January 4, :l929 WILMETTE Wednesday at 7 :30: Boy Scouts, .Troop 6. LIFE 5 Miss 'M:a~)orie ·otesori,· 240. Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, leave . on · Monday for Ward Belmont in Nashville, ·Tenn. Among other girls from the north shore also going back to Ward Belmont are Elizabeth Eberhart, Rose Flentye, Clara Grace Wray, Julia Shuster, Dorothy Berdett, and Natalie Hurd. -o. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole and their daughter, Miss Bernice, have returned to their home in Kenilworth after spending the holiday seasorr on a motor trip to French Lick Springs, Ind., and Louisville and Lexington, Ky. -oMr. and Mrs. Henry Foreman of Highland Park have been receiving th~ congratulations of their friends upon the birth of a daughter, . Patsy Lee, three weeks ago. Mrs. Foreman was Virginia Lilienfield of Wilnie.tte. ~. ' I Church News St. John's Lutheran \Vilmette and Park Avenues, Wilmette Herman W. :Meyer, M. A., Pastor 406 Prairie A venue Telephone 1396 ·Church telephone 3111 Senlees Epiphany Sunday. Sunday school and Bible classes. Confessional service for communicants. First service and Holy Communion. Second service and sermon. "The Wise l\Ian's · Quest." 2, 1-12. 9 :30 A.M. 9 :30 A. M. 9:45 A. l\I. 11 :00 A. :M. Sermon .: Matth. The classes for the Christian education of children will be resumed on Monday afternoon, Jan. 7, at 4 o'ciock. These classes have been conducted at St. John's for the past ten years. Their object is to give the children a more thorough training in Christian knowledge than can be given by the Sunday school only. The aim of our church is to have the children come to these classes at an early age and then proceed gradually through the vartouQ courses prescribed. Miss Clara Mueller will again have charge of the beginners class. The pastor will conduct the advanced class which includes those who are preparing for confirmation either this year or the next. The text books used are the Bible, the small catechism of Luther, a Bible history, and a memory work folder all of which may be procured at the church. There is no tuition charge. . . · GIVE DINNER Mrs. Dorothea Schweiger of 404 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe, was hostess to twenty-two ~uests at dinner on Christmas day, including Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schweiger of New Vork City, Ignatz Sch)Veiger of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Schweiger of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Urban· Levernier and family of Glenview, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Haws and family of Deerfield, Joseph Rau of Wilmette and Miss Marian Witten of Highland Park. :!\feelings Monday and Friday at 4: Classes for chil-l Day because of his illness, the Lord's dren. Supper will be celebrated during the 9 :45 Tuesday at 7 :45 P. M.: Meeting of Con- o'clock senice next Sunday morning. The communicants will begin at 9 :30 and the gregation. confessional or preparatory service for the 1·egular service at 9 :45 A. M. Delma Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Caldwell, 930 Linden avenue, is home for the holidays from Marietta college, Marietta, Ohio, where he is a freshman. He was elected cheer leadSince the pastor was unable to conduct er and recently has been pledged to the communion service on New Year's the Delta Epsilon fraternity. Boys' and Girls' Garments SCIENTIFICALLY CLEANED {Under 12 years FREE! of age) During the WeekofJan.14 National Week for Cleaning School Child·· ren's Garm.ents A convenient time to start the boys and girls on this road to the "right" is during the week of January 14_, when we will clean one garment for every boy and girl i.n this community under 12 years of age-Absolutely Free. Our · . process not only thoroughly cleans the garment, but also removes any contagious germs which may endanger child healt'h. 1JJoritCome Off A Word to Parents If. you have not been one of our regular patrons, this is an excellent opportunity to find out the superior quality of cleaning now being produced in our new plant. We urge all parents to take advantage of this ·Free Offer. ---- Sllli/e 9/iat I . SCHULTZ& NORD What habit of J)ersonal ss are you teaching your boy? · The Village Cleaners 1152 Central Ave.t Wilmette Phone Wilmette 320-321 Plant Phone: Wilmette 781 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660