilmette. 67Lll-ltp lOth, strictly modern home completely FOR SALE - PRINTING PRESS, 5x7 Chase, t·ype and complete outfit, also Count Felix von Luckner, author of · . furnished. Prefer owner leaving city Keystone moving picture camera with "Sea Devil," and Countess von Luckner FOR : RENT-FLAT-1806 WALNUT who is more interested in having his film. Ph. Wilmette 721-J. 102Lll-ltc Ave., 5 rms:; bath and l-ear garage. home well taken care :or· tha.n to make were entertained at the Georgian ho$50. · Ph. Wilmette 2626. 66LTN11-ltp profit on rent. Only strictly modern, FOR SALE-GIRL'S BICYCLE, FINE tel last Sunday when the former made well furnished place COI\Sfdered. Will cond., $15, infants' scale, $5, toilet chair. his appearance before Evanston and FOR ~ENT-LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING guarantee property as well taken care apt. and 4 rm. apt. $50. Ph. Wilof as by owners themselves and w111 Ph. Wilmette 1507. 102LTN11-ltc Wilmette audiences in two lectures. mette 1183 or 2564. 67Lll-ltc pay cash In advance for rent to May or FOR SALE-SEALSKIN JACKET IN Thev ·are planninR' to take up their 5~ RM. FLAT, HEATED, AT 377 June 1st. Please describe home in degood condition, trimmed with ·broadtail. residence at the Geor'Z'ian on their ne t Provident A~. Tel. Whm. 1288. tail. W111 turnfsb best ..·of ref. Write ·· 67I...TN11-ltc Winnetka Talk ·A-215. 90Lll-ttc Ph. Wilmette 143. 102L11-ltc visit to Chicago in February. WTD. TO RENT-FURN. HOUSE CON- FOR SALE-4 STORM WINDOWS sisting of 4 master bedrms., 2 baths, · ne\ler been used, two 26 by 47, two 33 2 maids' rms., and ·bath, Jn Glencoe reby 72. Tel. Wilmette 417. 102L11-1tc quired. Immediate possession by responsible people. Lease 1 to 3 years. DOLL HOUSE, 5 RMS. & BATH, COM-· Phone Glencoe 84. 90LTN11-ltc pletely furnished, electrically llghtecJ!I 9 Indian am road. 102LTN41-ltc D9 ANTIQUES 101 WA.NTED TO BUY-MISC. LARGE ' OLD GILT MIRROR BEAUTIfully carved, several smaller ones, col- WANTED TO BUY-A DOLL HOUSE in good condition. Tel. Wlnn. 1331. lection of pewter and Sheffield, colorful 103LTN11-1tc trays, china tea set, Colonial andirons, lighting fixtures. lustres, pr. of celestial and terrestial globes dated at 1748, also WANTED TO BUY-DR. ELLIOT'S 6' ft. Shelf of Books. WUl pay $25. 'rel. a few modern pieces suitable for Xmas Wlnn. 1147. 103LTN11-ltc gifts will be found at The Little House of Interest, 312 South ave., Ph. Glencoe 732. 99LTN11 .. 1tp SJPXe<Cn!\ll .Pupils in Recital A HOME YOU WILL TJKE HILL STONE QUINLAN TYSON, INC. LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. ST. BUSINESS ,OT

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