Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1929, p. 54

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I Latest School News JUN·IOR LIFE ilmette under 1 uperoision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Told by the· Pupils Publi1htd weekly by the school children of VOL. 2. NO.6 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MARCH 22, 1929 ' . Little Symphony in Final Concert; Hope They'll Be Back Soon The fourth and last of the season'.!-." 1·oncerts by the Little Symphony orchestra of Chicago, George Dasch, conductvr, was given Monday afternoon, March 11, at 2:30 in the New Trier. a uditorium . The cone rt was the last of a series of four gi\'en evt>ry ye:u and arranged by the New Trier Township Orchestral a:-;~ociation. '!'his eonel ud ed their ~e\·e nth sea~on. In the e\'ening after t'\'t~ ry concert for the childr<'n there is a t.'lmcert for the adult~. The program for the last eoncert was as follows: Pr~:>lude to "Die :\It>ll'ter~inger von Nurnb~:>rg" . . . . . . flichard Wagnl:r "ln the Village" from "< 'a ueasian ~ketches" .. l\lichael lppolitov-I\'ano\' Duet for Viola and F.ngli:-;h Horn ""altze~. "Southern Tio:-;e!-:" Johann Str(l. U S~ Ruite , "The \\'a nd uf Youth" Edward Elgar J-~inalt> from tht.~ Nt-w \\'orld Symphon~· .. Antonin Dvomk .-\t the b<'ginning of the <'Ont.···rt l\Jr. Da:-:eh ~aid, "It il' :tlwan: with sadnel'!-: t'hat I ('Oillt> hPrr r,;r the last con< 't' rt . I wi!-:h I <'ould <·nnw e\'erv week This is one of the be!-:t ,"udi'"'n"'e.:. .. '- '- ., that I. ha\'E>." The m·che:-:tt·a pla~·.,u fl\·t· tnO\'t' nwnt:::: from or \·out h." Eaeh om· had a"The difft' \\·and r··nt nanw a!-: "Tiw I.ittlt> He:u·," "The BUttl·J'fl,\'," "Th·' ni·· B"','ll"' ' ~ ' :-tnd othf'r!'. \Valtzes, ··~nutlwrn Host·!-:" i:-: ahout tht' prettie~t pit'l'P that has lwt'll played this Y··ar. It is a ·hnllroom "·altz. Thi:-: conet>rt starts with a Jln·ludt> n nd "" tl~ .s , " with a finn k. The 'Vilmt.>tte ::-:ehools art' di:-:missed nt 2 o'clock so that thl:' l'hi ldrrn will be in thPir :<eats at :? ;:{0. The n udito1·ium is diddl'fl into st>··tior~s and each has :\ :-;ig·n on it tel lim~· what ~chool i~ to sit tht"rt·. The ~ew Tnt>r freshmen nt·t' rt·qut>slt>d to altend and they sit on tlw main floor while the other sC'hool~ hnve tht' haiNmit>.· anu sides. W'ilnwtte is hoping- that the LitthRymphony orchestra eo me next Yt·ar.-LawrencE" Buckmal'ter, 8B Stolp A.n Original Story Don wa:-; a poor boy. Hi::- father had lost ;-tll hi~; money. The shock was too great for the poor man. He died. For th~ )>oor mother, on~ would think losing all the money would be enough but to have her dear husband di e, the poor I woman waH worn out. But still s he kept on !-ilruggling to enrn a living for little Rohby, Helen, Doris, ::tnd Don. Don was n bashful boy of thirteen. After school he went straight to th 1~ I grocery to work for :\Jr. :\lilan. At 6 :30 o'clock work was oYer. But tonight it was late. Don would han:· to run to be in time for the frugal !-iupper h e would recei\·e so h took a short cut through Gro\'er's field. ·A stream ran through the field but I now it wa~ wintPr time and the stn-am would IJe frozen. The s tt·eam did not look good to Don hut he had to get home. E,·erything· was all right till he got to the middle. Then he shrieked. "Help, . cry was answere d · H IS Help!" he crit>d. · "Someont"s in the stream." "We're I com t ' ng." ""uil·k ~.. These were !-iome of "" the exclamation!-:. "Wh~· it'!-i Don," exl'l"t' " tlled B1'll. The ehildt·en got non bundled Ul) in the lap robt>:>. "We were just g~1i11~· . . t'· to m·· uYer t 0 your h ou~e. D on. " "Wh n houo.:e '" "".""" to ··ring vour Christmas . . ~ '<0·. u · prE"::-ent ." "But it's four weeks after Christmas now." "I know but not too lnt f' to spread happiness. See this big turke\·'?"