Xovember 22, 1929 WILMETTE pew, while ferns and palms and candles decorated the ·altar and wild smilax was placed on the crosses. A reception and bridal supper at the Edgewater Beach hotel immediatelv followed · the wedding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, who arc now on a wedding- journey to Miami Beach, (the place of the Skoglun,ls' winter home,) and Cuba, · will ma:.;:e their home in Chicago. LIFE 21 Skoglund-Sanderson Wedding Solemni.~ed on Sunday, Nov.16 The marriage of Miss Linea Skoglund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August H. Skoglund of Chicago, and Thomas \V. Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John c..: . Sanderson, 2705 Hartzell avenue, Lvanston, t~ok place Saturday afternoo n, November 16, at 4 :30 o'clock at t he Bethany Episcopal church, Chicago. The ceremony was performed hv Dr. C. Cr . Wallenrus, who was a ssi sfed n v t he Rev. K. G. Norberg. The bride wore a charming iv ory ::;atin gown trimmed in rose point lace . J I er long tulle veil was also trimmed in lace and fashioned with lace at\d tulle cap. She carried a large bouquet of lilies of the valley and swan~o nia. The bride's attendants w~re he r sister, Miss Viola Skoglund, maid u i honor, and Miss Ruth Hixson of EYa nston, Miss D ea Linn, Miss Inger Clancy, Mrs. Otto Henr y, Mrs. D. C. ll a rl~ i s on, and Mrs. V. C. Ueberroth all of Chicago, bridesmaids; while c..no ther sister, Lorraine, atte nded a s tlnwer girl. A11 the bridesmaids and the maicl of honor wore gowns of ~vel In \\' taffeta, with brown tulle hats t rimmed in gold. The former carried Cl >lonial bouquets of yellow and orange chn·santhemums and Pern et roses, the la t tcr held Talisman roses. The littl e t1o \\' er girl wore a green taffeta and Htll r frock and carried a ba : ; ket of rll:'es and rose petals. Th e best man for Mr. Sanclcr:;on " ·.1 . h i. . bro ther, ] ohn C. Sander-.o n, Jr., while the u she rs were f.<hYarcl ( rsha ughne sey of Evanston. Kent Stuart o f \Vinnetka, Harold ~f o o s rf E,·an sto n, Otto H cnry of Chi cago anrl I ack A shl ey of Evan st o n. - The church \va s decorated in an un u .-ualh· attractive manner with bronze: l" hrr santhemum s and ye.ll o\\' rihhon s a nd candelabra alt ernatin g at each f######~##~~##########:-##l of the bride, Roman and · Le Roy Seizer. The bride and groom will make their Miss Florenc<> Selzer. daughter of home in Techny, Ill. Mr. and Mrs . .Tohn Vv. I Selzer, t()Ql Walnut avenue. will he married next WELLESLEY TEA MONDAY W cclnesdaY morning t0 Edward The Chicago Wellesley club is havSch\Yall, son of 1\f r. and 11 rs. Joseph ing its fall meeting and tea Monday Sch_wall of Techny, Ill.. at St. Joseph' s aft e rnoon at 2 :30 o'clock, at the Chichurch at 9:30 0'clock. The Re\'. ]. cago College club. Miss Ruth Hypes A. N<·umann witt officiate at the c e~·c - 'of Evanston will sing and Mrs. FredWEDS PHOENIX, ARIZ. MAN The marriage of Miss Nancy Bida- mon,·, which will be foll o wed immcdi- erick G. Atkinson of Minneapolis, mon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ately by a reception at th e bride's home alumna trustee, will recount the latest Bidamon, 2Ji5 Catalpa place, to Nicklas and a wedding breakfast. In the eve- interesting news from Wellesley colKalk, of Phoenix, Ariz. took place Fri- ning there will be dancing and a buffet lege, from which she is just returnill:g. day morning, November 15, at 9:30 supper. _ o'clock at the home of the bride's Miss Fran ces Selzer will be her sisMiss Marie Koepke, daughter of Mr. parents. In the evening a small recep- ter's maid of honor and Miss Barbara and Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 tion afld bridal dinner were held. The Schwall and Mi ss Josephine Schwa11, \Vashington avenue; who is in her bride and groom left Friday for Phoe-~ sisters of the groom. will be brides- freshman year at Millikin university, nix where they \\'ill make their home. maids. The best man for Mr. Schwall ,vill return to Wilmette to spend the The former Mi s Bidamon is a grad- will be his brother, \iVilliam Schwall, 1 Thanksgiving holidays. Miss Koepke nate o f Kew Trier High school. while the ushers 'vill be two brothers is an Pi Beta Phi. . . Florence Selzer to Wed Edward Schwall Nov. 27 You'll Want FRESH NUTS for Thanksgiving Choice, big, crisp, delicious Billy Boy pecans, almonds, cashew kernels, pistachios. filberts-- · ~ FRESH EVERY HOUR Salted the Billy Boy way they delight your guests and demonstrate a desire to serve ..., the best . .. ' Have You Seen These imported little panties of guaranteed washable crepe de chine and French design-every stitch hand made. The ideal Christmas gift-priced much lower; than you have ever paid ·for band · made lingerie before. IIDILIDV IIDOV . Mut l{itchen_., - NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING 1 -- 519 DAVIS ST. For a Gilt that PIHit I Give Billy Boys 1159 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 4370 R e()resentative will call by appointment . EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 3006 Open Evenings Till 10-Sundays 11 to 8