Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1929, p. 62

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-wiLMETTE 27 LIFE INTERIOR DECORATING March 8, 1929 H :ELP WANTED-FEMALE WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork, call Wilmette 3548. 56LTN24-ltp .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS .Classified advertisements will be General Not ..;Ce--to resident::s of the district from charged only Evanston to Glencoe inclusive who~e names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to e ither WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. RQ t eS--30 cents a line In all three papers. l\IINI1\IUI\I CJIARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 123~ Central An., \Vilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. · Classified . f Or I nser t tOnS-cepted D eadl tne up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three. papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the 'WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Sl'I'UA'l'ION WANTED-FEl\IALE Ideal only 6 :.:0:_..:...:..:.....:.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--::'-:-::-::be realizPd when your lamps and TRAINED BABY'S NURSE. S~ALL shades are in perfect harmony. baby pref. Exc. with undernounshed Bring in your lamp bases and let us or del. hildren. Seotch. N. S. r.efs. design shades that are distinctive and MiRs 1\Tc.A.llister 677 Willo·v. 'Vmn. different. ' 60LT:N24-ltll 27 ~o. We carry a large stock of Early American and English period lamps. Always ':VASHlNG AND IRONING OH W.J\SH'reasonably priced. ing r,nly. 'Will call for and dehv er. · Phone GlenYiew 26-W-2. 60LT24-3tp Greenlea f 811 ' 632 Church St. 27LTN24-ltc WANTED- WASHING, IRONIN<A AND 3~0==~=~~~L~O~A~N~S~~~~~~~ cleaning by the day, l>y a Swedish woman. Tel. Wilmette 481. 60LT24-1tp u) LAMP SHADES TO ORDER effects in home decoration can GOODRICH STUDIO ' I Charles H. Bretholcl 1st and 2nd mortgages FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALJ;-AUTOS 7 room apt. for rent. CO~'lP. vV HIT E ':VOMAN vV ANTS housework for 2 days a w el<. Tues. and Fri. l 'h. \Vilmctte 4207. 60L21-tfc Ph. Near transp. Tel. 65 30L17-tfc 545 Main St., Wilmette FOR S:\LE 1735 BENSON A\'E. r;ood U~l:'U ca rs at fair prices. "\\'p"d liiH· to show the m to you. l'!l28 CHE\'ROLET SEDAX. n ew. Pri ced right. LAUNDRESS WANTS ironing and cleaning. 5647. DAY WORK University 60LT~24-ltp AL:\IOST I-T.ANSC)X .~IOTOR CO. MONEY TO LOAN ON FlRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. COLORED GIRLS 'V A~T GENERAL housework and day work. Rt'feren ct-~. Tel. U1dversity 2684. 60L'l'~N24-ltp CONl.P. WHITE WO::'ITAN house work for 1 day a week, Ph. \Vilm ctte 4207. '"~ANTS Thur~day . i>55 Clwstnut St., Winnetka 4LTN24-ltc 1928 r\ash .:\U\'. 6 Sedan .... $1095 1ns Ka~h Ad\·. 6 Rdstr. . .. $1095 1!128 Nash Std. 6 Conv. Coupe $6~5 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Univ. 8383 ~PECIAL 1!'