February 8, 1929 WILMETTE L.IFE 7 GREATER CHICAGO LAKE WATER COMPANY IIIZ Baak. .' Bide., Clalcqo Tel. P:&A.ada Hft "Filtered Lake Water for Chl~o·· Suburbs Watell for A.aaoaaceaea& Logan · Howard . P.T.A. Mrs. N. ·o. Symonds of Hinsdale, first vice president of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, spoke before the Logan-Howard Parent-Teachers association Tuesday afternoon. The program was opened with a group of songs by Mrs. Benner, accompanied by Mrs. Bushby, both members of this P. T. A. Mrs. Groves, program . chairman, introduced the speaker for Founders' Day, calling attention to the fact that the local organization has been in existence since 1913, when a small group of parents and teachers entered into ·partnership to improve the mind, body and character of young America. Mrs. Symonds reviewed the history of the Congress of the Mothers, as first called together in 1897, through Mrs~ Theodore T. Birney and Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, and paid sincere tribute to these courageous and far sighted women and their followers. Illinois, which was the first to form a ·state organization, was led in April, .1901 by Mrs. McMullin of Evanston. The last ten years has seen a marvelous growth of Parent-Teacher or.ganization'3, bringing in one and a quarter million persons in forty-seven states. the District of Columbia, and Hawaii. This rapid growth has madQ it necessary to departmentalize the work in Illinois through eight vice-prtsident'3 and committees such as legislative, child hygiene. etc. All workers are volunterrs. and only traveling expenses are covered by the organization. The annual dues of each group are rated· at ten cents per capita, half of which goe-s to the national and half to the state P. T. A. This would surely seem very mode st in comparison with any club or sorority. At the same time v~:ide opportunities for service and friendship are offered to those who join in the v1ork. A report of the gathering which formed the nucleus of this P. T. A. in 1913 was read bv Mrs. E. M. Simonds, and the presiden.t's message in the P. T. A. "Bulletin" was read by Mrs. ]. W. Behr. Attendance prize was won by Mi·3s Marjorie Van Horne's room, third grade, Howard school. Dr. and Mrs. L. Willis Strong, 1115 Chestnut avenue, and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Grisamore, 411 Lake avenue. will leave Tuesday with the Chicago Athletic association for Biloxi, Miss. to spend about ten days. --o- Earl Wade, 1431 Central avenue, Wilmette, died at her home in Perry, N. Y .. January 29 at the age of 84. The funeral services were held J ann. ary 31, and Mr: Wade returned to Wilmette from New York last Sunday. Besidos her son in Wilmette, Mrs. Wade leaves a grandson, Laorenee James Wade, of Evanston, and several great grandchildren who are living in Chicago. She was the mother of the late Lewis E. Wade, who for a number of years :was a member of the Wilmette Board of Trustees. Mrs. James L. Wade Dies at Perry, N. Y., Jan. 29 Mrs. James L. Wade, mother of J. Mrs. Alexander Reichman, for many years a ' resident of Kenilworth, with her mother, Mrs. Dent, and her daughter, Mrs. Maulsby Forrest, and baby left last week for . Tucson, Ariz., to spend the . remainder of the winter. They are staying at the new El Con:quistador hotel on the desert. t St. Augustine's Next Sunday, February 10 will be Sexageslma Sunday. or the 'sixtieth day before Easter. There will be holy communion at S o'clock in the morning, church schools and bible classes at 9 :45, and morning prayer and address at 11 o'clock. The women of the will hold an all day the club house. The mence at 10 :30 and served at noon . associated guilds meeting today ill meeting will comluncheon will be Cakes lor Valentines A he· a rt shaped angel food cake, daintly decorated in red, brings a beautiful Valentine message. Heart Cookies and Heart Dipped Cakes make lovely ad· ditions to the Valentine Party. l Next Friday afternoon, February 15, the women of the vat·ious Wilmette cfiurches will hold an Interdenominational day of prayer and blef'is ingR in Rt. Augustine's church at 2 o'clock. Next Wednesday. F eb ruary 13 will be Ash Wertnesday, the first day of Lent. There will be holy comm'union at 7 o'clock in the morning, Litany and Penitential office at 10 o'clock, and evening prayer ·with address from 8 o'cloc·k until 9 in the evening. During Lent there will be holy communion every Wednesday at 7 o'clock in the morning, and every Friday, except Good Friday, at 10 o'elock. There will be evening sen·ice with 'address every Wednesday at 8 o'clock. The delegates ret>r £:>~e nting St. Augustine's at the convention of th e Diocese of Chicago has been in attendance at St. .James Cathedral Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Th e rector< gave an addreRs Tuesday evening at the confere 1ce, on religious education. Delivery service as far north as Elm Street, Winnetka · · I The Wilson Bakery 1162 Wilmette i\. ve. Phone Wil. 414 + · HAS DINNER MEETING The Junior auxiliary of the Woman's club of Wilmette had a dinner and social meeting Wednesday evening. M rs. Thomas Ballantyne, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. a.nd :Mrs. P. ]. Newey, for about three weeks while Mr. Ballantyne has been away on a business trip, returned this week to her home in Evanston. !~ i Simplicity and .Smartness Typify These New + Pocahontas, navy standard, Gov't Pool 1, or West Va. Peerless brand Poe., the best and most powerful coal. Lumpy. Cllnkerless, Intense heat-In 6 to 40 tons, $7.40; 50 to 100, $7.26; egg, $11.00; nut, $9. 75. Domestic Coke, range, $12.00 ; nut, $11.50; West Ky. or Franklin, 6x3 egg, $7.50. Delivery In Winnetka and Glencoe add 26c· a ton. Delivered in 5-ton loads and up. C. 0. D., Immediately or as desired. City certified weights. All coal sold on approval ; fresh from mine, direct from car. UNITED COAL BUYERS OF CHICAGO, Mine Representatives and Wholesale Dlatrlbutors. NORTH SHORE BRANCH covering Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe-610 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette tff. Prlee Be· aeera to tle PabUe· Silk Dresses Buy Yo·r Coal Direct Fromlllae for Catll I Day Sale. SaTe 16c to 75e a Tea This Ad· Good for tl.OO oa Firat Order at WORTHEN ~CARRICO 1148. Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 588 co. ..