10 WILMETTE · biFE March 22, 1929 . .---IIIMII-~IItltfll:ttUIIHIIIIIIfiiiiiiiiiiiiJIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIflllllllllllllllllllllhlllllllllllllllltnlllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllll~ First Church ·of Christ, Scientist Ttntb Street and Central Avenue ' Wilmette, Ill. SUNDAY SERVICES 1r A. M. WEDNESDAY-TESTIMONIAL MEETING-S P. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERClSES-9 :4 5 A. - M. I Mrs. !:"!~~r!~~a~:!! ~:;~ ~ Fonner Wilmette Residents 90 GIRLS, 82 BOYS ON NEW TRIER HONOR ROLE Averages for Month of February The names .o f 172 New Trier High school students-90 girls and 82 boysappear on the honor roll list for the first month of the second ~emester. The honorable mention students for the month numbered 128--73 girls and 55 boys. Honor roll students must have . an average equal to three B's and at least one A. A B average is required for honorable mention. Although the girls at New Trier continue to set the pace in scholarship, the boys have shown marked improvement for the month just past, especially on the honor roll list. The number of girls and boys at the school is practically equal. Honor . roll figures for the Frst semester were 104 to 68 against the ooys, a difference of 36, whereas the girls lead by a small margin of eight for the first month of this semester. Outstanding records were made by the following students for the month just past, with straight A averages: Seniors-Janet Marshall, Grace . Stanley, Morton Mergentheim , and Jack Kaufman; juniors-Bernice Augdahl and Jack . Loeb; :sop:homores-Mar~· Melvin and Paul Gilbert; freshmenGrace Bartling, Jean Brownell. and Mary Jane Thomas. § i and now of Ypsilanti, Mich ., will spend Eleven Students Hav~ Straight A ~ seve~al days next week with friends ~ in \Vinnetka and \Vilmette . They ~. will visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles ~. ~ kobert s. 1014 Lake avenue. Miss .ir~ win has had an interesting career. She graduated from the University of \\"ashington , and the following year taught in the high school in CordoYa, Alaska, later teaching in the Fairbanks (A la ska) high school, which is the = Inost northeni high school in the ~ ,,·orl(l. She then taught with f-,fi ss 1 ~ , Dorothy Lloyd, daughter of the Rev . ~ Stephen Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, former~ ly of \Yilm ctte, in the school for Mis~ ~; ionaric s' children in Peking, China. ~ After a ,·ear of studv in France she § no,,· is teaching in th~c Normal school ter, Miss Susan, formerly of Wilmette MARCH 24, 1929 Subject: MATTER READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except W ednrsday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P. ' M. The ~iblt and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room~ THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM ~ in \' psilanti. i=== ' ------- :Mr. a·1d ~[ r s. \Vilbert J. Chapman. 2214 Chestutt avenue. announce the ~IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIItlllllllllllltllllllllllllll.'lfll:lllllllllllllllllollllllllllll ·lll llll llllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ hi rt I. of a son. Bruce \ r ill>ert. on Frida\·, ~[arch 15. at St. Luk e's hospit.al. ~[ r. Chapman is the station ! a<:,re n t at the Xorthwe:; tcrn dep ot in I Kenilworth. