February 22, 1929 WI.LMETTE LIFE 23 ,.. ~ ,,. \. ..... fOVNfAlN SQVAIU: LVANSfON ..· .J . "" of:Spring Are 1-Jere! Handkerchiefs of The New Sweaters are colorful! Contrasts of two or three brilliant colors in startling designs. Patterned and fashioned fronts with the design irregular! y woven in. One model in tan and brown has a tinsel stripe of rayon running through the weave. Others in scarlet, maroon and gray; orange, canary and white; blue, white and red. Coat sweaters have been left behind in the fashion race long enough and are back in · the sport vogue this spring . They may be plain or bordered tn a three-color-band. $6. 50. st r bin of the year chirped his spring t v ~y far behind him are other signs ursti 1g · forth from their jackets.-- Gay French Prints Gay little designs that fairly breathe of spring! Dainty sprigs of flowers -some of them modernistic in shape and form. Queer shaped designs and narrow stripes of color · bordering sheer French linen squares. The striped handkerchief has been decreed as the handkerchief to stick its corner out of the pocket of your tailored street suit, or the flap of your . envelope purse. And of course, it matches your hat, gloves and shoes in color. 5 oc each. LO 'H ES on display in our windows! gn. Stunning new spring costumes, rd stin shoes to the perky feather on ty ·,rchief peeking forth from the ""r I . ff Tweed S.uit · to lq~e its popularity for street wear, ges ·.ts ·form and type it remaihs the Dr s reet wear. [ts ave finger-tip length jackets and chi e-a ttached to the skirt, making ck~._.._ In blue, green, and tan. $I 5· ins iration. Charmingly distinctive . ell fressed at any informal occasion. ain ' Flat crepes with swathed hip a d flared skirts. Many, many tte or dinner wear as well as after- Play Scene Prints for · Children Smaller squares with cunning ·play scenes printed on in vivid colors. Any child will love these colorful hankies. In tan, red, blue, green, and dark blue. 6 for $I. Dimity Blouses to wear with Coat Sweater These dainty blouses of dimity have a narrow band of colorful print down the front between the fine pleating. Round Bramley collars and turn back cuffs. Really smart, for wear with your coat sweater or jacket! $ 1.95. cr sh. Some flannel in three color in ,lain colors. $6.95 to $I 0.95. 6. :> to $8. so. For Easter Dainty squares of georgette in orchid, bordered with deep edging of lace. Some have tiny rosebuds embroidered in the corners. 75c to $3.00. Handkerchiefs-First Floor r ::y f~rma I frocks · ons with sequin ornaments.re dresses in brilliant red or _ ................... and more dignified ones , . Or, if your prefer, a tinted dimity in green, orchid or peach. S l . 9 5. Blouses--Second Floor