January 11, 1929 WILMETTE SORORITY TO GIVE TEA LIFE 9 Kenilworth News ON CONCERT PROGRAM The Fortnightly will be the scene Monday morning of a concert by the Lake View Musical society. The artists are: Mme. Hanna · Butler, soprano; Mrs. Edwin Bluthardt, of Kenilworth, contralto; Mrs. Mona Redman, Mrs. George P. Nichols, 519 Warpianist; Miss Euginie Limberg, violinist; Miss Margaret Bluthardt of Kenil- wick road, Kenilworth, has returned worth and Miss Helen Leefelt and from the east where she spent the Mrs. Clarence B. Evans, accompanists. holidays with her niece. Mrs. Nichols was gone for two weeks. RETURNS FROM EAST Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 241 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, has returned from the · east where she was called on Christmas day by the death of her father, Mr. Roberts. He was a former resident of Chicago and had many friends here. ·The Sigma chapter of Delta Gamma sorority has issued invitation to a te_;1 · at ·the Delta Gamma ,h ouse in Evanston, on Tuesday afternoon, January 15, from 4 to 6 o'clock to meet Mrs. Joseph Halsted. Mrs. Halsted is the newly elected national president of Delta Gamma and is a resident of Evanston. MELSON LAUMDRY and D17 Cleanin1 S~ste~a We use soft water and Ivory soap. It's so gentle to clothes Liberal Dlseouat on Bring and CaD CENTRAL AT MAIN ST., WILMETTE Phone 1800 DANCE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE M r and Mrs. Percv Eckhart of Kenil~·wrth and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. BaH of Winnetka gave a young people's dance for their daughters, Elizabeth Eckhart and Adelaide Ball, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, 535 \Varwick road, Kenilworth, have take.n 11r. and Mrs. John Stuart Coonley's apartment at 1367 State Parkway for the winter. They ,;o,,ill not return until May 1. Mark, Jr., has returned to Williams college where he is a freshman. Put Color l11 YOUR IiiTCHE11" · Trade i11 )r011r old ratt;-e t·or a 19~9 llloclel for your old range when '11' you purchase a new one at $70 or more. ~ J0 -oBecause of the influenza epidenic in the east, Georgiana Fowler. Dorothy Darling, Katherine Dudley, Betty Nelligar and Betty Alger, all Kenilworth girls, will not return to Ogontz until January 15. -;()- 6 ~ftJ when you purchase Crown Range, with oom hMi control, $122.95 (lMallalion an) ~ for your old range a new one at less than $70. (This offer does not apply to laundry stoves.) Bobby Berger, 306 Kenih\·orth avenue, Kenilworth, gave a sleigh ride and winter sports pa_ rty for the boys and girls in the sixth grade of the Joseph Sears school, Friday afternoon of last week. -0- Clark-Jew.l, with ()!)til . 'heal control, $79.45 (/mtaJialion eztna) Mrs. C. R. Erwin, 615 Warwick road, Kenilworth, left Wednesday for Florida to be gone three months. Mrs. Erwin will spend Easter vacation with her daughter. Miss Charlotte, who is at Vassar college. -oM iss Katherine Houston. Hill road. Winnetka. entertained eight friends at dinner at her home last Friday evening before the dance given at the Skokie Country club. -0- Mrs. Robert Danly, formerly of Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained at luncheon at the Lake Shore Athletic club on Tuesday, January 8. Moore Range, with 011en h«Jl control, $125.80 (llllltall4tion alro) The new ranges come in attractive green, blue, tan, and white with color trims-and have many modern service features for shortening your hours in the kitchen. Models as low as $23.50. -oMr. and Mrs. H . K. Snider of Wood land Park, Deerfield, are spendin g several weeks in Omaha, Neb. -aMrs. Thomas Coyne, 240 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, is entertaining her luncheon club today. A Laundry Stove Saves Many Steps on Washday Clark-Jewel2-bumer stove . 89.03 Crown 3-burner stove · · . 811.60 (Not shown) -oHarry Weese, 141 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, has gone to Florida . where he expects to spend a month. At small extra cost, any range or laundry stove may be purchased -------------------------~ The "Little by Little" WAY M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation Come in Today and See the New Ranges Puauc SERVICE CoMPANY OF NORTHERN IWNOIS 1141 Central A.ve., Wilmette Phone Wil. 2899 JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1030 Greealeaf Pboae 2764 ·········--------------~--~