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS EASTER BLOOMS ARE READY · The plant you want is here. Readv to be delivered the day you .specify. Our selection includes onlv the choicest of blooming plants, gro\vn in our ow~ greenhouses. Plants that are destined to give joy for many days. Telephone Wilmette We sugge~t an early phon~ call to insure prompt delivery and the choicest blooms. 1943 Potted Plants Lilies Tttlips Hydrangeas Hyacinths Ferns Azaleas Cut Flowers C arnatiotls Roses Sweet Feas Calendula Tulips Spring Flowers of all kinds West End Florist First Greenhouse 011 Glenview Road PHONE WILMETTE 1943 SENIOR GIRLS Honor Roll Janet Marshall, Grace . Stanley, .Jane Barr, Martha Etzbach, Marion Hilpert, Ruth Drayer, Elinor Popper, MargueritE> Ilg, Frances Stiles, Virgi.nia Taylor, Gertrude Vink, Jeanette Wald, Lucill t' Blumenstock, Faith Burge, .Jm;ephine Farley, Betty Holmes, Vivian Lorenzini, Florence Pancoe, Ruth Shepard, Helen Thiel and Mary Geib. Honorabl{' }fention Emilie Banning, Wilma Borovicka, Helen Brandriff, Grace CookE>, Mary Louis(· Cotton, Margaret Gordon. Lillian Gritzbaugh, Seena Johnson, Maurene Jones, Elizabeth K elley, Betty McCann, Anni McDonald, Reba Michener, ·Hazel Murphy. Argela ~utchler, Helen Nygaard, Mary Elizabeth Parker, Mary Pouba, Marion Rockafellow, Virginia Taylor, Mabel Throckmorton, Mary Eliza beth Townsend and Dorothea West. JUNIOR GIRLS Honor Roll Bernice Augdahl, Anne Sherwin, Dorothy Smith, Georgia Schoenthal, Audrey Binz, Helen Bosley, Ethelbelle Glass, Jean Henning, Ernestine Herman, C::harlotte Holg, Mary Keith, Lorraine Meister, Barbara Miner, Ruth Scribbins, Janet Shepard, Harriet Williams, .Jeanette Wurth and Sylva Bruns. Honorablf' 1lentlon Dorothy Bersch. Beth Brower, .Janet Brown. I sa bPlle Cracraft, Marie Erickson. Martha Gielen. Elizabeth Haack, Gloria Harrington, Bt>tty Johnson, Edna Loomis, Isabella Macali~ter, Charlotte ' Moody, Mary Niestadt, Gene Paddock, .Josephine Pridmore, Virginia Rich, Erma Scheck and Clella McKana. ~OPHOlUORE GIRLS Honor Roll Mary Melvin, Patsy Boylston, Amy C'lagptt, Ruth Jackson. Sara Lindahl, Dorothy Winzenburg, Frances Lutz, Betty Pearson. Lora Baughman. Mary Ferrarini, PeatL Maitland, Katherine Maxwell, Mary Jane Mess, Virginia Nelson. Elizabeth Pottf'r, Virginia Smith. Louise Wagner, Martha Wilen, Barbara Cooke. Victoria Dieball, Virginia .Jenkins. Betty Bruen, Betty Buckett, Geraldine Eddington. Marion Nettleman. Ruth Ol'fner. Ethel Pierce, Mnrion Popper,' Claire Simon, Florence Sterling and Frances Whitman. Honorable Mention EthPl Anderson, Kathryn Anderson, Mary Ellen BoozPr, Helen Bratscht, Katherine Gronning, Lila Johnson, .Jean Lindstrom, MargueritE> MC'Cann, Jean Meek, MarjoriE> 1\fE>rgenthaler, Jane Orr Vire-inia Preston. Hnrrlet Sandberg,' Ethel Rharp, Anitn Wntson and Harriet Webster. FRF.SHMAN GIRLS (iJ.Iiliili.lii&iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iliiiiiiiii'iliiiiiii&i&&iiiiliiiliiiiiiiii'iliii'iliii'iliiiiiiiiiii'iliii'iliii'iliii'iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·~~ Helen H" 1 to n . .Jacinta (Continued on page Kampmefer, 60) ,Grace Bartun~. Jean Brownell, Mal'V Jane Thomas. Ellen Sager. Emma Bick-ham. Eliznbeth Balhatchet, Phyllis Bosley. BeatricE> Driver. Helen Rathbone. Florence Orioe, GertrudP McAdam. Kate Da\'te. Bt>Hy Dol'ltal. .Jane Erickson, Helen Green. Honor Ron