WILMETTE LIFE February 8, 1929 .Schools to Grade , Auto Patrol Boys for Proficiency Edward }. Tobin, Cook county superintendent of schools, has announced that the proficiency of members of the school · boys' patrol wilt be graded and that that mark will be considered in their advancement from grade to grade as much as their standing in arithmetic and other studies. Mr. Tobin made the statement after a conference with representatives of the accident prevention department of the Chicago Motor club, which for nine years has fostered the patrol as a means of preventing traffic accidents among ·school children. "Education should comprise 'practical' instruction, as welt as knowledge from books," explained Mr. Tobin. "Members of the school boys' patrol are selected because of their quali- ties of character, manliness and leadership. They stand at corners in the vicinity of schoo s before and after the classes, and assist their classmates and younger pupils across the streets during lulls in traffic. They must be on duty for at least a total of ·an hour a day, outside of their school hours. Their work as a member of a patrol is bound to give them a broader knowledge of taking care of them~ selves and others, and I believe they should be given tangible credit for efficient performance of this task." Under the new plans, the patrol becomes a part of the achievement course of the county schools. Boys who aspire to membership on a patrol must be nominated and approved by the other members of his particular achievement course, the teacher and the director of education. Patrol members must serve thirty weeks in order to obtain a mark, which will be determined by the teacher, the direc- Mono-Piece Body Two New Six Cylinder Can of New Dodge Six Durant Motors Inc., is introducing Is Revolutionary this year two new sixes with four speed Durant Motor Co., Making transmission, one a coupe, the other a standard four door sedan. These two models are in addition to the regular Durant 40, the four-cylinder line announced late in 1928, and the Durant 60 a six-cylinder line with mort_ power, beauty and economy than the previous 6-60, giving a complete coverage of the field from $600 to $1,350 with thirty-four body styles. The two new cars will be known as the Model 66 an dthe Model 70. They are powered by a Red Seal Continental engine of special Durant design with a bore and stroke of 2~ in<;hcs by 4~ inches. One of the most ·important developments in the automotive industry in recent years is the Mono-piece body construction featured in the new Dodge Brothers Six, according to C. M. McDonald, Evanston and Wilmette dealer. This new type body is revolutionary in principle and its construction and asse~bly is entirely different from that used on any other car. The Mono-piece body is literally one-pi(.ce, and is built inflexibly onto the chassis so as to give inherent rigidity. There is not a seam from fro~t to rear. · · This unique constructio·n is brought tor of education and the accident pre- about by the stamping of four major vention department of the Chicago sections and the electrical welding of them into a single unit. In this war Motor club all structural noises are eliminated; perfect balance, exceptional riding steadiness and safety are assured, and extraordinarv roominess is achieved with a new -degree of grace. Exhaustive engineering tests over thousands of miles of country driving have proven that this new type body is of such sturdiness that the old-time squeak and rattle is a thing of th e past. Local Display of Special Show Models This Week Fender Headlights of Pierce ·Arrow Are .Modernized Fender headlamps. long a di stinguished Pierce-Arrow characteri stic. appear in modernized dress on the company's new · Straight Eights, states James G. Barber of Evanston. north shore dealer. Created years ago, this unusual lamp design has remained one of the. few distinctin- marks in the motor car industry. Although beauty inspired their de~ign, the lamps serve purpo es of util tty, for they provide \Yider illumination, a better guide for steering and a factor which makes for safet\·. It 1s the habit of motorists driving · at night to allow. a two-foot margin bet\\·een cars. Pterce-Arrow headlamps, being out-set on the fenders, naturatlv cause the approaching motorist to give one or two feet additional room when passing. Because of th<' unusuallv wide swath of light thrown by the widespread fen~er head lamps, the available roadway ts made h\'O feet wider for the PierceArrow motorist. EVAN~TON NASH COMPANY 1~ BLOCKS NORTH of DAVIS "L" STATION Corner of BENSON AVE. and CLARK ST. Silent Automatic Heat BUY NOW AND MAKE FIRST PAYMENT MAY 1sTNO INTEREST SECOND MORTGAGE Visit our Show Room and then you will know the SILENT AUTOMATIC operates entirely different from any other oil or gas burning equipment. We specialize in negotiating Second Mortgage Loans on North ' Shore real estate at regular inter· est rates, and we make promptness and courteay. prime feature· of our tervice. The Wilshore Bond Evanston Showroom, 1620 Sherman Ave. Hubbard Woods Showroom, 900 Linden Ave. Greenleaf 700 and Mortgage Co. 1 15 o Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 218 1