!28 Nash Spc. 6 Coupe . ...... $675 30LTN16-tfc 1!\27 Nash Ad\'. 6 St-dn.n $67~> Ford Ron<btt>t' " . . $12:3 1927NashStd. G Sedan ...... $425 1927 1924 Ruicl<, wint(·r top '. ' ........ 125 88 PAINTING AND DECORATING 1!127 Ka~h Spc. ti St>dan $04'5 1!'127 Dodge CoupP 410 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l!i27 Na~h Spc. ti Coach ..... $5-15 PAINTING AND DECORATING, ESTI1926 Nash Sp ·. 6 COU]lt:' $87:) ~r. mates furnished on old and new work. 1!125 Kash Brougham $485 First class work, lowest prices. C. Dodge l'ars $64!.i 101!1 Davi!': St. l 927 ~ash 7-pass. Sedan Frankell. Ph. Wilmette 31.04. BY.-\XWL'OX 1927 <. 'hevrol ·t Coup, . . . $2Si> 38LTN21-4tn 1925 Ford Sedan .. .. .. $!'15 SUI)!' nw ~l· n · ice .-\.lwa.YR ..---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 192a Hudson ('oaeh . . . . $125 4:LT:N24-1tc !l!l J·ETS 1026 Chryslt:r 'oach $4S5 \\-e'll acce1>t your prt·sent t.:ar in trade aR DODGE SEDAX. 1!12+. FINE CONDI- !·'OH. S .-\ LJ·:- :\L\L8 POLl E DOG, 18 tion. Bargain fllr quick cn~ h sale. \Vil~10:'\Tl-1~ OLD. PEDIGREE REGpart paymt.·nt and give you terms if you mette 217 4. -lLT;.J"24-ltp TST F:n J·:n \\"IT H .-\::\IERICAN KENlike. :\'EL ('J..l 'B. HO{ S8 BROKEN AND '1'1..\TXl-.lJ. C:OOD \~liTH CHIL1!'127 CHEVROLET <'Ol."PE, $250. PH. £\t A~S'fOK ~l\SH nREX . HAS HAD DISTE~fPER. 'Vinnetl<a 27!1. -ILT~::!4-llp (1% Bll<l'. X of DaYiR St. "L" Station) PI f():"\10: \VI L:\JETTE 4178 FOR APOH.. DE:~ SO~ ,<X CL .\ RK GR. 5500 POJ:\"1':\Tl·.. NT. 39LTN24-1tp 41. . 2·1-ltc tO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H - 0 - W - \\-f:LSll I'OXY. ·wELL-BRED, YOUNG, AUCTION BRIDGE LESSOXS g·,· ntlt ·, \n·ll-hml<t>t!. \Vinn. 149:t \~~! to win-not found in hool\:~. Ph. '"~il3!lLT24-1tc mC'tte 245G and arrang·t' Cor lt' R~ons f. om '1'0 BUY YOUR :LUlhor of Chicago Tribunt· " Lt' ssons in -t:.! UA UTOS USED l'AH r.ridg<>." 10L~4-ltp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PHOl\1 A FOR ~ALE - HAD lOLA XO . 1 S. IN DEi\LEl~ BUILDING & CONTRACTING 11 first r·ln~!': condition. 'Vilmette 44L. 42L~4-1tp 1.127 h '\Tolet 4 door ~edan ~ : :ou RACTOR ~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~-.......... :!ili·t WM. OTTEN, MASON CO::-.l'T . :::: Flint ~ dan ' New and r pair worlc. Gft our estimate. 1:1 HE I' .\ IlUXO & UEFTKTSTHNG (,OLD ~E.\L H 'I< 'KS Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc Ph. l 927 Buick ~l:tstt: r li ro;Hbtn .~~till \\'.\Tt'll I{F:I'.\lltiXG DOXE BY EXl ~:! Bukk Hruug-hatn $I ,:100 1wrt. \\rn tcht:s (')(·:ttH'd and ndjustNl. n HESS:\I ,\ l\I'XU 1!t27 Buick l'roug-ham $1 ,1:>0 17 f':~ul l)ayey, Jewt:>ler, 1165 \Vilm ette .-\ \'t' lltH . PhonP WilmE>tU 6. 43L~4-tfr' P:NSE:\IDLE ~lIT~ . COWXS, GOOD <·uttl'r nnd fitt C' r, copil'~ fn\ln Fl'l' lll'h nnd OPEr\' EYE~ TXC:S A-:'\ 1) ~ L·x D.\ YS otlwr hool\ s. Rea~onn hit', by the day _·_;;. _\_ _ _ _ ~_ · t_L_\_ ·F_~_n_J_>J_,_.