April 12, 1929 fully d~crlbed only as an effect ()f some, thing else. If th~t something else were inside of the body it scarcely could have escaped detection by this tlme. The situation is Illumined by such statements as this from the Chirstlan Selene ~ textbook, "SclEmce and Health with K~y to the Scriptures," by M~ry Baker Eddy. page 208: "You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness." A moment's consirleration makes it plain that we do embrace our material body in our thoughts. Therefore hoth we and our thoughts must .be infact outside of that body. One could not well be inside of that whiC'h he embraces. We contemplate our so-called physical selves from without, not from within. If man does not really liv<> in the flesh, then clearly he ought not to go on believing that he does. Inspired thought beckons us out of materiality. In Gene~i~ we are assured that true man iR th e image anrl likeness of inftnitP Spirit. A psalm reminds us that we shall be satisfied when we awake in God's liken f'R!':. the likeness of Spirit. Isaiah urges, "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostril: for wherein is he to b~> accounterl of?" .Je~m~. commanding his followe rs to .takE> no thought for thE> body, rl t> clan~s that real life, life eternal, Is a sb:1te of mind. to know God aright. St. Paul seeing that "they that are in the fl esh' <'annot please God," advises Christians to (·1Jltivate a willingness "to be ab!':e nt fmm thE> body, and to be prf'sent with th e Lord." John, the R evelntor, Pxplains tht' possibility of hf'holding new hPa vt>n anfl new earth, not material hut spiritual through mental purification. ' Christian Scienee teache:-: and proves that to lift one's sense of identitv and J'eality up out of the fl esh into i;1fi11it e ~nirit promoteR lwalth and harmonv. Thu!' Christian Science r estOJ'E'R that which was lost. Christian healing. Life was nn myl'ltt-ry to .Jesus. "II i!' the · spirit that Quickeneth: the fl f's h nrofitPth nothing," said he. Tlw !-:if'k an~ ht·a led and sinners arP refnnned through lf'amlng to look outside of the fl esh for WILMETTE that true spiritual animation which alone is capable of maintaining the universe and all that Is therein. ' To the Master evidently it was clear that health Is primarily a state of thought and only secondarily or incidentally a condition of body or matter. To him the sick were those "whom Satan hath bound," the Satan whom he described as "liar, and the father of it," a self-constituted lie or false sense, having "no truth" in it. , Both the casting out of devils, sick, del·1ded beliefs, and the spiritual quickening of those who came to be healed were accomplished through the operation of the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, as St. Paul describes it. Those who were healed were those whose hearts were open to the regenerative influence of that mind o1· ~ense which perceived and retl Pc ted the absolute truth c'OnC"erning God's ('reation. · LlFE Expect Million to View Lights of 1933 Fair From Airplanes Since those making plans for Chicago's 1933 World's Fair estimate that 1,000,000 persons will view the exposition grounds from aircraft, lighting engineers who already are worldng, out schemes for illuminating the spectacle, find it necessary, for the first t:me in history, to lay out their displays so they are · beautiful fr<'m above as welt as below. Lighting will bear the ;>arne importance to the 19~n fair that architecture did to the fair of 1893, officials say. A group 0f spear-like columns rising 800 to 1,000 feet above the ground, and· a massive light tower of ~elluloid. glass and tiling over a framework of ~teet are to be a. oart of the lighting display, according to Harvey \¥iley Corbett, chairman of the centennial architectural commission. These columns will be 150 feet it· diameter at their bases, tapering to points high in the air. Shifting lights of changing ·:olors playmg on the ,;olumns wilt create a kaleidoscopic effect of continuous fire\\ orks, says Mr. Corbett. Another spectacular lighting plan, described hy Mr. Corbett, calls ·~or a huge Gothic tower, several hundred feet high, from which jets of water wilt sprav to much greater heights illumina te(1 hy char.ging-. multi-colored floodlights. Other Ro~tnberg'· NIUJI on · Pagea 2 1, 2 2, J 9 and 41 ROSENBERG'S D.llllaftll·....... ~ .... HOLD RUMMAGE SALE orit~r of Northwestern university held The Alumnae of the Alpha Phi sor- a rummage sale last week to raise money for the sororitv house. The active chapter a ss isted and the sales \\'ere far above all expectations. Miss Elsie Voight was chairman of the sprirtg formal dance which was given last Saturday evening at the Drake, by the L:vdians. a Women's organization of Northwestern universitv school of commerce. Assisting he.r \\'ere Helene Anderson. Elba Burkey, Ruth Nelson. Mary Louise Suttar, Elma Hansen. Elsa Roser, and Alice Emma n ue lson . -0- Miss Gladys Ogilvie One o/ tile Famoua Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knoop, 212 \Varwick road, Kenilworth and Mr. and · Mrs. Tom Coyne, 240 Melrose avelitH' Kenilworth have returned from a six \\·eek s' trip abroad . Silent Automatic in Silenee- Eeonomy DependabiHty-Sales You cannot keep a good product from asserting its leadership. The Silent Automatic Oil Burner is an example of the demand for nothing but the best in heating systems. The strongest proof of "Silent's" efficiency, dependability, econ· omy and comfort is found in "Silent's" phenomenal sales-everywhere! It is not difficult to state the reasons for "Silent's" popularity, for "Silent's" amazing record of suc~ess or for the superior advantages this excellent oil burner offers. Realize that "Silent" has introduced into the modern home a radically new conception of comfort, cleanliness and satisfaction. Will Be Here Throughout Week of AprilJ5,20 O MAN or woman will want to miss this opportunity to consult personally Miss Ogilvie, of the famous Ogilvie . Sisters. Recognized authorities on the care of the hair and scalp, Ogilvie Sisters maintain Salons in Paris, Biarritz, Washington and New York. Make it a point to consult Miss Ogilvie at our , Toiletries Section this week. She will give ·you the sam~ expert advice you would receive at her New York Salon. Each day she will give instructions on the care of the hair. She will be glad to help you select your proper tonic, available at Rosenberg's at $2, $3.50, and $6.50. Booklet free. ROSENBERG'S-Firat l'loOf' N After all-it's what the SIIJENT AUTOMATIC will do that counts! You avoid disappointment by proving your way step by step, by investigating what the SILENT AlJTOMATIC is doing for your neighbors. Evanston Showroom 1620 Sherman Avenu~ Stop aad See Hubbard Woods Showroom Greenleaf 700 900 Linden Aveaue Winnetka 650 Friday and Saturday: La&t Days of Our April Selling of Drugs- Shop Now