Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1929, p. 48

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48 WILMETTE LIFE New Trier Cagers Divide Bill With Proviso Stalwarts BJ Wiaalow W richt Church News (Continued from page 40) '--------------- I Thrift Week Suggests Some Books at· Library By Aaae L Whitmack I ._I_n_C_l_u_b_ .M_u_s.... ic_a_l_e_. _ January 18, 1929 When it comes to club musicales, In their third league conte,;t of the Vere V. Loper, Minister the Woman's club of Wilmette knows season New Trier's cage teams broke w. E. McCormack, Minister of Education how to give them. On Wednesday even in a double header bill at the aftenoon there was a capacity house On Sunday the Church school meets Indi«\n Hill gym last Tuesday afterin the following departments : 9 :30 a. m. ~o greet the Chicago Concert , co.mnoon. The New Trier Jightweight8, -Primary, Junior and Intermediate depany. This co.mpan~ . has been makm~ who so far this season have had a partments ; 10 :45 a. m.-Cradle l..:Roll and itself known m Chtcago and the VIBeginners' departments ; 12 noon-Senior clean sla_te, held lhe ' whipl hand cinity, and everywhere critics. have department and Forum for adults. . throughout mo,;t of the battle and been praising it. The quartet 1s one triumphed by a 36 to 22 count, while At the morning worship service at 10 :45 of the finest, . for the members have a little later, the Grey and Green Mr. Loper will have for his subject "The the necessary feeling for ensemble, heavies dropped a furiously fou~ht Light of the World." This is continuing singing as with one ·voice. All nuances his series based on the Sermon on the game in the last minute of play by a Mount. of tone color and rhythm were exactly 19 to 18 score. sung. This church co-operates with the WilThe heayweight affair started off Miss Lucille Magill, soprano, substiSunday Evening club which meets slowly with both teams missing many mette tuted for Miss Marie Sweet, and in in its auditorium at 7 :30. The Chicago shots, until Captain NeLson of the Welsh choir, under the direction of Daniel the absence of Miss Marjorie Culver, home team opened events with a nice Protheroe, well known composer and conMiss Katherine Udesch accompanied ductor, will give a p1·ogram of the hymns short shot. The rest of the quarter and the quartet. However, both young folk songs of Wales. women must have had experience with continued 'very much in tlhe sawe the quartet, for no ragged edges were manner with Nelson and Richards addMonday evening the Men's club will noticeable. Miss Kathleen Ryan, coning to New Trier's score and Rex hold its monthly meeting at the . church. is to be served at 7 o'clock. Dr. tralto, Paul Mallory, tenor, and Frank chalking up a lone basket for the Dinner B. S. Spence, head of the Physic~ departBennett, baritone, made up the rest visitors and thus the quarter ended ment of Northwestern university, has. of the company. bE>en secured to speak on "Liquid Air" with New Trier on the long end of and he will accompany his talk with. The quartet chose numbers . that a 5 to 2 score. The second fJUarter some demonstrations. Special music 1s were sure to be liked for their purely went on in much the same wav as the planned under the direction of R. D. Burtlyrical, lilting melody. The "uplift" ner. Reservations may be mad~ by callfir,;t although both teams displayed a was missing from the program, bu somewhat better brand of ball. At ing Wilmette 1204. nobody seemed to mind. Composers one time in this quarter Proviso was Tuesday the Wekeacafila Camp Fire such as Victor Herbert, Friml and able to cut down New Trier to a 7 to 6 Girls meet at the church at 3 :45. Burl~igh have an appeal and are by no lead but at this point, Borncamp and Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts meet means to be shunned because their Hicks each made a ringer and a mo- .a t the church at 7:30. ...__ _ _ _ _ _. