2 WILMETTE LIFE March 8, 1929 lfhis is the NEW TWO APPLIANCES IN ONE-AT THE PRICE or ONLY ONE J'isit your Public Service Store today and see this wonderfully convenient new elec· tricol device. The new Perc-o-Toaster combines both percolator and toaster in one beautiful table service. It occupies the table space of one appliance and does the work of two. There is only one electric cord and only one electric outlet . is needed. There are two plugs on the cord, one for percolator and one for toaster, so that you can use one without the other when you wish. The Perc-o-Toaster, of highly polished nickel finish, is distinctive on any table. And These Popular "TW0-at-a-TIME" Offers Only 85c down, $1 per month on light hill, without carrying charge, during this special offer. $10.50 Waffle Iron 9.75 Percolator $20.25 valueforonly Hotpoint Wutlle Iron $ 1699 ~ Special Demonstration TheTOASTMASTER lnAKt:Ji 9 TO 12 INC. ManningBowman Percolator, sold separately Specilll $9.75 Percolator 5.50 Toaster $15.25 value for only Manning-Bowman Percolator Stop in and see this completely automatic toaster demonstrated -see how toast can be made exactly as brown as you like it, with no watching and no chance of burning. - SJ2:i0 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central AYe., \\'ilmette $10.50 Waffie Iron 5.50 Toaster $16.00 Value for Only Phone Wil. 2899 $13~ Fedelco To..tel' JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager All Three Appliances, only $~ 1.99