December 14. 1928 . WILMET 1 ~ LltJ~ . 5· · ,.. .J.·· - · Decorations For Your Home or Car Boxed ·Gifts, Items of Unusual Interest Items of decorative value: useful items "dressed-up" in a distinctive manner: items that owe their charm to the fact they are truly different. We invite you to inspect this assortment of unusual gifts at a popular price. Each one attractively boxed. H·a ndkerch. i efs for Gifts! Delightful trimmings that will fill your home with brightness and cheerfulness. Yet, they are inexpensive! Red roping wreaths from 1Oc to 5Oc Chenile wreaths, 1Oc Poinsettias of chenile, l Oc each Small trees, 1Oc each Light .wreaths, $1.25 each, etc. Give GloVes of Fabric or Kid S m a r t I y sty led kid gloves in shades of tan, grey, or black, priced at ' $2.95. Washable suedes at $3.50. 'Fabric gloves from $2.00 down :t o Here are gift handkerchiefs to suit most everyone- delightful handblocked linens; dainty bits of silk or linen combined with lace; or the more substantial linens with hand embroidery. Priced from 35c to S 1. Gift Wrappings and Cards · Tree Ornaments Orna· ments of various sizes and shapes are priced at 5c and l Oc each. Tinsel roping of silver, red or green, 25c. Artificial snow, 1Oc package. A Christmas Hosiery Special! An Outstanding $1.95 Value . Specially Priced at $l.65 Pair These "Diamond-Point" hose are nationally known and respected as being an outstanding value at $1.95. They are a service wreight chiffon, silk to the very top, and they feature · the 44 Diamond-Point" heel-the most satisfying of all pointed heels. For a limited time we offer them at $1.65 a pair, and when requested each pair will be boxed, ready for gift giving. A variety of colors to choose from, size 8 ~ to 10. Attractive asaortments of gift hosiery for every member of the family are here for you to choose from. What kind of an impression does your gift make before it is unwrapped? Here are distinctive wrappings, ties and cards that _ w ill greatly enhance the pleasure of both giving and receiving a gift. Imported French papers, delightfully colored, 15c to soc pkg. Novelty ribbons and gay tinsel cords, at · 5C tO 35C. Sheer red maline ribbons in ten yard rolls, at 65c bolt. Pure white tissues, plain or ribbed, at IOC and 15C. Christmas Greeting Cards, sc to :15c each, or In boxes of one dozen, priced by the box at 5 oc and S 1. W orthen~Carrico Contpany 1146~48 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 588~589