2 WILMETTE· LIFE February 22, 1929 · No.14 of a Series on *MetropoLitan Chicago - showiftC MetropolitAn ha.s ew, of the fOTemost meboj)olit4n -in population well in trade import4nu-and t.h4t in a day nlCitiwly ""'· Leczdin& why Chk4eo f*sibi~U, ~ina world's unteT as as authorities pyedid fifteen million j)ol)ulCiticm ftn Mebof»olitCin Chiceleo within a lifetime. · · CHICAGO-WORLD'S FOURTH CITY IN SIZE-THIRD IN FINANCE !.LONDON 2.NEWYORK I. LONDON 3. BERLIN 2.NEWYORK 4.CHICAGO 3. CHICAGO t ---------------------------~ HICAGO owes much of its phenomenal rise in financial prominence to its strategic location. Situated as Chicago is-the metropolitan heart of agriculture, population and industry in this country - it was inevitable that a great concentration of funds should develop here. Chicago, world's founh city in population, ranks third in finan· cial imponance. Chicago has achieved its position in 100 years. while London is 2t000 years old. Berlin 700 and New York 300. C from Chicago, are steadily advancing nearer. Chicago's financial rise has been rapid - impressive - yet the real possibilities , have only just begun to take shape. Where the roads of commerce con vergewater, rail and air-as they do in Chicago, population must increase; and where in· dustry joins population, financial leadership must follow. The present is but an indication of what the future holds for *Metropolitan Chicago! Industry follows population, and money follows industry. The geographic centers of both population and industry of the United States, even now not far distant Thu sefiu em Mttroj)olitcm Chicago. whtn completed. will be bound in booklet form. .Adcbw Public &nriu Company of NOTtlurn Illinois,72 W. Adams St., Chicago, and a copy will be Tutrwd fDT )'OU. TheY& will be no charec. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS . Supplying Elutricity and Gas to 6.000 square milts. including tha MetroPolitan Ana into which Chicago is growing. ·Mehof)ollta" Chtca1o hldudu the City of Chicaeo and the hnitoTy within 50 to 75 milu of the Chicaeo CUy H.U .