March 15, 1929 WILME'TTE LIFE 37 e Sport CoatS :ri~ med so they can be dress . Croydon Cravats Hand--made-of silks · loomed in· England Th~ 'n ) or :1 I ~ccasions) · , ' 69.50 1n French blue, with gray caracul tail<·red Shagmoor coats, of tan and s of ikit fox. few cravats described here are but representative of the many new ones that have come in recently: note especially how inexpensive they are for their quality and style: THE DUMONT of hand ..loomed foulard Blue, overlaid with traceries of purple-each group centered with a ·red square. Also in black-graygreen, or golden brown-and-blue. Resilient construction - and satinlined. $2.50 . hon.:1!Y beige, with a matching collar ll: ..~nd a stunning_ kashmir homea · ~w collar, bordered with black l over the shoulders at front and back. unusual values at $ THE DOVER of fine Austrian silk The same resilient constructionsatin-lined. Shadow pattern with understripes of black. Green, red, brown, blue and Easter Egg purple. $2 .50 . > we~ rthink f '\'estbury Homespun ith nan-tailored lapels and a heavy THE GREYSTONE of English Gum Twill A soft, crushable silk that immediately springs back into smoothness. Small diagonal patterns in red and blue, gold, brown and. green, beige, gray and blue. $2 .00. THE FALMOUTH of twilled foulard Diamonds and speckled designs in gteen-and-blue, gray and-orange, and blue-andred. Several patterns in these color schemes. $I ·5o. ~ Ho·~izon Blue, Wisteria, and Suntan. y--Fi"e Dollars I We feature also some English Silk Pastel Ties in Spitalfields effects in rose, blue, lavender and gold, at $1. 50. Lord's-First Floor 's- S ~ond Floor rat "'lever Patent Strap $2.98 The Pennington: One of Our Cleverest T h i s comfortable roundtoe patent s t r a p has . a 2uban heel, a smart cutout ,tt the side, and a strap of ,~zard calfskin to give the Inodern touch! Sizes for t ~iris and women-3 to 8. SPRING SKIRTS A tailored skirt made to wear outside the blouse - the new way! This yoke model, named for the nimble Ann, may be bad in natural kasha-in soft, wool flannel in 'blue, tan, gray; white and green. $6.95~ lRIF'r BASEMENT ' And to wear with them: . Tailored White and Colored Blouses Ti'ny pin-checked ginghams and half-inch checks-in green, blue and red, $3.50. White broadcloth blouses and white dimities, at $1.95. Tucked-bosom percales in tan, blue, lavender and green, at $ 1.95· ~ SQVARL LVAN5TON Lord' s-Second Floor