-Rob rta Schilbach, Sixth d · St F · h 1 gra e, ... . · r: .ncts RC oo J L. Music and Play Feature Assembly at Stolp School 1\fisl'; Perring of the Stolp school proYided a very interesting assembly for us Tuesday, March 12. The first number on the p_ rJ)gram was a piano solo, Ruth Williams of 7B at the piano. The . second on the program was a. play given by three girls and four hOY!-> of Miss Perring's room. The name · of the play was "An Argument in the Cla:-;s Room." This was very clever ::tnd· eYeryone enjoyed it Grete von ReinS}lerg sang a solo for the third number on the program. An eighth grade play was next, entitled,"Minimum Essentials." ThE"re were three boys in the c·ast. They were all from 8A. The last on the program was Billy Katz at the piano. He played three selecti ons. The assembly had proved a success. :\files :\feDonald led us in a cheer for :\Ji~s Perring.-Beth 1\:lcllraith, SA Stolp Shirts of V ar_ied Httes Latest Mode With Howard Lads The bovs have started a new fad at Howard school. '.12hey are dyeing their Hhi rts different shades. Patches of red. green pink, and purple are seen in the halls ' o n different eighth grade · bOy!' . rhis tad was started in 8A by Ronald Fuerman and the other boys have taken it up. In ou : Social Science class one morning we were r t!ading about the Colon ial men and women. The men wore s ill{s and scarlets and Mrs. Groyes, our Social Sclence teacher, :;aid that Ronald just fitted in with the men of colonial da:rK The fad goes as far as to have handkerchiefs and socks match the shirt s. Raymond Jones of 8A wears a green shirt with a green h ·mdkerchief. Bill Sorsen wears a bright orange s hirt while Jimmie Dewar 8B wears a green shirt with socks to match. We all wonder what's going to happe n next.- Eisa Carlen, 8A Howard / · I stoIp s·Ixth Gra ders w· .In Cage Title From Howard :\larch J 1, 1!'129, 6A Howard played GB St 1 f th b k b 11 1 · 1· J) or e the as et a Grade (' 1ampwns ll)l of o Wilmette in Sixth leaguP. Stolp won th,· championship with a sem·· o f 4 t o 0· The game was fast and interef.;ting with 6B . th e ::-: 1'1g ht e d gt'. Th e . St o 1P h anng starR were Frank Hooper nnd Tom Finlay::-:on o·f Stolp nnd Hugh Carrington and Robert SpE-cht of Howard. The lineUJ)S \YerE" a~ followR : Stolp Howard Frank Hooper LF Charles :\foreau Robert Reed l C: Vernon Brown Tom Finlayson C Hugh Carringto n Bill StackhousP T F Robert Specht Emil Anderson RG David Haa!'l Lee Blaylock, Howard. referee The g·ame was fast at the start a nd Stolp had a basket before Howard woke up but Howard's defenst> tightened 1ht>ll. . altho ugh Stolp SC'ored oncE> more . We are :;;orry to JosP the- championship hut thE> best man ahvavl' wins .---<it'orge nreen 6B Howard · ' · Teacher Brightens Room as 'Welcome to Sprm· 1\Irs. Stalling, our 8B teacher, has been · · bri'ghtening her room in recogmtwn of early Spring. She has broug-ht a beautiful nPw tulip plant which she :-;et upon a table which has ju~t been moved to the front of the room. The teacher's de.~· k ll"'.~ be"'n pla"'ed 1'n tl1e ba-·k of her .~ n.~ ." .... roon1. 'l'hese "'hange!" h"'\i·e gt'\i·en th"' n. " place a very different appearance. It hal" been disputed whether the remo,·al of l\IrK Stalling's d esk is so she can Sf' : the flowers or whether she can notice '"llether tl1e pup1'l,<· ar"" beh?,.l·ng or not . .. " " " -Virginia l\IcConn~:>ll, Howard 8A '., Playground Board w·t} 1 }} Sk M Stage Ro er ate eet "ill Fighting Warriors Trounce Boobs in Basketball Game The Fighting \\~arrior basketball team of Stolp school played the first game in the elimination contest ThursdaY March 7, with the Basketball Boobs. ·Fighting Warriors won with th e s<:ore of 11 to 8. The players on the Fighting Warriors tf·am are as follows: Jane :\foore Marguerite Mocklf'r, Eo.:ther 1\rcKegun: Margery Houghten, Ella .Jt>an Portt-r and .lt·an ~lunro. · The players on tht> Bask~:>tball B()(Jbs t£>am are: Franct's Ellis, Janet l\JcNulty, Lu<·y Claggll, JUtw Kehl, DorothY Neal and !