24 WILMETTE LIFE April 5, 1929 --tnmtltllllllftlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll , . Garden Talks reaUstie The latest European Method given by Vanity Box Artistsa regular $20 wave. Special this week only Women's Groups to Hear Rabbi Freehof Wednesday, Aprilll The North Shore Congregation Israel Sisterhood and the Woman's Society of the Winnetka Congregational church will hold · a joint meeting Wednesday, April 17, at 1 o'clock at the temple, Vernon and Lincoln avenues, Glencoe. Rabbi Soloman Freehof will be the prinHe will be introduced cipal speaker. by Dr. Louis Kopald, rabbi of the North Shore Congregation Israel. The subject will be "The Greatest Christian Liberal." The women's organizations of the various north shore churches have· been asked to participate. Reservations for luncheon will be taken until April 12. They are to be mailed or telephoned to the temple, Glencoe 725 . There will be a special display of the \Vorkshop . The Sisterhood will hold its annual business meeting at 11 o'clock. There will be written reports by the chairmen of the standing committees. The most important business will be election oi officers for the coming year. The nominating committee, \\'hich is composed of Mesdames Joseph Spiegel, chairman, Harold Liebenstein, hadore Portis Milton Eisenstaedt, and Celene Friend, reports the following candidates: Mrs. Harry L . .Canmann, president: ~frs. Sam Goodman, first vice-president; Mrs. Harry Jackson, second vice-president; Mrs. Irving Livingston, third vicepresident; Mrs. Leo Steele, recording secretary; Mrs. Herman Kitz, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Simon Westerfelt, treasurer, and Mrs. C. H. Bernard, financial secretary. $· . 00 Contour Haircutting, $/ Shampoo a n d Finger Wave or Marcel, $1.50 Aho Scientific Facial, Hair Tinting and all othtt btanche· of Beauty Cultutt. (Contributed by the Wilmette Garden Club) Crocuses, snowdrops, and blue squills in bloom, grass growing green, eve:yone uncovering his garden, the spnng flower show on at Garfield park, Mrs. Maud Jacobs giving her Monday morning lectures on gardeningCan you wait until May 11, to buy the new plants for your garden? Please do. For that is the day of the Third Annual Garden market of the Wilmette Garden club. Mrs. John F. Weedon, the president of the club, has invited the Evening Garden club to share the market' with us and has appointed Mrs. C. D. Ewer, president of the club in 1925, chairman of the sale. Both clubs are to share the profits and the money will be spent as before, for village beautifying. Each vear the market increases in value and this year it will be on a larger scale than ever before. There will be several innovations, to be spoken of later. All that we want to say at this date is-please resist the impulse to buy plants, shruhs, garden furniture, and tools until May 11. · Then huy them from your garden clubs. Mrs. W. \Vallace Kerr, 707 Forest avenue, · returned last Thursday from a three months' visit with her son-inl taw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lathrop, of Melbourne, Fla., who are now in Evanston for six months. CARD OF THANKS \Vf' desire to express our sincere appr t: da tion for the many beautiful floral offf'ring-::; and the extreme ki'ndness of our many friends during our recent bereavem nt. Piette Dumondes Powder blending a Specialty. Suitt 22 z Carbon Building 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII~IIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllltlllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltl llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS George Schaefer and Family. Mrs. Ann C. Manson Is Claimed by Death March 27 Mrs. Ann Crowell Manson of Chicago died \Vednesday, March 27. The funera l sen·ice was held Friday morning, March 29, at St. Anne's chapel, Techny Ill. Burial took place at Mt. Carmel.' Mrs. Manson is survived by a son, John Manson, and a daughter. Mrs. John Cooney, of Wilmette. Many of Mrs. Manson's Wilmette friends attended her funeral. Her death came only a day after the funeral ~f. her daughter, Elizabeth 11ansonJ mtllmery designer at :Marshall Field's for many years. Walking Down the Street The president of one of Evanston's largest retail stores related that his mother had just returned frotn an extended trip to the West Indies and how she had said, "We had wonderful food vvhile away but how we did wish for some of thos.e delicious Billy Boy nuts." Have you tasted those choice, crisp, delicious nuts from the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen?, I Mrs. Frank Bartelme Is Taken by Death March 28 Ipassed Mrs. Frank Bartelme of Northbrook away at her home Thursday. March 28. Mrs. Bartelme was well known on the north shore, where she had lived for thirty years. She is survived bv two sons, Frank J. and Clarence M. Bartelme, and two sisters. Mrs. Louis Roab and Miss Minnie Blum. Funeral services were held at her late residence in Northbrook Monday afternoon, April 1, at 2 o'clock. Burial took place at Rosehill cemetery. They're FRESH EVERY HOUR HOME FOR SPRING .HOLIDAY Miss Mary Farmer. daughter of the Fred R. Farmers, 915 Elmwood avenue, spent her spring vacation with her parents. She brought a friend with her, Miss Ruth Pickard. who was her guest durin~ the holidavs. The ~irls attend Purdue universitv at Lafavette. Ind. Miss Martha Farmer, who is a student at Lawrence coll<'ge. Appleton, Wis. spent her soring vacation with her parents and returned Thursdav. Miss Leanna Orr. daughter of Mr. rtnrl Mrs. Lea J. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf avenue, returned last week from Miami and Palm Beach, Flrt., where she had been since last November with her aunt, Mrs. Archibald McNeil of Bridgeport, Conn. at the BILLY BOY NUT KITCHEN NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING EVANSTON s~lls Billy Boys PHONE GREENLEAF Your Groctr 519 DAVIS ST. 3006 .. 0/Je, Evenint8 Ti/110-Sunda:vs 11 to 8