21 WILMETTE LIFE SORORITY INITIATES March 22, 1929 BBJAB BALL 'hA RooM Mr~. Gtrtrudt Findlay to tat" is undu 'discussion. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. held its initiation banquet at the Georgtan ho~et .Saturday evening, March 16. Mtss Jane Olson was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. 0 . W. Lowry and her small son, Billy, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are the guests of Mrs. Lowry's mother, Mrs. Phillip Hugu enin , 506 Lake avenue, for several wt: eks. Kenilworth Boys Organize Baseball Teams at Gymnasium The Monday and Wednesday afternoon boys' gymnasium classes at the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, ha~e organized baseball leagues and .wtll indulge in the "famous Amencan sport" as a part of their regular gymnastic program. ~he younger boysseven, eight, and mne y~ars old-have formed a city league, wtth the follow ing teams: ~. . the qutsdon of "wbue S settle it bywhen coming ben--you'll not regret it. OMETIME. ... '~ We aene a Mpeelal Chlellen Pie dinner on Satardan, and o·r Porterboue Steaks are unequalled. Speciai 'Dinner Eaater- Sunday-$1.25 Telephone Grunleaf .f927 Q04 · Luncheona 50c Dinner 5 :Jo-8 :oo $1.00 Sunday Dinner $1.00 · $1. 2. 5 1 :1 : 3 o to 7 : o o P. M. SHERMAN AVE. (at Main St.) EVANSTON IIIIIIIIIIIIII M rs. J o ~·. cph F. Com ee , 1612 Forest avenu e returned last week from Cal ifornia: She had been in San FranChicago- Bert Smith, captain, Date cisco and Los Angeles for two months. Scott Campbell, John Deacon, Cha~l c s -o- / Here it lS · 4 · .. A NEW Thor!'ien Art Bonntt, Kennth Sm1th. warren' Kna uer, Jimmy Owen, Bobby Landon, Buddy Montonare, Robert An derson, and Jack Lawson. Milwaukee-Arthur Crutte!lden) cap·tain Benjamin McKinnon, B1ll Ste bbln ~1 . Jack Fitzgerald, John Dix, Dana Morrl:o;on, Norman Bemis, Robert Cook e, Bill y Baye, Ralp!l Starr, Robert Moss, a nd Seeley Lodw1g. Detroit-Donald Stillman, capta in , navid Skillin, George Richards, . Bud Stillman, Victor Faulstick, Billy CarPE>nter, John Rompel, Tommy K eith, Walt er Swanson, Andy Kuby and Tommy Ellis. St. Louis-Jack Fyfe, captain, Vem f' Faulstlck, George Simon, Johnny W ee.P.f' , Kurt Taylor, L eRoy Eggert, Di ck O' Connor, Bobby Barr, Braiden Burns, ~tuart Hall, and Jimmy Robertson. FRIGIDAIRE at the lowest price in Frigidaire history .· . and equipped with the .Cold Control ~V OnlJ Giants-Tom Hildebrand, captain, Fred 'V'orkman Don Harper, Rob ert Cutle r, GilbPrt M~Intm:;h, William Spreng-f' r, Dan Killip, Val Smith, LeRoy Demmon, and Rm;sell Baker. Cardinals Steve Johnson, cn.ptain, f'arleton Ross Ni ck Simons, Russell ·Cooke, Jack ~iervis, Mike Conley, Billy Wolf, Junior Timmin:;;, and R obert Vlegener. CubP.-Clifford Hancock, captain, RohE>rt Robertson, 'rom Cruttenden, John Hawlf'y, Arthur Carlson, Junior Smith, Gridl ey D e ~ient, Jack Holden, and Frank f'arpenter. Yn.nkE>eP.-Jimmy Fitzgerald, captain, Boh Be rger, Paul Corn ell, Richard Holmf' !'l, De,Vitt JonE>s, Georg-e .ToneR, .Jn ck N ell eger, Howard Fuch::;, and Woodward And erson. Boys of the ten and eleven year old class have organized baseball teams =1 s follows, using the names of th e major league ball clubs: . I I + I · The older boys' gymnasium class for those twelve, thirteen, and fourteen years of age, is just finishing its basketball league schedule, and basehall wilt be started as soon as this schedule is completed. School for Garden Lovers Attracts North Shore Folk Going back to school with pencils, pads, and Professors is what some members of north shore garden clubs did Ia·3t week. The short course in gardening offered by the Department of Horticulture at the University of Illinois was de~cribrd I as instructive and attractive. Not so much in what was actually absorbed as in the opening of avenues for future information. Lall dscaping, its value and application; principles of planting de·.;ign with cliscU'3sion of some typical planting de sign problems; garden soils, their prep aration and care; insects and diseases that haras'3 the gardener; p-arden flowers and flower judging all were the subjects of keenest attention. In fact the whole course was said to have been one of pleasure and profit. The departmen~ is pl~nning to repeat a similar program next year, if desired, and for that reason has asked to hear from tho.;e present as to what was most beneficial and what might be the nature of a future program. It was unanimous opinion that much good would result from meetings each year of the garden clubs of the state. "It is these people" declared one enthusiastic "pupil," "who will develop the sentiment that will save our trees and wild flowers, who will lead to the repair of ravages along our highways and prevent repetition of the same. These are the people who will work together to make of Illinois one of the garden spots of America." ... $19 5 anyour~me.(Ji'eryeaay . term· if you prefer). Delf11ered complete flU66ed in and worlcin« And a cabinet which adds beauty to any kitchen ··· all machinery completely .enclosed ··· built of steel with a permanent Duco finish ··· and with the added value of a seamless porcelain enamel lining, as easy to clean as chinaware. 4 cubic feet food compartment; 8 square feet of shelf space. ~ I H ERE is the greatest value ever offered in the history of electric refrigeration ··· a new Frigidaire at a price so low that no one need delay any long~r. And it has every essential Frigidaire feature. It even has the famous Frigidaire Cold Cou trol ··· the exclusive new Frigidaire development which enables you to regulate at will the time required to freeze ice cubes and to make possible dozens of new desserts that require extreme cold. Stop in and see this latest Frigidaire development. You need Frigidaire. Now is the time to buy. See this new Frigidaire today ··· in our display room. ~ I J I Michigan Ave. at Randolph St., (1St N. Michigan Av~.) Randolph 4950 Evanston · 1631 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 4410 . STOVER _ CO. Hubbard Woods 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512 Richland Park · - 382 Central Ave. . HiahLmd Park 150 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois At all their ofticea.