\fnrtha Gilhofer.-J ean .:\, SB Stolp XOT SO 110'1' Howard 7B cage team, which consists of Edwin Horn, Frank Christianson, Charles Hart, Henry HoffmPyer, Philip Holtze, firl-'t team and John Brumbaugh, Walter Foslund, Thorne Edward:s, AIfred Brown, Tom Livt>ly·, second team, has not made ~uch n. good showing this year in basketball ns it did in football Both teams played hnrd to try to beat Howard 7A but ~:>ach wa ~ unsuccessful The fir"t team lost 12 to 1, while the second team lost 5 to 2.-Waltt>r Foslund. iB Howard . The Wilmet.te Playgr~mnd and RecreatJon board . w1ll stage tts annual rollerskating mePt Atlril 13 ,!\t Third Rtreet :-tnd Laurel avt>nue. The mPet wilJ start at 9 :30 o'clo(k Lnst vert r's winners wt're : Clasf.; ·A girls 50 yard dash. Virginia Todd ('lass A boys 50 ~·ard dash . Billy Norm<,yle 1 ('lass B girls 50 yard dash. Elizabeth Todd ('lass H boys 50 yard da~h. Arthur Flood ("lass (' girls 100 yard dash. Geraldin·~ Bunch Clar-;s (" hoys 100 yard dash. Tom Finlayson ('lnsr.. n girls 100 yard dns h. J ean Munro Class n boys 100 yard dash . Colin Finlayson These winners will probably he back defending their titles .-L~t wrence Buckmaster, SB ~tolu Eighth Graders Rehearse for Graduation Singing 'flw t> ighth grat:es of Stolp school are praeticing diligently on "La nd of Hope and Glory," which is "Pomp and Circumstan ces" in two parts. \Ve are to sing this nt graduation. It is elev.:n pa ges long. We expect to be able t o sing it without miRtnke:;; b~· June. W e ha\'e other songs to learn nlsn for we ha \'e yet to practice for the :\Ia~' Fe~ ti\·a l and in Glee. dub practice we are practicing for the spring <·oncert.-Beth :\Jciiraith, .SA Stolp This Group Takes Long Journeys in Music Land 7C Howard class has been on a visit to music land. We haye been to Hungary and ~pain, the lnnd of the castinets where the gypsie!-' live. Then we went to Rl. ::;sia to visit the pevple of that cold country. From Russia we went to Italy. !'\ow we are in the Hawaiian I~land~. We have had a loYe ly time on our imaginary trip.-Priscilla Jean Burko..', 7C Stolp SPUT~G 0~ Eighth Graders to Give Two Plays This Friday' The two eighth grades are going to give two plays at the Howat d school, l\Jarch 22. The two plays that were written in 8A are ".Mrs. Elda· . .::; Party" by Dorothy Vollman, and "The Striped Knife of Damascus," by Dick Steen. The won that was written in 8B i::; "Dick Wins Out," by Ruth Bersch . They sound very good.-:Warjorie Iverson ~A Howard. ' WAY Howard 7th Grade Girls Study Many Art Posters On Wf'dnesday, March 6, the girls of GET ( a' )J Tt:~TS .:\Jr. Davis camt> "~ednesday, 1\Iarch 6, to g!Ye us our gymnasium te~ts which were <·binning and sit up ~:>xercises. The ba~ketbaJJ thrn'\ wa~ another fete. We have been ha\·tng po~ture te~ts for pins There art> fi\'t> posture tests which if pasl'iffi · entitle~ the girl~ to a pin. The balance tests are l"pecial and open to ~o~chool girls . . They will be held after )C<·hool.-Je!'\sie Steele, SA Howard · CAPTAIN UOW A RD BALL Thursday, February 27, the class 6B of Howard school voted for a boy~· baseball captain. Those nominated wer~ Howard Ball, Alan Henrekson, George nreen, Kenneth Rahn and James Burd(·tte. The bo~·s voted and Howard Ball got the most votes.