January 11, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE' at from the Bible: "Hear, 0 Israel: Thf! G · A h t Lord our od .ts one: nd thou s a t love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might" (Deuteronomy 6:4, 5). The Lesson-Sermon also i.c.cluded the following passages from the Christian S · 1h Science textbook, " c1ence and Heat with Key tQ the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: ':God i·s one. The allnes~ of Diety is His oneness .... It is generally conceded that God is Father, eternat, self-created, infirtite" (p. 267). Wins Scholarship George Pattison, 1449 Scott avenue, Winnetka, Rolland Simons, 834 Six1· teenth street, .and Frank Gilchrist 510 riS IQft .l mette, are Harvard ' L a k e avenue, W 1 scholarship boys from New Trier, who returned to Harvard this week. George _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Pattison made the fre3hman basketball "God" was the subject of the Les-oson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, team. Scientist, on Sunday, January 6. Mark Cresap, Earl Poronto, David 'd d The Golden Text was, "The Lord is' S c h mt t, an Harry Sellery ~re among the Wilmette boys who returned to the true God, he is the living God, anrl Will.iams college last Sunday, after an everlasting king" (Jeremiah 10 :10). passmg the Christmas holidays with Among the citations which compriserl their parents. the Lesson-Sermon was the following Ch · S Clence · Churches · A Short Cut to Everywhere ·· Dean Vail, son of ~[r. and ~frs. ]. Dean Vail, 150 Abington avenue, Kenilworth, is one of several boys who received the Harvard scholarship last ] une at N cw Trier. He is a member of the Freshman committee, one of the most coveted honors of a Harvard freshman. He is taking a law prcpara. tory course. Y OUR telephone is more than a short cut between blocks. Any one of the 19,000,000 Bell and connected telephones located in every city, village and crossroads in the United States, as well as 7,000,000 more in Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and Western Europe may be called from your home or office telephone. For information as to the best and most economical way to make out of town calls, consult the information pages of the current Alphabetical Telephone Directory. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM Sail away from Winter T H E MEDITERRANEAN SOUTH AMERICA - - CUBA WEST INDIES - - BERMUDA HAW AllAN ISLES NORTH SHORE TRAVEL SERVICE State Bank~ Trust Company One Policy , One System -· Universal Sert~ice EVANSTON I .· 1 Official Agent lot all Steamahip Line· and Touti1t Companiea. t