14 WILMETTE LIFE , · April 5. 1929 · Barrere Symph. o ny to Close Chamber Music Season Here first concert given in or near Chicago is this concert in Kenilworth. , Tickets may be obtaint!d at the door. Further information may be had by calling Mrs. A. B. Spach, Kenilworth The last program for this season of 429. . Officers of the Chamber Music assoc the North ... hore Chamber Music asso- ciation are Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart, ciation is to be given o~ Sunday after- . president; Walter · Marx, treasurer, ~n, April 14, at 4 o~clock in the Kenil- and Mrs. A; ' B. Spach, executive worth club. The Barrere Little Sym- 'secret~ry. The executiv~ committee is . . comprtsed of Mrs. Manan E. Cotton, phony orchestra, under the direction of Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart. Mr. and Mrs. Georg'e Barrere, is making its first I. K. Friedman, Mrs. R. E. Pattison appearance in the west and the very Kline, Mrs. Phi·lemon B. K?hlsaat, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marx, Mr. and Mrs. All members are invited. There will Albert Olson, Mrs. George Orr, Mr. be a home talent play followed by an and Mrs. R. S. Tuthill and Mr. and elaborate program. Mrs. Stella Mrs. Arthur Wakeley. . Kruppa is in charge of the play and Mrs. Gerta Duncan chairman of the Rebekah Lodge Will Give program for the eyening. Birthday n·Inner W ednes day Mrs. Peter Blasius, 385 Birch street~ Winnetka, entertained members of the Wilmette Rebekah Lodge staff club at' her home Wednesday evening. Rebekah lodge wiJl entertain at a birthday dinner next Wednesday evening at Odd Fellow's hall, Wilmette. The Church of the Holy Comforter is having a dinner bridge at the Kenilworth club Wednesday evening, April 10. Mrs. Ira C. Darling is in charge of the affair. Members of the parish are urged to come and bring their friends for an informal evening. Try a New ELECTI<IC (LEANE~ in Your Own Home Right now, when homes want freshening for spring, comes this unusual offer to help you clean easily, thoroughly, by electric cleaner. You may choose either of these two well-known models and on payment of less than a dollar, have it for immediate use · . . O'W'D ..EEBERAL This thorough cleaner has a motor· driven brush which loosens the embedded dirt. Danmucration FREE PlaoneNow. This is a very popular electric suction type cleaner. Easytouse,and inexpensive. ·~g~ The "Little by Little"price iaUl.n ·2g!!!! 111.%7 u the "Little by Little" p...U:. · eash lUI CeatraJ ..\Te., Wllmette JOSEPH W. IEHOE, DlatrJet Jlanarer Phone WIL 1818