March 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE S7 Chairman Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm of 804 Forest avenue is the chairman of the \\'oman's club Building committee. Burley's Exhibit to Catch the Eye at B. H. Exposition \Vhat is the difference between crystal and glass? What is English bone china, French china, ·semi-porcelain? Is crystal or colored stem ware best? \Vhat pieces are needed for a correct formal service? What shall we use for table decoration? Is it proper to u:;e a fing~rbowl for anything besides a fingerbowl? Four generations of Chicago hostesses have sought out Burley's with these questions until this fine store ha·s become a genuine Chicago institution. Established in 1838, Burley's are the second olde'st retail store in existence in Chicago, and the seventh or eighth firm to be i11corporated under the original village laws. After the big fire Burley's were a familiar landmark on Wabash avenue until last spring, when they bought out Ovington Br0'3. of New York, and moved into the beautiful new building at 212 North ~Iichigan Avenue. To their extensive collection of china. crystal artd gifts, they have added departments of furniture. lamps, silver and luggage, making Burley's one of the largest stores of its type in the country. It is a delight to shop at Burley's hecaU'se of its spaciousness, its conYenience, and its air of leisurely assurance which is so unusual in the h!.tbhub of the Loop. Each of the five floors is filled with rare merchandise gathered from the four corner.; of the world, merchandise which makes one wish for a bottomless pocketbook. It is always a pleasure to spend a ouiet hour wandering from floor to floor. The store i· s more than a mere mercantile establi·shment. It has a personality so fascinating and gracious that once one has shopped there, one under:;tands why Burley's have passed from generation to generation, almost as a heritage. At the Better Homes Exposition Burley's will have a distinguished showing of china, crystal, table decoration·3 and gifts for the home. They will give practical suggestions for setting tables of every kind, and will present many new ideas in table appointments. · Von Ammon's Decora. tive Accessories will be shown at the Better Homes Exposition Small Tables, Occasional Chairs, 1 1 Distinctive Lamps, Objects of Art and Antiques. .. THE VON AMMON SHOP 910 Spanisl h Court Telephone Wilmette 4114