\_T_I_N_G _ _ _ __ 1027 DAVIS ST. 11\'1'. Wrik ,,.innetkn SIL\'Eit PLATTNG HAVE YOUR in familil's. EYANSTllX Talk B-5. 1 7L~4-ltp 4L24-ltc g·otHl olcl piN'l'" I'PIH·\\'ed at a rensonahle prkt' . Paul Da\'ey, .Jeweler, 11 Gii SE.-\1\TSTRl~~S "\\·AxT~ \\·onK B¥ THE \\'ilnwttt· AYenu t.'. Phone Wilmette 6. day or nt h onw. .\lso l't' tnlldding and 45A-L:{ t-tfv Buy !'\ow and S;t \ ' e :\[oney ~ nltC'ring. 1 'h. \Vilnwttt· Hi%. - '27 Chevrolet 2 doo~; $295 17L~4-ltc ;.n U KXF.U .\1, JU~PATRS '26 Pontiac coupC' $295 '28 Pontiac 2 door $385 :\ITS~ KT:~(;.'ROn. lJI,ESS:\f.\KfXlr RY .TEWELHY REl'AlRTNG A;\D RE'27 CheYrolet l.mdau $3!)0 da~- or wt' t·l.;:. ltl'l111i(h'ling. rnh' t' l'!-:i:~· modeling by a craftsman of rare abil'28 Pontiac <:abriolt't $450 792:J. 17L24-2tp it?. J':tul Dan·y, J wclPr, 1165 \Vii'26 Dodge 2 door $:?~15 mette A.\'cnue. Phone \Vilmettt' G. '27 Old~mobile lnnd ;t u. th·luxt· $~riO :!H :10L:H-tfc C: . \RlH~~I~G !-~~ - -~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rotor - - .- - ;,;; J,OS'l' AN]) FOUND Landscaping-. Pla.ntlllg·. \ ,1eanmg· 1010 Chicago Ave. and upiH ep of gnrdt>n!'; by e:q)('rt J..OWI'-KEY~ OX ('1-L-\IX RIXC:. REEVA!'\STO~ RP:t!"onabh' priC'l' ~ \Yard. Cn.ll Talk office. 55LT24-ltp ·lLTN24-ltc l·'. Kol'Ut>l'l. PhOI\l Xorthbronk ~41-.J . .. --20LTX24-tfc HELP ·w . \X'l'}~]l-l'EJIAI,E r~ED C.\ R < 'Lb.-\RAXCE Ford oupe ...... ... $ 75 or. HOGR. ( :nn,, 'VHITE, 18 TO 2:-i YRS., FOH 1926 Che\'rolet Coach . .. . ... 165 t;.\HDEXIX(: HY D.\Y g·enC'ral housework. :\[ust he experi1~26 Che\'rolet Coach .. . .. ...... .. 175 l'hnnt' <;I,·nYi('w ~'fi-\\"-~. PllCPd and furnish ref. Protestant pre1 ~126 PCintiac < 'oavh ~50 ft·l'l'··d. Ph. vYilm ·ttC' 4:Hi. Oakl:lnd St·dan 525 5GT..TX24-1tc THESE .\RE REAL BAllGAINS EJ,t:('TUI(' REP .\IUS \iV. EEI< EXD McKENDRY REALTY CO. 60L21-tfc WAN1'ED-MENDING, SEWING OR care of children. 526 Linden A vc. vVilmette 155~. 60LT24-ltp WASJIING AND IRO'N'I~G TO TAKE home; will call for and deliver. Phone \Vilm ttc 3479. · 60LT24-ltc COOK AND Atlantic 1~17. _ 60LT:N24-ltp -----------------WTD.- '\V ASHING AND CLEANING BY the day. Ph. \:Vilmette 1890. GOLT24-1tp 1-'h. C. \fcDC)X:\LD RELIABLE, COMP. cor... maid. Be:-.t N. S. ref. 61 SITUATION WA5'1'J~D-1IA J,}; CO. EXPI<.RlE:'IJ' '80 SWISS GARDgNEI1. :\Iarried. Experienced with flow ers. Yegetablcs, trees, shrub~. all-around work. Vfry good -:'\. S. r fs. Rei. Rogl:'rs Park 5:{05. 61 LTK21-ltp SIT. \VTD.-GARDEXKR: PRTYATE place . Engli~h-.-\merkan . :\lan·i ed, b st of l'l' f. All n \Vilkes, 1:n5 Vin<:ennes Ave., hi cago Heights, Ill. 61L24-2tp EXPElUEXCED GARlJI~XER "\\-"\XTS st ady JWf'ition. ~ingl< · . B'<.>~l north ::-;hort· ref. Tel. \Vinn. ~0~2. Gl LTX2 !-ltp OLLE(;l~ IT P. · BUICI( :r\ orth Shore l1uick Co. ----------------------------- STUDE:'IJ'T '\VISilES JH>.\.RD and room in exvhnnge fm· hi s Jll'l'~(lnal :-enicef'. Phone V.' inn. ~224 . G1LT2 1-ltc EXPEH.JE'N'CED CIJ AUFFE'GH, l!CHJ SE- man, best North Shore rt.'f't · n'nce~. Swedish. Phone Ravenswood. 