WILMETTE LIFE · December 14. 1928 The Most Personal Heads Arden Shore Northwestern Cage Squad M eels Pitt . W arriors Tonight Northwestern university's basketball five which opened its season last Saturday by defeating Wabash college, 35 to 20, will receive a severe test tonight in a game with the University of Pittsburgh Panthers. national champions last year. · Last season, the Pitt quintet made an auspicious invasion of the Western Conference, defeating Michigan, Chicago, Northwestern and Iowa in five nights. Coach Carlson expe<;ts to have a team every bit the equal of last year's Golden Panthers who went undefeated in 21 starts. Three members of that championship team are available this year, including Charles Hyatt and Paul Zchfuss, forwards, and Capt. Charles Wunderlich, center. Hyatt was high scorer last season with a total of 292 points. The Pitt team piled up 992 points during the season, averaging close to 49 points per game. Pitt opened its season with Butler college at Indianapolis, Thursday night. Coach Lonborg will probably start the same lineup which he sent against Wabash. This consists of Capt. Gleichmann and Haas, forwards, Walter, center, and Marshall and Mundy, guards. ·CHRISTMAS GIFT Your PHOTOGRAPH try BERNIE Soon it will be too late for Christmas Pictures Arrange today for your sitting ·· All cbildrtn amile lor Btrnit Bttter Picturea-Better V tduea Photo by ·B alfour BERNIE STUDIO 1623 SHERMAN A VENUE, EVANSTON Tel. Uniwrat, 8998 By a Gorgtow Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of Winnetka is the newly-elected president of the Arden Shore association. She has been identified with Arden Shore work for a number of years. There are a number of North Shore women on the Arden Shore general . committee who Sherman,_ Chicago. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ ll recent i~ooffi~ annual meeting ~ ~held ~~~oo~ at Hotel NEW COUNCIL OFFICE The office of the North Shore council will move within the next couple of weeks to a larger office on the third floor of the new addition to the Masonic temple. The entrance is at 21 N. Sheridan road, Highland Park. One feature of the new office will be additional space for the display of Scouting ideas. ·· SILVER I'O:X S~ARF I'OR ~BRISTNAS Direct /rom the Ranch-and Save! Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardner of Escanaba, Mich. arrived Tuesday to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Chris Johnson, 1215 Twenty-third street. IN IE~., BU~SJIN Vtvid cola-s 6. fabPics IE 0F OORGEOUS FAB~ of b..illiance meet ardhe.. season and meet mosl- ~,~)~~resplendenlly in . ~~~ eve ~sc~uu~ but the Sumpfuous in ~ing p~tJce. StiKt yoar fan by ~tting them on dx liviag animal. Wt do the ptldllg and baTt tbt fan madt ap to your order, if you wiSh. The saving will bt substantial. We invite you to come at any time. Phone NORTHBROOK 116-J L. W. SCHNITZER RANCH On Landwehr Road Tbre. mila wat ol W·uU,en Roa; one milt north ol Ld.t Aumut 1E r~wns KARON SCHUR am/ Sporlswwir NO :fH SHORE HOTEL · 1605 CH ICAOO AVE. EVANSTON