Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Apr 1929, p. 24

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WILMETTE LIFE April 12, 1929 Two RAYMOND-WHITCOMB NORTH CAPE-BALTIC SUMMER CRUISES S.S. "Cerlnthle"- June 16 S. S. "Franconie"-Junel9 Raymond-Whitcomb North Cape CruiKa foe almost ten yeara have been the most popular Summer Cruises to aail from America. This year there will be TWO Raymond .. Whitcomb Sum· mer Cruises to the Land of the Midnight Sun. The cruise-ships will be aister-ahipa-the newest Cunarders-specially deaigned for cruising. Sailing just after the cloee of schools and collegea, these cruises have conaisten tly a.ttracted younger people and familiea bound for a vacation together. They may be taken as a complete holiday in themselvea (generous shore excur· aiona characterize the programs) or aa a de· lightful new way toParia. The routea include Iceland, the North Cape and Hammerfest, Trond· hjem, the most beautiful of the Norwegian Fjorda and the cities of Scan· dinavia and the BalticBergen, Oslo, Stockholm, Visby, Tallinn (Esthonian capital), Helsinl· fora (capital of Fin· land) and Copenhagen. The rates-$800 upinclude assured homeward accommodationa by such noted Cunard linera aa the "Aquitania"' "Berengaria" and "Mauretania" u well u the "Carin- there is little more than time for a rubber before bedtime. But perhaps the poor things are only tryi~g to keep in practice so as to forget who they are themselves. As for myself, I sometimes d.o. I look down with surprise to find my coat and then in a mirror, to find my face above it. It is a good way to forget TOURISTS' CHESS 1really imbecility but only the reaction oneself, .to travel in a foreign country alone. \\'hat a humorous tribe we tourists 1 from the bright receptivity with which are! Here in the writing room of the the\' have greeted the wonders of the Surprised as I am, however, it is hotel in Seville ·we sit, some of us writ-d d · nothing to the amazement of the Spaning letters home, the fortun~te reading wor 1 a 11 ay. . . iards. Really, their wonder at the letters. from home, and a large number J· 1_11 the cheerful lobby a hveher .scene tourist is one of their most child-like gathered round the table plodding IS 111 progre.:;s. There everyone IS en- traits, it is as if we still ran out onto thro!Jgh th~ ridiculously inadequate ~ gaged in· the favorite sport of the the street to watch the passing of an f f h automobile! If on~ could charge ad. ?retgn versJO.ns o ome news~apers. traveller-tourists' chess. It consists · · If 1 he world mtght be on the brmk of . . . . mtsston to onese one would grow rich war-in fact this verv night Belgium tn remembenng and matchmg wtth as Barnum did on the wild man from and Hotland' are ready to fly at each someone else the hotels at which, in Borneo. others throats-while we read thor - the various cities of the world, you Aside from the regular tourists' oughfully through the Jist of unknown have stayed. It may be on this trip, sports Seville has much of interest. , who arrived on a certain ship, and it may be years past, there is no time Cathedral, the Prayer Tower from sigh sympathetically ove·r the fact that I limit. There shottld be at least two which one views the green hills (which I Princess so-and-so had two bracelets to a side, it is a great disadvantage to are actually .covered with dust and .;tolell in Chicago. stand alone. cateq~illars-it' is better to keep one's l \Ve ponder over the weather reports. It goes like this: "Jenny, what w~s illusions), a modern studio, which we already a week old. from various parts the name of that hotel we stayed at 111 entered through a letter of introducof the earth and feel that we are in 1 San Francisco? You know, the one tion, where in the shadow of two MucJose touch with affairs of importance. i opposite the station." Jenny becomes rillos and a Velasquez on the wall a Others sit idle. hand in lap, that ex- . lost in thought. "Yes-umm-1 remem- modern artist has the audacity to be pression on their face s \\·hich i ~ not 1 ber the port_ e r had red hai,r and ~e got producing first r~te art. -- - ---- .. - - - . uch R_Ood ~ea food. Lets see. tt heSeviJle! Little, dusty, winding streetgan with 'G' and the street began with ed Seville, beloved of S!lain, bendin~ !