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ songs are always popular! The way ment later the half ended with N('w The following new books have been they were sung at the club last Wed Sea Scout Ship No. 7 meets at the Trier still in the lead, the count heing received recently at the Wilmette Pub- nesday charmed the hearts of all pres church at 7:30 riJso. 10 to 6. lic library, according to an announce- ept. The quartet ga\'e them a buoyant Wednesday the mid-week meeting is TJ te secon d h a If starte d 0 ff 111 a held at 8 o'clock under the leadership of ment this week by Miss Anne L. Whit- touch, avoiding sentimentality and snappier fashion and after some Mr. Loper. The discu:-;sion this week will mac, librarian: Beck-Story of Oriental bringing out the sheer beauty of minutes of playing, Rex, the visitor's continue on "A Technique of Prayer." Philosophy, Boyd-Simon Girty, De melody. Especially delightful were Friml's "Allah's Holiday," "Ting-a lanky guard, tied the score 12 to 12 Thursday the Boys' club meets at the Kruif - Hunger fighters, Franck with a long shot. This seemed to en- church at 4 o'clock. Boys from 9 to 11 Fringle of the Moslem world, Green-- Ling"; Herberfs "Moonbeams," and courage the Proviso lads and thev kept years of age are invited to become mem- Lambs m March, ·Henderson-Tur- "The Bells of St. Mary's." In the tat right 011 outplaying New Trier for hers of this club providing they are able ter, and m "Funiculi, Funicula," the quoise trail, Jack·3on-Studv of interior accompanist, Miss Udesch, added her the rest of a fast and hard fought to pass the required~ests. decoration, Lewis-New Russia, Straquarter, which ended 16 to 12 in the· The Junior choir meets for rehear~al chey-Eliz~beth and Essex, Thomas-- voice, which ts clear and bell-like Incidentally. she gaye splendid suppor visiting team's favor. The final quar- Thursday at 4 o'clock. Raiders of the deep, Wilder-Adven- at the piano. ter continued right on lll tbis fast The Senior choir ~eets for rehearsal tures in my garden and roch. garden. Solos were sung by each member of style but with the Indian Hill boys at 7:30. the company. Miss Magill's contribu ,toing the rallying. With the score 17 On Monday of this week Mrs. tion was the "\Valtz Song" from · · f Friday the Northwest Circle, Mrs. P. N. 16 · p to 111 rovt· .;o s avor and but two Redfern, chairman, will meet at the home Frank Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, "Romeo and ] uliet." Her voice is minutes to play Captain Nelson sank a of Mrs. F. G. LaBonte, 1517 Highland beautiful sl1..ot from the center of the avenue, for luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Kenilworth, entertained her sewing exquisitely light and graceful, and club at luncheon. there is a flexibility about it that is floor which again put Nev.· Trier in E. H. Pearson will ::sist. -oenchanting. Miss Ryan showed a rich, the lead. The Grey and Green team The East End Circle, Mrs. s. R. Mason, A group of American crocodiles, with fought desperately . to maintain thi 5 chairman, will also meet Friday at the a reproduction of their natural habitat resonant voice in "0 Don Fatale," by Verdi. Mr. Mallory has clear enuncia one point margin jlnd it seemed as if home of Mrs. D. J. Davis, 721 Elmwood for background, is on view at Field tion and smoothness, as was evident in they would succeed when all of a avenue. for luncheor:_at 1 o'clock. Museum of Natural History. the ensemble singing and in his negro -osudden with but sixteen seconds left The Blue Birds meet at the church Frisong, "Lonesome Moonlight," by to play, Rex of the visitors came day at 3:30. Mrs. C. . C. Ley, 1601 Elmwood Strickland. "The Volga Boatman" through with a nnger on the order -------avenue, entertai_ ned twelve members was given a fitting interpretation by of her bridge club last Saturday. of that of Nelson's and Proviso emerged Mr. Bennett. The second act of "Mar the vidor3 by a 19 to 18 score. -otha" was presented in costume, and Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road The Tuesday Bridge luncheon club again the quartet appeared to good Kenilworth The pony contest, which though not Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mini~ter met this week with Mrs. Charles D. advantage. as