-Edwln Lance, Howard 6B SE'l' FINE EXA~IPLE Starting at thf' beginning of the week of March 4, Howard 8B tried to see how Howard sE>venth grades went to the gyml\Iarch 13, Howard 6B had two tardy many pupils could get their work in on nasium during Art period. They looked people. They were Lucille Holm Hanat different posters which were there, sen and Jane ~kMillan. They both had time. Theye were a"' foJJow s : Marjorie Warble , Marjorie Paterson, Jane Carol nreceded by the P. T. A. meeting of an excu!-;e. We have had very littlE.\ Sundlof, Helen Miller, Olive Billimack Tuesda~- night . Some posters adverlised tardiness this month.- Jane McMillan Ruth Bersch, James Kraft, Spencer Nor~ sports, mountains, houses, slums, and the'! Howard 6B ' rington. Jerome Nevins, Bettye Kirwan. ocean. The posten; came from Germany, -Be Kirwan, 8B H_9ward. France, Switzerland, Italy, Norwa~'. Sweden and England. The posters wert.! SIGNS OF SPRING very interesting. We then went to th~-~ l\Iiss Stevens, the science teacher for Art room and di~cu"'~ed the posters.the public schools, said that she would Sylvia Jogl, 7A ·Howard. One upon a time there was a little like to have every child in 6B Howard girl named Mary who had no sisters keep a spring diary. I just started mine or brothers. Her mother and father VISIT ART l~STJTrTE about a. week ago and all I ftnd to put worked In the fields alJ day and flhe The Howard 7B clasl"; visited the Art ~n my dtary that makes me think Spring was quite lonely. One day her father Institute Friday, March 8. As soon as 1s coming soon is that It is warmer, sunbought her a dog nnd she named it we got off the street car, Miss Madsen shiny, and summer and spring birds are Buster. A few days later her mother ordered all gum to be thrown away. Miss here.-Jane McMillan, Howard GB was taken ill with a very high fevH. Upton let us walk nround a room to look She was seht to the hospital, it was at the pictures. After everybody had PLAN METAL WORK such a serious case. After that Marv seen the pictures we sat down and Migs The 8B boys of Howard school wlll went down to the fields every day Upton let us walk around a room to look start metal work next month In manual with her father until her mother was Walter Foslund, 7B Howard. training. The rest of this month will well. It took a great amount of be used In finishing our leather work money to pay the hospital bills. Soon NEAR CHAMPIONSHIP which we had been doing during the time they would almost starve. Finally, Monday, March 12, Howard 7A second the manual training shop was closed.Mary 1orked In the fields in the team played Stolp 7C. Howard won 2 Bruce Meaker. 8B Howard morning and sold flowers -along the to 0. It was a pretty tight game. Howard 7A has won all Its games and have road In the afternoon. When her HOWARD TRIMS STOLP one more to win it it gets the championmother came home well and strong. The first. team of Howard 7B basketshlp.-Jack Edmonds, 7A Howard they had a nice home and Mary's ball boys played Stolp 7B on Monday, father had an omce job. Then Mary March 11. at Stolp gymnasium. The STUDY ART said: "Mother, you wUl never have score was Howard 5, Stolp 3.-Jack 8A Howard took a trip to the Art to work in the fields agaln."-Eleanor Stein. 7B Howard Institute on Friday, March 15.-Dorothy Louise Beecher, Howard 6B Yetter, SA Howard (Continued on page 61) I think Spring is coming because the weather is getting warm and the grass is getting green. The little buds peep out from their warm hou~es underground . The robin~ are coming back and those that are back sing Yery cheerfu1Jy. The s un shines nearly every da~·. That is why I think Spring is <>oming.-Eieanor Beecher, Howard GB - -----------------'fWO OX ~1' ;\Ulll" J,JS'l' A BRAVE GIRL

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