November 22, 1929 WILMETTE SEES INDIANA GAME Clyde Dreisbach of Fort Wayne, Ind., was the house guest last week-end .of Mr. and Mr". W. C. Hayes, 1009 Ashland avenue. Mr. Dreisbach, who is a graduate of the University of ~ndiana and a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity, attended the Indiana-Northwestern football R::tme with Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. M. ]." P. Barrett, 533 Forest avenue, will have as their hou se guests next week and over the Thanksgiving holidays, the latter's brother an:l his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brigham of Indianapolis. LIFE Health Center Notes . At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoons, a program is regularly broadcast from Station WHFC in behalf of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. The nurses of the Institute put on the program, which consists chiefly of music furnished by the children of the district. Listen in next Sunday to the concert given over \VHFC by the Cicero high school. Few realize the extent of the activities of the Christmas Seal Nurses, especially in Wilmette, where our charitable cases are at a minimum and we learn with surprise of cases of destitution nearby. Through our oW"n schools, charitable organizations, aQd churches, cases are reported to our Christmas Seal Nurse, visited, and recommendations made. \Vhile tubercular cases are mercifully decreasing through the efforts of the Institute, an appreciable number still are kept under observation. The C. T. I. has broadened the extent of its activities to include all anemic and underweight chilqren and cases requiring speci~l treatment. There is the little boy 9f three. for instance, who suffered injury to his spine at birth, who is being taken by our nurse weekly to the Children's Memorial hospital, ·as his relati\'es cannot prO\·ide this saving care. He is a lovable, bright child who will he a valuable citizen instead of a liability when his back is "all well." The community and our health service cannot ig110re such needs. \Vilmette has always stood near th(' top. in the list of suburbs contributing to the ·Chicago Tuberculosis Institutt>. and mu st not let its quota fall. Extra l)rdinary conditions of unemployment and financial loss will bring incirasinndemands on this community sen-icl· tu which we must give full support. \Vc arc calling attention to the ~ a·lc.: of Christmas Seals on the ioliP\\ ing special points: That the seals are to he sold thrnugh the schools hy the children direct~\- tn their 0\\"11 families and friend!'. That there will he no hou s e-to - hotl~t· canvass. That there will he no prizes for large s 1 sa lt:s made: . That this is a community project with direct returns to the health sen·irC' of our Yillagc. That our quota must he maintained. SILE Evanston Show Roop1 Greenleaf 4821 IJTOMATIC · Winnetka 650 Greenleaf 700 THE NOISELESS OIL BUI\NEA. . Hubbard Woods Show Room 1620 SHERMAN AVE. 900 LINDEN AVE. I I I , 1 OUR EVANSTON SHOP 'Presents a (}roup of :J(_,ewly u11Ti1Jed - "CHICAGOAN" SUITS and OVERCOATS and "C HICAGOANS" are the most popular range of moderately priced Clothes in America today. Thousands upon thousands. of mature executives, professional men, young business and college men hav~learned of their outstanding quality. And above allthey have STYLE that needs no apology in the smartest company. "Ghicagoan" Juits are with one or two pairs of trousers at both prices BUY EARLY. I~ \VILMETTE. FROM THE SCHOOL CHILD REX! IN AUTHOR'S JUBILEE :\f r~ . V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex road. rKCliilworth, who specializes in poetry, i. among the well known women who arc members of the lllinois \Voman'c; Press association. Mrs. Spicer took part in the author's jubilee and book fair la st \V cdnesday afternoon ami eve'ling at the Hotel Knickerbocker. Among others who took part wr.r~ 1 .Mrs. Mary Hastings Bradley, author 01 1 "Trailing the Tiger," "Cara\·ans and 1 Cannibals," and nine other books; Mr~ . John H. Buckingham, 1400 Lake Shore drive, who specializes on cantatas and. librettos; Mrs .. Eugene H. Ganwtt (Louise Ayres Garnett), author of "The Joyous Pretender," and other whimsical books; Mrs. L. Brackett Bishop, and other noted writers who "~ve two-minute talks. ~Irs. Leona A. Malek is president of the association and Miss Clara Palmer Goetzingr·r 1s chairman. Mrs. E. R. Barton of 24 Que<>n'.,.- · t~ate, Lonrlon, F.ngland, has announced th e engap-ement of her daughter, Lorna to Richard. V. Murison, son of .Mr. a;1d Mrs. Richard Walter Muriso1~ of 339 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilwort!l. :Miss Barton is the daughter of the i late Maj. E. R. Barton. TH E~~}HUa HENRY .C. LYTTON & SONS ~ STATE and JACKSON, CHICAGO ORRINGTON and CHURCH, EVANSTON ANNOUNCES TROTH Evattston Store Open Tuesday, Thursday attd Sa-turday E'Z't'HitJgs l -~-- --