exciting_as the heavyweight one was ~1iss l\f agill and Miss Worthington . in Glencoe. · Ryan were especially charming. better played, started with New Trier Sunday morning, Januar~· 20. at 11 · immediatel.v taking the lead and with o'clock, Dr. Willett's subject will be, "ThP Captain Saxton and Bill Reed doing Holy Spirit: Reality or Romance?" their usual sharpshooting, the Qliarter Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. ClaR~e~ · 6 for all, and all welcome. Three new d N d T en e cw ner . Proviso 3. The class rooms have recently been ndded to second quarter Proviso tightened t1P the equipment of the school. Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. _ The Young People's club meets on Suna bit and did a little better shooting but New Trier managed to keep the- day evening at 6 o'clock in the Guild three point advantage which they had room. All young people of high ~chool SERVICES at the the end of the first' Qttarte~ and age are invited. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. the half clo,;ed with the score 15 to 12 The Ladies' l'!ui1d meets Monday nt Wednesday Ttestimonial Mteting-8 P. M. in the Grey and Green's favor. 10 o'clock for work in connection with Sunday School Exercises-9: 4 5 A. M. its program of benevolence. First Cong'l Church It is one of the fitting things that National Thrift week should open on Benjamin Franklin's birthday, January 17. At this time we form the New Year vows of a savings account and syitematic investments; of industry and an ambition to increase one's earning capacity by study and thought. Franklin in Poor Richard's almanac l{ave most excellent maxims for sHecess, but even better worldly advice may be found in his autobiography. It is the best book on success written. However, the Wilmette Public library has many others that ca·n be recommended-books on accounting, scientific management, bookkeeping, industrial chemistry, correspondence, psychology and salesmanship. Ask for them. Leffingwell- Office Management, OYerstreet- Influencing Human Behavior, Diemer-Factory Organization, FletcherHow to Get the Job You Want, HallHandbook of Correspondence, NystromRetail Selling and Store Management, Secrist-Introduction to Statistical Method~. Starch-Principles of Advertising, and Tosdal-Principles of Personal Selling. By R. L. P. I New Books I .... Kenilworth union :_;===="""""'"';·~~:·:""'~~:::~""':';""'~~~::~"""~:~':::~·:~""""""'; January 20, 1929 Subject: LIFE Reading Room-r 1 6 3 Wilmette Avenue HOURS: = Jacob C Heinze of Evanston attendPd . ~ .· the test1momal banquet to B. \V. John- . son, secretary to greater Chicag0 M oose lodge, number 3, held in the Grand baiJroom of Sherman hotel, January 9. 'T'he Wednesday evening lectur('s on AT TESTIMONIAL BANQUET "Great Poets of the Ages" have heE"n Mr. and Mr~. Clyde Carter, 1930 intE>rmltt<'d for the pre~ent, but will be Schiller street, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv V. resumed in the near _ future. Kreusch, 2030 Schiller street, and Mrs. ThE" Sunday school t>ntertainment. whicl_l was po~tponed ~rom December, will be gtven at the Kemlworth club Satur-· day E>venlng, February 2. ThE> Sunday School council wll1 mt>et WE>dnesday evening in the Guild room at 7 :15. Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. T'he Bible and Worka of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Chriatian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchaaed. - Mrs. R. M. Buckman, 1034 Linden avenue, entertained at a large family party Tuesday evening at her home, James H. Prentiss, 221 Cumberland on the occasion of her eighty-fourth road. Kenilworth, spent last week in birthday. · ·' South Dakota on business. Dr. Willett's suhject Sunday morning, Jan. 27, will be, "Our Christian Faith"; a consideration of the Apostles' Creed. _ THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM ~.tluuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuumuuuu·nummummmmumuuuuumuniHiummumluuuumlnuuunnJuuuunnuJuuuuu 111111111111111111111111111111111111111i:i

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