~ov~mber 22, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 11 ENGUSH LUTHERANS DEDICATE NEW c· HURCH (Continued from page 1) icc of the Woman's Missionary society on Friday. The dedication of the church organ afternoon, December 1 wilt be iemnred by a recital by Walter Flandorf, organist of the People's church, Chicago. ~unday Resuscitates Child Helena Rubinstein suggests QUICK BEAUTY For the Busy Woman's Tired Skin When time is short and the occasion is important, treat your skin to this rapid "pick·me,up." Cleanse and re.. energizewith Valaze Pasteurized Face Cream, so refresh, ing for a tired skin. 1.00 Next, Skin Toning Lotion to con, tract the pores and leave the skin firm and fresh. (For dry skin use Skin Toning Lotion Special.) 1.25 Then a quick, lasting applicatio~ of Valaze Rouge en Creme in Red Geranium or Red Raspberry-to suit 1.00 your type. And the finishing touch of Valaze Powder-clear of tone and clinging of texture-in a choice of ten lovely colors. 1.00, 1.50, 3.00 Started Eight Years Ago The Wilmette English Lutheran rhurch had its inception about eig11t years ago following a survey of the community by Dr. Thomas B. Hersch, missionary superintendent of the C nited Lutheran Church in America \,·hich re sulted in a meeting of the prospective congregation March 1, 1921. The · Rev. A. 0. So holm was called in April of that year to serve as mission pa stor, the congregation at that time meeting in the Vvoman's club building at Tenth street and Greenleaf a \·enue. There was a charter membership of thirty-nine communicants. The present membership exceeds one hu ndred. ~ 1fr. Soholm resigned in February, 1922. to assume a pastorate in the \Vest. In July of that year the congrega tion broke ground for its Bungalow-chapel on Seventh street 11car Greenleaf avenue. Three months later the Rev. \Villiam of Toledo was secured a s pastor .and in January, 1927, the BungalowMeet Billv Lardner, Tenderfoot chapel was formally dedicated. Mr. Guise devoted five years to the parish, Scout of Troop 22 of the Glencoe Union church who on July lH applied artifirelinquishing his task early in 1927. cial respiration and resuscitated two Decide to Build Church ,·car old Virg-inia Dean of Chicagl) :· ·· The Rev. Carl I. Empson, the pastor (left) who had fallen off of a pier at who has striven for and is now witness- Green Lake, \Vi s. , and who had been ing the completion of the new church gi~en up for dead after grownups had edifice, came to the parish in Decem- tned unsuccessfully to revive her. be r, 1927, from a pastorate in PennsylYania. Immediately upon his arrival fresh impetus was given to plans for the erection of a new church building, the Bungalow-chapel having already pron' d inadequate for the rapidly expanding needs of the ·congregation. The first step in this direction was the appo intment by the pastor of a building- committee comprised of the follo\\'ing leaders in the church: Scott S. Smith, Sr., chairman; Mrs. E. D. Knudt son, Mrs. A. D. Gash, Mrs. Gust a\' Ruchholz, Joseph ] ohnson, Charles F. Brandt, J. T. Peterson, and E. D. Knudt so n. (~uise Tune in on the Voice of Beauty program broadcast b.y Hef.en;u Rubinstein every other Thursday ooer theNational Broadcastmg C~m and Associated Stations at 11:30 A. M. Eastern Standard tune. Serving North Shore Residents for more than 25 Years 1167 W11.~rETTE Snider·Cazel Dru1 Co. AvENUE WILMETTE 400-401 Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS This committee devoted an entire year to the formulation of preliminary plans and in the autumn of 1928 retained the services of George H. Buckley, Chicago architect, who proceeded immediately with the drawing- of definjte plans for an edifice to occupy the ~i tc previously acquired by the congregation at Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue. ThtlnlisgivincJ DINNER W Whirlwind Fund Drive E. B. Knudtson was then placed t ~ I (:harg-e of a whirlwind financial campaign, termed a "Loyalty Crusade," which within three weeks, netted $33,000, a fund sufficient to warrant actual building operations. Ground for the edifice was broken Sunday, June 2, 1929, and the cornerstone was · laid Sunday, August 11. The church is an example of the rural type of English Gothic architecture. particularly well suited to its wooded site and the quiet residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. It is of brick and stone construction. ~femorials and gifts in the new edifice include the organ, altar cross, altar yases. baptismal font, windows. and miscellaneous equipment for the Sunday school auditorium and social rooms. The former Bungalow-chapel is being remodeled into an attractive parsonage. HAT a treat is in store for you by bringing the whole family here for this delicious · Thanksgiving Day meal! $1~ L B RestaUrant and Sandwich Shop