){arch 22. 1929 transportation, aviation accounting, air traffic and publicity. The Sky Harbor club wilt be a threestory and tower structure. It witt' house the instruction . rooms of the Sky Harbor Institute; waiting room for ·air travelers, club lounge, a library, card · · and social rooms. · A terrace and roof garden will fur. nish delightful spot3 for teas and luncheons and at the same time give the membership and guests a vantage point from which they mav watch the arrival and departure of the air liners and the general activities of the port. The hangars will house the coq>oration planes and also private and other commercial craft visiting Skv Harbor. They will also have in3truction rooms of the institute and will have modern machine shop equipment. The landing field proper wilt have .f our runways, each 500 feet wide and one-half mile long. These have been carefully planned to take full advantage of prevailing winds and other flying conditions, so they will enable planes to take off and land in any desired direction and under all con· ditions. WILMETTE L·lFE1 · and all the latest modes . in. · w.c;me·~. Chicago City Railway company; .llarv- Mary Froeka Will · ey L. .Williams, president, Air Investapparel, according to H. R. ·.~ermari~ Sto~ Tomorrow owner of the establishment~ The WiJ.,. or-s, Inc.; George Mixter, vice-president, Stone and Webster; Charles c~ The Mary· Ann Frocks shop will be mette store is the third now in opera:. Dawes, president, Dawes and companv; formally opened at 1 i83 Wilmette ave- tion under Mr. Berman's ownership. C. Hall Roosevelt, General Electrtc nue tomorrow. Opening day wilt fea- He has a shop in Chicago and one in company; Arthur Hargrave, president ture disphrys of ensembles, chiffons Highland Park. · Kansas City Chamber of Commerce ; Harry C. Watts, president, Harry C. Watts and company, Inc.; N. H. VanSicklin, 1r., of A. B. Leach and com- ' pany; jame.s L. Breese, Jr., president, Breeze Engmeering Corp.; John Wentworth, vice-president, Rebori, Wentworth, Dewey & McCormick, Inc.; It's not the camera that makes the por~it~ Bror G. Dahlberg, president, Celotex company, and Oliver ]. Anderson, It's the man behind the camera that . countS; ··.... president, Oliver ]. Anderson and company. · o.»en Ann Remember! Mrs. Clifford E. Ives, 1630 Washingto~l avenue, had as her house g_uest th1s week her sister, Mrs. Rhea Hilliard of Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Ives entertained .·several friends at luncheon and bridge Thursday afternoon at her home in honor of her sister. -o-M iss Virginia Dickinson, 637 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, will be home· next Thursday from Rockford college l»rominent Men interested to spend the Easter holidays with her Officers and dtrectors of the United parents, the Italia C. Dickinsons. Aviation Corporation are: Mr. Scudder, pre3ident; ]. Parker VanZandt, president of Scenic Airways, Inc., executive vice-president; Paul Cleveland, vicepresident, John Burnham and company, Allan Jackson, vice-president Standard Oil Company of Indiana; Rufus C. Dawes, president, Chicago World's Fair; Leonard A. Busby, president, Mothers' Day· is May 12 Just the time to give Mother your picture and have Mother photographed · herself. JosEph D. To1off Out Photograph· · [it" For't'" 518 Davis Street EVANSTON Ph. Univ. 2178 fOVND\IN SQVARL · LVJ\NSTON WILMETTE 3700 WINNETKA 520 E Spring's Newest Modes in D.P. M. Those letters are the measure of electric cleaner efficiency. They mean dirt per minute. And by this measure The Hoover ranks first! Let us show you why The Hoover cleans faster, easier and more thoroughly. Telephone for a demonstration. Deferred payment plan. MEN·IHAN ARCH .. AIDS Timely Arrivals , of Smart Spring Footwear in. the Famous Arch-Aid Line Await Your Inspectton. Come in and see these smart exclusive styles in the latest leathers and newest patterns. Remember that no matter how modish .Arch~Ai~s may appeal to the eye, the famed comfort a·nd gentle arch-support ts butlt tn every shoe. Our careful fitting service appeals to the discriminating woman who appreciates that proper fitting is essential for proper posture and poise. Let your old cleaner ~elp pay for your new Genuine Watrr Snake at S1o.so Genuine Water Snake at $1).50 ARCH-AID SHOE SHOP 5 29 Davis St., Evanston HOOVER! North Shore Hotel Bldg. University 6757