WILMETTE LIFE \\'IN PRIZES AND PRAISE-North Shore Garden Clubs' exhibits at the Chicago Garden and Flower club show at the Hotel Sherm . .1 this week were accorded honors by the judges. The Glencoe Garden club took two second awards. one for the miniature garden model and the other for a window box exhibit, which appear in the picture. The Wilmette Garden club was given ho11orable mention for the shadow box in the upper left inset. The Winnetka Garden club won honorable mention for an arrangement of natural growth other than flowers, this appearing in the lower inset. ·The Kenilworth Home and Garden club drew praise for the window box show in the lower left hand corner of the picture. The Kenilworth Garden club also won honorable mention for a window box exhibit. (Photos by Staff Photographf'r) F R I D A Y, M A R C H 1, 1929