3170. 61LTX:!4-·1 tp CHAUFFEUR Swedish nationality. 10 yrs. <'X]). X. S. n·l'~. Tel. Winn. 2848. 61 LT:L'\24-ltp "rrxnOvV C'lenning. WASHING AND Il<H'SF.: 61LT24-ltp PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR, EMPLOYED at preRe nt. lst class r f. Write Wilmette Life B-7. 61LTN24-1tp HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR or day. Tel. Winn. 1288. 61LTN21-tfc WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows and waiting tablE'. Winn. 1657. 61LT24-2tp Lake Shore's nargains Tel. '\:Vilmette 2088. Lake Shore Sales -------. -"'- ;,6 _; 62 SIT. W1'D.-~lALE & FEl\IALE !\OR'l'I-1 SHORE F::XP.EHTE::'\CED :\L\Til FOR OEX hswk. ; must he g·ood cook; 2 children; 1131 Chicago A \'C . high \\ ' :tg· l:'~. Tel. ,,~inn. 2551. Evanston 56LTX24-ltc WE ARF. IN A POSITION TO FUHH . . TX~-l-ltC' ----------------nish you with good competent servants either white or colored. ' ( ;r 11L. 'YHlTE, FOTI GE~ER.-\L 5 PAS ELC'AR SED.\X C'YL. LY- :?:; l~S'I'Itf -("I'TOX houst·wot·k and cooking·. 4 in family, ('(lining :\Jot . Hru. Drk!-:. DriYt·n :11,[)01) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i'~orth good wag'l'!':. Ph. Glt>n(·oe 1142. milt-s; rf'C'(·ntly reduet'd tww li ply PS :"\ATT\'E FREXCH TJ;:;.-\CHETI IS 56LT:'IJ'24-ltc lfil(i Shermnn AYe. UniY. 934 & Gr. 6130 tires. Cost $~.500 . 6~10 <.ro,·e ~t . , ready to g-i\'l' !t'~·~o n~. clns~es nr pri62LTN24-ltp (;Jencoe. 4LTX24-1k \':ltl.' . "\\Tilnwtt·' ~:11 I. 25L24-2tp I~XP. \VHITB GIRL FOTI C:EN. IIS\VK.; g-ood conk, fond of childt·en. 1046 Dins- EXPETUEXCED COLORED COUPLE lllOI'e Rd. 'Yinn. 1541. 56LTX24-ltc wi~hes permanent poRition, good referPn<'('S. For aJmointment phone Wilmette S.-\LBSLAPY \VA~TED. APPLY .\T 1510. 62LTN2·1-1tp :-..r:1tional Tea Store, 11()1 '\Yilmette Aw. This Office will accept classified advertising to be run Ph. '\Vilmette 1294. 56L24-ltc XEAT YOuNG COL. OUPLE, Cf'T'Y ref.. no driving. Ph. Englewood 1S 17. 1n THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching I 6,000 famiW'I'D. --,VHITE l\IA TO FOR GENERAL 62LTN24-1 tp hou!'ework 4 adults. Ph. WinneU<n. lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. 1057. 56LTN24-ltc 63 BOARD AND ROOM on Tuesday. · ·'l.tH'I~~ ~fOTORS ni;;P.\lHJ·:n Bt 1-.XPBH.T. 'locks t:allt·d for ancl dPlh·ered. Paul J)a\'t'\' . .Jt·\\'P it ' l' . J1(i~l "\\'i]mC'ltE:> .-\\'l'!1U(' . · PhOill "\\"iltnt'ttt· G . :23L34-tft· vVE \VON· ' T WASTE YOlJR TilVIE Shore En1p. Agency .. Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too - Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 - WHITE: GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork. 2 schocl children. Ph. Wilmette 17~8. 56I...T;.J24-1tc IDEAL HOME FOR CONVALESCENT or elderly people with resident nurse. Ph. University 7483. 63LTN21-4tc

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