·H'- 'High' 'Hoch" . Hoffenstein'" like a Spanish beauty u 11 der a too "'~hat \'"tas it, it was the Genaise." A heavily wrought comb, under the too tnumph. great burden of past glory. Select, private p:uty-visftinf'! sl'ven European countries by ~team"r. The other side is not enthusiastic i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I for they can't remember whe_ther it 1 Journalistic Students rail, motor coach and private car. I 83 Days-Ine!lndlnsr All ExpenMPS was the Ambass ador or the Rttz-no. w·II T I . S780.00 the Ambassador was in Los Angeles. I rave ID Europe Fmm New York back to New York Score for side number one. If both An opportunity for people of jourremember where they sta_ved in Ben- nalistic interests to travel through Conducted by that the Europe together, visiting European 1 ares _it __i s. check-mate-is term :-tt 1t was the same for both. newspaper plants and gathering rna~~GNES J. CARROLL they each score one. This is carried terial for stories, is offered by Paul AND ASSIST ANT Ion with a high code of honor, little Teetor, editor of the Northwe5tern Phone Greenleaf ll05 aSS Sheridan Rd. j ,,·riting on cuffs has ever been known . University Alumni News. Mr. Teetor Evanston · Thf' only regret of the enthusiasts is is arranging a two months' old world I t'1at the Spanish dining hour is so late tour on the plan of the "Blue Pencil club" tours directed by Dean H. F. Ha~rington of Medill School of Journalism, and Leland Case, former instructor, during the past two years. Leaving Montreal, June 14, the party, which will be limited to 25, will sail HOTEL and 'B UNGALOWS for Glascow. From there the itinerary On Plum Lakt' will be through Scotland and England, Mr. an.d Mrs. S. M. Sayner, Proprietors across the North Sea to Amsterdam 1 on. to Bruss~ls, Cologne, Wiesbaden: Sayner, Wisconsin Hetdelberg mto Switzerland. From Lucerne, Interlaken and Geneva the route will lead to Venice, south to Rome and back into France. There w~ll be a stop at Nice before the party wtll go northward to Paris for several days. The trip homeward will begin from Havre Aug. 3, and the party will be due to arrive in New York Aug. 12. Mr. Teetor has led several parties through Europe and for one year,. 1926-27, was on the staff of the New York Herald in Paris. ESl'HER GOULD. S TRAVEL CORNER 1 · I Foretgn Trave ; The Sayner DEAN LUTKIN TO TEACH Dean Pete_r Christian Lutkin of the Northwestern University School of Music, a leader in music for .nanv · years, will have charge of the teach-ing .of music. at. Western Theological semmary begmnmg with the autumn term. it was recently announced. It is the intention of the seminary to give its students a thorough training in church music, not only in history and appreciation, but also drill in the singing of the service in both Anglican and Gregorian chanting, and in the use of the hymnal. The plans for the new seminary chapel, to be built in tribute to Bishop Anderson's 30 vears of service in the Diocese of Chicago, provide for a pipe organ and a library of music. Dean Lutkin is an outstanding authority in the field of church music and was one of ·the committee which revised the Episcopal hymnal a few vears a~m. He has had charge of the North Shore Festival choruses since the first festival 21 years ago, and organized and directs the A Cappella choir. A Distinctive Summer Hotel for Discriminating People In the virgin timber of the Wiscon sin Northwoods, on the shore of beautiful Plum Lakt, only 3 55 miles motor drive over excellent roads, or an overnight trip via the C. M. ~ St. P. R. R. from Chicago, The Sayntr offtrs a most convenient location for the North Shore vacationist." and Motoring may be enjoyed without the sacrifice of comfort. Modern bungalows are located at convenient distances from Main Lodge where all meals are served. Rooms with or without private bath may be had in the Main Lodge. Choicest foods art prepared by a skilled chef and art attractively and invitingly served in a manner to satisfy the tastes of discriminating guests. thia" and "Franconia". ,.,....., RA)MOND a ......... . WHITCOMB COMPANY 176 No. Mlchisen Avenue Glcqo · TeL SUte 8615 ~ere ~olf_. Tennis.' H~rseback Ridang, F1shang, Sw1mmmg, Boating For Booklets and Rates Address until May 1st 811 GAFFIELD PLACE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Phone University 3370-R

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