W I L M E.' T T E L IF ·E March 8, 1929 p · 8 T I MORTGAGES Construction Loans s F. c 0 N D Covered Pipes Aid in Warming House; Also Save on Fuel Heater pipes, if they are bare or insufficiently covered, place the home owner in that class of men contributing annually to our billion dollar heat loss. It does not matter whether the pipes are 3team, hot water, or hot air. It has been estimated that a bare surface on a furnace or heating pipe one foot square wastes on an average of 100 pounds of coal a year. This is an "average" heat lo·,;s. Steam pipes EYWJIGT&t Cl Eatabliahecl last 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 Loan& Insurance C. R. NoRMAN Realtors & Co. Phone 1137 CENTRAL AVE. WILMETTE 3966 Renting Property Management In our North Shore suburbs outside lighting is important. This is largely so because suburban homes usually have a fairly spacious site with extensive shrubbery, trees, etc., which after dark make it difficult for one to walk through them with any degree of safety. It is really surprising that more people have not thought of utilizing outdoor electric light to a great- · er degree than hC\s been done in the past. There is a greater degree of security created when there are overhead lights provided thoughout the garden escapes. which can be switched on and off as Nor is the covering of the pipes ex- required. pensive since the cost of proper pipe protection can ·,;ometimes be saved in This is particularly available along walks and driveways, which in sumcoal bills in a single year; certainly in ·iller weather are delightful retreats two or three years. It is an invest.: for the family. The police value of ment in which you are sure to get lighting is also important to those livyour money back. ing in suburban districts. It is a wellThere are good pipe coverings and known fact that in times of the greatpoor ones. If your pipes are already est crime activity well-lighted sections covered you can tell whether the cover- suffer considerably les s from the deing i·s doing it s proper work by the predation of thieves than those secwarmth o.f your basement. It should tions where darkness makes it exnot be the warme st place in the house tremely easy for a thief to gain access. -which man v basements are. It ·5hould Special cornice lamps on detached be several degrees cooler than the houses which flood both sides of the upper floors. You can also tell by the house with light offer protection, and, warmth of the walls around the pipes. being controlled by indoor switches, Warm walls mean wa'3ted fuel and can be turned on instantly. Women mon ev. It would not be economv to alone at night find these "police lights" tear down your walls to put on -pipe a comfort, as the lighting not only covering but it would mean that it frightens marauders away, but draws would be important to insulate where- the attention of the police or neighever you could. bors. For complete fu el economy proper Outdoor lighting really starts with firing is important and so are clean the especially designed lanterns of heating surface, a properly . insulated copper, bronze or other weather-rehome, and proper in sulation of pipes sistant metal for the home , created in and boiler, wh ether .;team, hot water a variety of styles and forms to haror hot air. And the last ranks first monize with the specific architectural in imortance. treatment involved. lose more h'eat than hot water pipes and hot water ·piping loses more than hot air piping. This estimate of 100 pounds a year is the average loss of t he three typets of heating pipes. Uncovered pipes are uninsulated pipes. These bare pies in the cellar throw out heat where it is not wanted and often on the floors above there is a room or two which is hard to heat. Som~times these same pipes heat the walls through which they pass so that they are warm to the touch around the pipes. This is quite as undesirable a·,; overheating the basement for while ·3ome of the heat from your walls may get into your house a lot of it is radiated through the outer walls and Outside Lighting .Plays Important . Part in Suburbs - ~ · . \, . \ '- BEFORE YOU BUILD Investigate the TRI-PLY Method of Construction Here is a new method of construction that should be before you build. TRI-PLY construction enables you to have an absolutely fireproof home, completely insulated, with solid walls of cinders and concrete which are poured while lying flat on the ground. · The exterior is of stone so placed as to give an unusually artistic effect. And because of the labor-saving system used in TRI-PLY construction, all of these desirable features may be had with no extra cost in excess of other modern construction. investigate~ 820 Greenleaf Avenue-Glencoe This beautiful brick and stone veneer ten room residence and two-c.ar garage. Cement driveway, sidewalk leading in is of brick, on concrete foundation. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and grass is seeded. The first floor has: sun room. living room and dining room. Dinette kitchen, pantries. Main and rear stairs. On the second floor are three .ptaster bed rooms and sleeping porch. Two tiled bathrooms, large clothes closets, linen cases and dressing room. Two bedrooms and one bath on the third. Walnut doors and staircases. Concrete slabs between basemenr and first floor. The entire building is thoroughly insulated. Slate roof. copper gutters and roll window screens. W. H. D'ARCY & SON 13 30 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS LICENSED BUILDER OF TRI-PLY CONSTRUCTION TELEPHONES: WILMETTE 535-LAKEVIEW 0043 OWNER: 810 Greenleaf Avenue, Glencoe Commission to Brokers · We plan, de&ign, , finance and build homes for lot-owners